KD's Version update history


This is a thread for all those people interested in seeing the history of the updates to the game. I have collected together all the update notes as best I can (some older ones are missing).

Where possible, I’ve copied across exactly what the Devs wrote in the update announcement. However, I have made minor alterations in some cases (mainly to the formatting for consistency). In many cases I’ve had to piece together information from posts I’ve found on the forum so there may be bits missing. Where anything is not 100% certain I’ve written “I think”, plus most things in brackets are additions I’ve made to better explain what’s written.

It’s worth noting that some things are not included in the official update notes. I’ve included a few extra bits I felt were interesting to add to the relevant updates.

The version notes (2015 & 2016)


Version 1.2.3 (December 2015)
  • New AI mode
  • New live mission type added
  • Network connection related bug fixes
  • Other minor bug fixes
  • Also there is an backup option added:
    Online/community/generate transfer code


Version ??? (April 2016)

We have 2 big things, Android version and PvP. We are also working on more monsters, new skills etc all the time. PvP is taking a while because we want to make sure we get everything right, make sure disconnect scenarios are handled correctly, and iron out bugs that were annoying in our Hunter Island days

Added a random factor to the entrance speed of monsters, in order to give a better PvP experience with front line combos.

Added the Ultimate Challenge and Count Lector’s Shadow Arena events.

Version ??? (June 2016)
  • Added support for PvP
  • Added new monsters and skills
  • Your Friend Code will now be shown on the main city screen
  • Changes made to your teams will be saved when you leave the Monster Management Screen
  • Removed certain music files and added a system to stream them
  • You can now see your Restore Code even if it has already been used for the year.
  • Fixed various text issues
  • Fixed issue with turn order of monsters at the start of battle
  • Fixed AI behavior for certain monsters
  • Fixed issues with the following skills:
    Knockback Next
    Sudden Death

Monster changes

Increased the damage dealt by these skills when their conditions have been met:

  • 400sec Mega Bomb
  • Death Roulette
  • Bomb Curse
  • Bloodthirst
  • Dreamhunt

Adjusted balance for Twin Death Sentence and Death Sentence All:

  • Changed the duration before it goes off from 400 secs to 320 secs
  • Reduced the seconds cost from 100 secs to 50 secs

Added a cap to the number of times Give Turn can be used:

  • Each monster with Give Turn can only use the skill up to 5 times per battle

Skeleghoul, Dreadghoul, Soulstealer:

  • Reduced the seconds cost of Sleep All from 200 secs to 130 secs.
  • Added the passive skill Hold Ground (Soulstealer only)

Dolphlare, Dolpheonix:

  • Changed Sendback to Protector Killer
  • Reduced the seconds cost of Stun Grenade from 100 secs to 50 secs
  • Added the passive skill Twin Summon Entrance (Dolpheonix only)

Version 1.3.3 / 1.3.4 (July 2016)
  • Max team cost increased by 20 (from 173 to 193).
  • We added 20 new legendaries with good skill sets.
  • We added a new egg type and currency that can hatch it (no epics on this one). We plan to give out this currency through events (though in limited supply).
  • We added a new login bonus system which is way better. We havent debuted this yet but it should come soon.
  • We made it so ingredeints do not count towards the max number of monsters you can have.
  • We made it so you can delete multiple monsters at the same time.
  • We made some improvements to all events, mostly with better matchup.
  • We made a new event type called Draft Event. Details soon, but its pretty much what you might imagine from the name.
  • We meant to fix the Icerider guy but it got missed… so that coming in the update that will follow shortly.
  • We made some balance changes to some lower cost monsters we thought were too cost effective (e.g. hold ground on Rhynobrawl and Puffoxin plus death roulette TU 50 -> 100).
  • We made the egg look different. Visual only change.

Version 1.3.5 (August 2016)
  • Localisation fixes
  • Sleep killer bug fixed (for Frostrider)

Version 1.3.6 (August 2016)
  • Brand new draft event (Island Challenge). Draft up a couple of monsters, and right against other people’s drafted teams!
  • Rare Gold Egg (40% legendary)
  • Rare Gem new distributions etc.
  • Fixes for some bug created.
  • Revamped daily login - a Legendary monster for everyone!

Version ??? (September 2016)

Team turn

  • Can no longer be used if there is a teammate on the field with a team turn skill.


  • Will no longer be activated by using a move that sacrifices the monster at the back of your team. Now a teammate on the battlefield must die to activate it.


  • Changed stealth into double survivor
  • Changed stunstrike into stun flash

Version 1.4.2 (September 2016)

Fixed login issues with version 1.3.9 and 1.4.1 (all three updates came out in rapid succession).

Version 1.4.4 (November 2016)

Today we released a new build of the game, bringing an increased Hero Level cap as well as a few monster buffs/nerfs that address some of the most crucial balance issues. Today also marks the resurrection of this update thread, which will be updated at least weekly, as well as on any day of breaking news, holiday events, and/or version updates.

New Hero Level cap:
Some of you may have noticed that it is now possible to level your account beyond 100. This is because we have increased it to 150 in order to inject some life into late-game. However, we mistakenly neglected to explain the change in the patch notes, and would like to formally apologize for this mistake. We will be much more open about such crucial changes, moving forward. We would also like to reassure you that we will implement a form of cost-limiting for PVP events so that balance is maintained.

Monster changes

Chronox, Chronozar, Chronozeros

  • max speed has been reduced to 22 (down from 67) and max Hp has been increased
  • Faststrike TU cost increased to 160TU, up from 100TU.


  • Fast Forward Entrance is now only usable after 250 seconds have passed since start of the battle.

Valzaguard, Valzareign

  • Poison Drain TU cost reduced to 100TU (down from 160TU) and has slightly increased damage and heal rate.

Version 1.4.5 (December 2016)

Today brought another in-game update, which implemented an unprecedented new combat feature (Secret Skills), as well as prepared the game engine for our Holiday plans!

Secret Skills:
The biggest change that we’ve introduced today is the concept of Secret skills. This is an unique ability that you will find on some Legendary monsters, which can be unlocked once it reaches its final stage of evolution. To test the waters with such a big update, we cautiously selected Apollorexus, Taloknight, and Deodragon as our initial candidates. We on the dev team figure that if these are well enough received by the players, we will feel comfortable gradually implementing Secret skills for classic monsters over time - especially if the community makes a strong enough case for them. This is not to suggest that we will use this feature to replace true balance updates, many of which will be addressed in the coming updates. We are still listening closely to the communities suggestions, and we’re excited to make good on our promises following the holiday chaos.


The version notes (2017)


Version 1.4.6 (February 2017)
  • Added new monsters
  • Added secret skills to a few existing monsters
  • Tweaked the skills and/or stats of a few monsters
  • Added a Speed Up function in battle
  • Fixed an exploit in PvP that allowed certain devices to freeze matches
  • Fixed an issue with PvP that blocked matchmaking if your clock was off
  • Fixed bug where damage does not exceed the remaining HP of the target
  • Removed the stat cap on revival skills like Mirror Revenge and Sacrifice Revival.
  • Other minor bug fixes and text corrections
  • Prepared sixty new Survival of the Fittest Challenges
  • Sent Garcia to the HR department

Monster changes

Apolloling, Apollodrake, Apollorexus, Talopawn, Talosquire, Taloknight

  • Boosted speed to 97% (Must be retrained by using De-aging Fruits)
  • Reduced the seconds cost of Survivor from 130 secs to 80 secs.

Cryoling, Cryowyrm, Cryokaizer, Unicolt, Mysticorn, Sanctallion

  • Changed skill Create Duplicate to Clone Next
  • Added New Secret Skill: Attack Boost Fast
    Increases user’s Attack by 25% at a 30 secs cost.

Grovos, Grovodon, Grovodeus

  • Changed skill Protect Teammate to Protect Focus.
  • Added new passive skill, Stun Immunity (Grovodeus only)
  • Secret Skill: Dual Give Turn
    This skill gives the user’s turn to 2 teammates. This skill can only be used after 100 secs have passed, and only once.

Drakobot, Drakotron, Drakozord Z

  • Boosted speed to 82% (Must be retrained by using De-aging Fruits)
  • Changed skill Stealth All to Purifying Mist.(Drakozord only)
  • Purifying Mist: Removes poison and sleep from all teammates. In addition, applies Stealth to all teammates.

Bahamuz, Bahamuzar

  • Added new passive skills, Shield Entrance and Poison Immunity (Bahamuzar only)
  • Reduced the seconds cost of Summon Swarm from 250 secs to 200 secs (Bahamuzer only)
  • New Secret Skill: Swift Dual Throw
    Deals critical damage to 2 enemies, but it sacrifices the last monster in your team.

Gleamling, Shinedragon, Aurodragon

  • Increased the Reincarnation odds from 30% to 40%
  • Secret Skill: Instant Sendback
    Sends 1 teammate monster back to the end of your team with 1 sec. This skill can only be used after 50 secs have passed.

Geomegus, Geomagnus

  • Reduced the seconds cost of Backstab from 130 secs to 50 secs, and it can only be used up to 5 times in a battle.
  • Added new passive skill, Stun Immunity (Geomagnus only).
  • Changed skill Element Eradicate to Element Retribution.
    Element Retribution: Same as Element Eradicate, but it can only be used after each time a teammate on the battlefield dies.
  • Secret Skill: Ally Substitute
    Sends a target teammate back to the next in line of your reinforcements, leaving 1 Rockoid in its place.

Horrormaw, Horrorclaw

  • Mirror Revenge now is able to revive buffed AI monsters with buffed stats.

Tombwolf, Necrohowl, Cryptblade

  • Sacrifice Revival now is able to revive buffed AI monsters with buffed stats.


  • Reduced the seconds cost of Energy Charge from 70 secs to 50 secs
  • Reduced the seconds cost of Energy Burst from 160 secs to 100 secs


  • Removed Stun Revenge

Snowfiend, Snowhulk

  • Regenerate: Changed the revival HP of Snowhulk to 15% health, to better trigger Desperate Strike

Rhynobrute, Rhynobrawl, Puffoxin

  • Changed skill Death Revenge to Payback Revenge
    Payback Revenge: When this monster is killed by another monster, it deals massive damage to the monster that killed it

Version 1.4.8 (May 2017)
  • Adding 4 more team slots for players to create more various strategies!
  • Improving AI behavior. Now they are smarter than before (hopefully). We will keep teaching our AI the right way to play Neo Monsters.
  • Adding a small number at the bottom of your monsters and their turn icons so that players won’t get confused anymore by skills like Blood Clone.
  • Resizing monsters.
  • Couple of bugs fixed.
  • Adjusting monster balance (see below)

Change to Cumulative Login Bonuses
New players will no longer get a Chronox from the Cumulative Login Bonus. Instead, they can get it through a special mission in the Monster Hunting section of the online content, which they can access once they’ve unlocked the Cursed Island. This was done because it was determined that Chronox was having a drastic effect on early game balance and had an overall negative effect on the initial game experience. We realize this may disappoint some new players who want to get their hands on Chronox as soon as possible, but we strongly believe the game is more enjoyable with this change.

Monster changes

Valorpup, Valzaguard, Valzareign

  • Boosted speed to 46%(Must be retrained by using De-aging Fruits)
  • Reduced the seconds cost of Confident Strike to 100 secs, and slightly increased the damage.
  • Changed skill Poison Drain to Double Poison Drain.
  • Changed skill Poison Touch to Double Poison Touch.
  • Added new passive skill, Stun Converter(Valzareign only).
    Stun Converter: If this monster would be stunned, instead this monster’s seconds are reduced to 0 or as close to it as possible.
  • Secret Skill: Instant Shield Ally 1sec
    Applies a barrier to a teammate that will negate the next source of damage.

Rexo, Rexobone, Rexotyrant

  • Secret Skill: Swift Chrono Killer 50sec
    Deals critical damage if the target monster has a move that grants turns.

Shogunite, Shogunking, Kamishogun

  • Secret Skill: Swift Sleep Killer 50sec
    Deals critical damage to a monster with skills that cause sleep.

Loneye, Evilglare, Deathgazer

  • Increased the damage of the skill Poison Massacre.

Gunfish, Orcruiser, Warca

  • Changed skill Stealth to Stealth All.
  • Removed sacrifice condition from skill 400sec Novablast, and it ignores Hold Ground and Shields.
  • Added Shield Entrance as a passive skill.
  • Secret Skill: Instant Sendback 1sec
    Sends back the chosen teammate to the end of your team with just 1 sec. This skill can only be used after 50 secs have passed, and only once.

Bazilor, Bazilodon, Bazilogon

  • Changed skill Stealth to Stealth All.
  • Removed sacrifice condition from skill 400sec Novablast, and it ignores Hold Ground and Shields.
  • Added Shield Entrance as a passive skill.
  • Secret Skill: Stun Blitz 1sec
    Stuns enemy monsters for 100 seconds. This skill can only be used after 100 secs have passed, and only once.

Oakspawn, Oakhorror, Oakthulhu

  • Changed skill Survivor to Double Survivor.
  • Secret Skill: Instant Poison Flash 1sec
    Stuns enemy monsters for 150 seconds at 1 sec if 3 or more enemy monsters are poisoned. This skill can be used immediately if its conditions are met!

Soulpup, Soulfox, Hellfox

  • Changed skill Element Retribution to Double Retribution.
  • Added Payback Revenge as a passive skill.
  • The secret skill Rebirth now will revive the target teammate at 50% health instead of 25%.

Gleamling, Shinedragon, Aurodragon

  • Increased the Reincarnation odds from 40% to 100%.
  • Changed skill Throw to Lifeflip Friend.
  • Changed skill Stealth Teammate to Purifying Mist.
  • Changed Secret skill Instant Sendback to Instant Switch Friend.
    Instant Switch Friend: Switches 1 teammate with the very last monster in your team at 1 sec. This skill can only be used after 50 secs have passed, and only once.

Trizar, Tridrake, Tridrakhan

  • Adjusted its stats, making it more offensive.
  • Secret Skill: Dual Venom Sleep Killer 50sec
    Poisons and deals critical damage to 2 enemies if one of them with skills that cause sleep.

Bovlor, Bovolk, Bovolcus

  • Changed skill Bloodthirst to Slayerbane.
  • Secret Skill: Instant Shield Ally 1sec
    Applies a barrier to a teammate that will negate the next source of damage.

Tiamof, Tiamad, Tiamazus

  • Changed its element from Holy to Earth.

Jinglescales, Jingledrake, Jingledragon

  • Reduced the seconds cost of Dual Confident Strike from200 secs to130 secs, and slightly increased its damage.
  • Removed the time lock to trigger Dual Confident Strike.

Atras, Atrasar, Atrahasis

  • Added Hold Ground as a passive skill.
  • Secret Skill: Swift Cannibalize 50sec

Cometoid, Ringastar, Utopion

  • Adjusted its stats, making it much more defensive.

Apolloling, Apollodrake, Apollorexus, Talopawn, Talosquire, Taloknight

  • Slightly increased the damage of the skill Survivor.


  • Added Sleep Immunity as a passive skill.

Rhynorunt, Puffor

  • Removed the skill Payback Revenge from their first form.
    They are not supposed to have Payback Revenge in their first form. This was a mistake when we changed their skill from Death Revenge to Payback Revenge in a previous update.

Version 1.4.9 (July 2017)
  • Fixed bug where you can change team slots outside of town
  • Fixed bug where numbers on friendly monsters were not showing
  • Now you can see a small number on your front line monsters. No more confusion from the duplicates.
  • Added new monsters
  • Tweaked skills and stats for certain existing monsters

We have worked on some monsters and new skills in order to make our meta more balanced and diversified. Like the new ranking reward monster for the coming Ultimate Challenge, I hope you guys are as excited as we are. We also tweaked a couple of the existing monsters this time. Although it seems not much but we do cover some of them players have been asking for, like Nebelronix(I am talking to you, Zard). We will keep working on the underwhelming. Thank you for the suggestions and skill ideas as always.

  • Added extremely rare monsters to some of the islands

A brand new catchable Legendary is out on the one of the islands. Don’t ask me which one because I won’t tell you :P. Don’t ask other people, because they will troll you. Follow your trainer instinct!

  • Added support for Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified
  • A secret monster appearance change

Monster changes

Cryochick, Freeznix, Nebelronix

  • Changed skill Ultrawave(All) to Assisted Wave(All).
  • Changed skill Switch Place to Switch Friend.
  • Changed skill Create Duplicate to Blood Duplicate.
  • Blood Duplicate: Adds a duplicate of the user with 25% HP to the end of team.
  • Secret Skill: Instant Risky Heal 1 sec
    Full heals the HP of 1 teammate, but there is 60% chance that user will die.

Astrodrak, Astrodragon, Cosmodragon

  • Changed skill Ultrathunder(All) to Assisted Thunder(All).
  • Changed skill Switch Place to Switch Friend.
  • Changed skill Create Duplicate to Blood Duplicate.
  • Blood Duplicate: Adds a duplicate of the user with 25% HP to the end of team.
  • Secret Skill: Swift Stealth All 50 secs

Cometoid, Ringastar, Utopion

  • Changed skill Give Turn to Healing Give Turn.
    Healing Give Turn: gives the user’s turn to 1 teammate and moderately heals the teammate’s HP.
  • Added new skill Stun Absorber.

Orbling, Crysdrake, Kamiwyrm

  • Secret Skill: Death Wish 50 secs
    Kills 1 random enemy monster on the battlefield. This skill can only be used once per battle and only if this monster already has one kill.

Darkslither, Necrowing, Shadowyrm

  • Secret Skill: Instant Protector Killer 1 sec

Wyrmbow, Brightscale, Prismaryx

  • Increased its speed from 42% to 60%.(Must be retrained by using De-aging Fruits)
  • Secret Skill: Ally Substitute 50 secs
    Sends a target teammate back to the next in line of your reinforcements, leaving 1 Rockoid in its place.

Dolph, Dolphlare, Dolphoenix

  • Increased its speed
  • Secret Skill: Fast Dual Summon 50 secs
    Adds 2 Rockoids to the end of the team. This skill can only be used after 50 secs have passed since this monster’s first turn, and can only be used once per battle.

Sturmy, Hurridrak, Cyclozar

  • Skill Exit Plan now can be used up to 3 times.

Version 1.5.0 (October 2017)

(Previously, in August and September)

  • Updated egg pools with some previously limited monsters.
  • Added the first one story events to the online stories section.
  • Added “Even Elian can find love” to the monster hunting section.

This update:

  • Increased max hero rank from 150 to 200.
  • You can now re-lock Secret Skills!
  • Effects of monster bonuses can be adjusted and customized
  • Neo Monsters is now available in Korean!
  • Tweaked certain skills and monsters for game balance
  • Renew PvP point system

Monster changes

Mortike, Steelsiege, Bunkerbeast

  • Increased the damage of Piercing Mortar.
  • Skill Load Mortar not only enables mortar skills but applies a barrier to the user.

Albicub, Albastrike, Albakhan

  • Increased the damage of Stealthbane.

Wyrmbow, Brightscale, Prismaryx

  • Added new passive skill Shield Entrance.
  • Reduced the seconds cost of Dual Slayerbane from 160 to 130 and slightly increased its damage.
  • Changed the secret skill Ally Substitute to Link Slayerbane All.
    Deals critical damage to all enemies if a monster(s) has more than 1 kill. This skill can be used only if all of your monsters on the battlefield have the same element as the user.

Bovlor, Bovolk, Bovolcus

  • Changed the skill Attack All to Double Bloodthirst.
  • Reduced the seconds cost of Slayerbane from 100 to 70 and increased its damage.
  • Reduced the seconds cost of Deathmatch Mode from 160 to 100 and it can be used after 50 seconds have passed since it’s first turn (instead of 100).

Lavafeather, Lavahawk, Lavaronix, Leviapedo, Subliathan, Mechaviathan, Gearhound, Gearwolf, Alphagear, Zephy, Zephyr, Zephyrox

  • Except Team Turn, no grant-turn skills can be used on the monsters with Team Turn.

Gearog, Geargant, Geartyrant

  • Secret Skill: Instant Double Repulse 1 sec
    Swaps targets with the next 2 enemies in the reinforcements.

Coldfeather, Winterwing, Polareon

  • Secret Skill: Instant Link Hypnotize 1 sec.
    Puts one enemy to sleep. This skill can only be used once per battle, and only if all of your monsters on the battlefield have the same element as the user.

Geolem, Geomegus, Geomagnus

  • Changed the second cost of Backstab from 50 to 60.

Emeral, Emeraleon, Emeraldeus

  • Secret Skill: Instant Protect Self 1 sec.
    Creates a barrier to protect the user from the next source of damage.

Emtort, Emertoise, Emeraldont

  • Changed the skill Attack All to Reckless Attack.

Azer, Azras, Azrazel

  • Increased its speed from 40% to 77%.(Must be retrained by using De-aging Fruits)
  • Changed the passive skill Poison Revenge to Stun Revenge.
  • Reduced the seconds cost of Link Cannibalize from 100 to 50.

Sunboy, Acolight, Sunlord

  • Changed the second cost of Load Mortar from 100 to 160.
  • Skill Load Mortar not only enables mortar skills but applies a barrier to the user.
  • Changed the second cost of Hellblast Mortar from 200 to 70.
  • Changed the second cost of Stun Mortar from 200 to 70.

Springdrak, Geardrake, Motordragon, Santabot, Santatron, Tinkerclaus, Minichron, Chronogear, Chronotitan

  • Added new passive skill Unmovable.
  • Unmovable: This monster cannot be removed from the battlefield except by killing it.

Buttersly, Flutterfury, Phantomaiden

  • Reduced the seconds cost of Slayerbane from 100 to 70 and increased its damage.
  • Rebalanced the damage of Faststrike. It will only deal critical damage to the enemy with 60 less secs.

Chronox, Chronozar, Chronozeros, Solstreak, Solflare, Solblaze, Toxling, Venodrake, Banedragon

  • Rebalanced the damage of Faststrike. It will only deal critical damage to the enemy with 60 less secs.

Riftail, Whirlwyrm, Torrentide

  • Reduced the seconds cost of Slayerbane from 100 to 70 and increased its damage.

Dubris, Tribris, Tenebris

  • Increased its speed from 34% to 60%.(Must be retrained by using De-aging Fruits)
  • Reduced the seconds cost of Sneak Attack from 160 to 130.
  • Reduced the seconds cost of Stealth from 100 to 70.

Shurikid, Shuriking, Shurikaizer, Rattlesneak, Rattledrake, Rattlewyrm

  • Reduced the seconds cost of Sneak Attack from 160 to 130.

Sturmy, Hurridrak, Cyclozar

  • Made the damage of its secret Skill Swift Toxic Killer more reasonable.

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The version notes (2018)


Version 1.5.1 (February 2018)

Thank you for playing and updating Neo Monsters! This update, we balanced many monsters by not only tweaking their skills but upgrading AI behavior, stats and secret skill costs! Because of the changing of cost, we will hand out an Ocarino to everyone as well!

What’s new in this update:

  • Fixed and improved AI behavior.
    AI will use Overwatch more than once!
  • Link skills now require fewer ally monsters of the same element.
    More strategies to try out!
  • Cloned monsters no longer get extra buffs in online events such as Whale’s Treasure.
    No more full HP clone!
  • Cloned monsters will have the same speed as their originals.
    They come to battlefield much faster!
  • Added more online mission buttons on the Explore section.
    For the players who think our online page is too complicated.
  • Poison now always deals at least 1 damage per turn(except to monsters with Shield).
    Not only that! Monsters will deal at least 1 damage even after they used Protect Focus!
  • Epic and Super Epic monster stats overhaul.
    Now they are all more or less different!
  • Adjusting monster balance (please see below).
    You cannot call some Super Epic monsters trash anymore!!!

Monster changes


  • Secret Skill: Lunar Burst
    Knocks 2 enemies back to the end of their team. This skill can only be used if you have a Solstreak, Solflare, or Solblaze on the battlefield.


  • Changed skill Bloodthirst to Bloodcrave.
  • Secret Skill: Second Dawn
    Creates a full HP clone and puts it next in line of the reinforcement. This skill can only be used if you have a Moonia, Mooniac, or Lunartic on the battlefield.


  • Secret Skill: Swift Cannibalize

Heavenling, Heavendrake, Heavenswyrm

  • Increased its speed from 33% to 81%. (Must be retrained by using De-aging Fruits)
  • Reduced the seconds cost of Healing Light from 160 to 100.
  • Reduced the seconds cost of Survivor from 130 to 80.
  • Secret Skill: Link Shield All


  • Secret Skill: Link Team Turn


  • Secret Skill: Quick Summon Trio


  • Increased the damage of Link Slayerbane All.

Mojimo, Mojicraft

  • Added skill Roaring Entrance.


  • Secret Skill: Summon Guardians
    Summons Viridizaurus, Redkong, Wolfrozen, and Galvboss to the end of your team.

Dolph, Dolphlare, Dolphoenix

  • Increased its speed from 58% to 71%. (Must be retrained by using De-aging Fruits)
  • Changed skill Timestrike to Timestrike Double.

Oakhorror, Oakthulhu

  • Increased the damage of Dual Poison Siphon.

All Mortar Monsters

  • Reduced the seconds cost of Load Mortar from 160 to 130.


  • Added new passive skill Twin Summon Entrance.
  • Reduced the seconds cost of its secret skill Iron Curtain Mortar from 100 to 50.

Evilglare, Deathgazer

  • Reduced the seconds cost of Poison Storm from 160 to 100.
  • Secret Skill: Step Back

Blushling, Nectarine, Sanguinymph

  • Changed skill Protect Teammate to Accelerate Team.
  • Changed skill Bloodcrave to Switch Friend.
  • Increased the damage of Petal Storm.

Bloomling, Floraslash, Blossomight

  • Reduced the seconds cost of Poison Siphon from 130 to 100, and increased its damage.
  • Changed skill Risky Heal to Bloodfury.
  • Increased the seconds cost of Petal Blitz from 70 to 100, but it can be used up to 3 times.

Glowdrak, Finderdragon, Keeperdragon

  • Increased the damage of Link Poison Eater.

Komapup, Komalion, Komaguard

  • Reduced the seconds cost of Duo Knockback Double from 250 to 160, and it can be used unlimited.


  • Changed skill Ultraquake (All) to Assisted Quake (All).
  • Changed skill Survivor to Retribution.


  • Changed skill Ultrawave (All) to Assisted Wave (All).
  • Changed skill Life Flip Self to Slayerbane.
  • Skill Energy Charge now also slightly recovers user’s HP.
  • Increased the damage of Energy Burst gravely.


  • Changed skill Ultrablaze (All) to Assisted Blaze (All)."
    "Pharohjack, Jackkhamun, Jackalhotep
  • Skill Knock Back Random can only be used 5 times per battle.


  • Added new passive skill Camouflage.

Albabear, Holibear, Pontibear

  • Changed skill Assisted Nova (All) to Stealthbane.
  • Reduced the seconds cost of Link Survivor from 100 to 70.

Flutterby, Glitterwisp, Nectareon

  • Changed its stats to make it more aggressive.
  • Increased its speed from 49% to 82%. (Must be retrained by using De-aging Fruits)
  • Changed skill Attack Boost to Blood Clone Next.


  • Changed skill Throw to Catapult.
    Catapult: Sacrifices the last monster in your team to deal critical damage to 1 enemy. This skill ignores Hold Ground and Shield.

Djinzo, Djinzam, Djinzar

  • Changed skill Bloodcrave to Bloodfury.
  • Reduced the seconds cost of Give Turn Wish from 100 to 80.
  • Reduced the seconds cost of Healing Wish from 100 to 80.
  • Reduced the seconds cost of Death Wish from 100 to 80.

Millipyre, Moltenpede

  • Changed skill Poison Touch to Poison Storm.


  • Reduced the seconds cost of Life Flip Self from 100 to 50.

Thank you very much!
We sincerely hope you all enjoy Neo Monsters more and more with this update and events!

Version 1.5.2 (February 2018)

Hey guys!

As I have mentioned a few times in some other posts, we released a small patch today to fix some bugs that were introduced in the previous update, and also made some other minor modifications.

The things we fixed were:

  • Link team turn being usable with team turn monsters on your team, and vice versa is now blocked.
  • Monsters not losing hp when using blood clone fixed.
  • Once and for all stopping AI from hitting unmovable monsters with knockback / sendback! (I hope).
  • Fixing some AI issues related to attacks that hit more than one monster, such as Raizen not using Timestrike Double appropriately.
  • Astrogolem’s Sacrifice Load Mortar now gives a shield as intended.
  • Jackalhotep’s Knock Back Random block condition was fixed.
  • Fixed issue with Valzareign not getting turn from Stun Converter whilst a monster with Stun Absorb was on the field.
  • Fixed issue with Stun Immune being displayed on monsters due to monsters that protect from stun.
  • Small text fixes in certain languages.
  • Other small minor changes.

Hopefully nothing else major comes up, but if it does, please let me know!

The patch is being rollout, and should be available to everyone within the next couple of hours.

Hope you all have a nice weekend!

Version 1.5.3 (April 2018)

Hi trainers, how’s going?

The newest update 1.5.3 has released!
This time we added a couple of new functions we are very excited about.
We sincerely hope you guys are enjoying Neomon as we do!

  • New functions added to Edit Team panel.
    Players are able to reset, copy and paste the lineup between team slots!
  • Players are now able to upgrade their Bonus Potions.
  • Auto Training (can be unlocked when players reach Hero Rank 20).
  • Players can now see exactly how much Exp they need for ranking up by tapping their Hero Rank progression bar.
  • During PvP battles, an opponent’s friend code and name will be always displayed in the left top corner.
  • Players’ Restore Codes on the start screen are now more secure.
    No more unintentionally leaking!

Monster changes

  • Death Revenge is only triggered when the user is killed by enemy monster(s).

  • Confident Strike and Dual Confident Strike will deal critical damage when the user’s HP is full.

  • Stun Absorber will only take stun once if it is absorbing a single stun attack.


  • Changed skill Stealth to Bloodthirst.
  • Secret skill Quick Charge can only be used after 100 seconds have passed since the start of battle.

Vulpes, Lycalopex, Dusicyon

  • Increased the damage of skill Leech, and the amount it heals.

Flutterdrake Clover

  • Skill Pair Sleep only can be used 3 times a battle.


  • Increased the damage of Link Slayerbane All.

Chilong, Panlong, Zhulong

  • Increased the seconds cost of Link Stealth All from 50 to 70.
  • The skill Protector Conversion only can be used once per battle.


  • Changed secret skill Instant Knock Back Next to Swift Knock Back Next.

Bronzeshell, Boxjaw, Moji

  • Added new passive skill Broken Heart.
    If this monster is stunned to above 200 secs, it will instantly die.

Moroz, Morozmas, Frostmoroz

  • Added new passive skill Broken Heart.
    If this monster is stunned to above 200 secs, it will instantly die.


  • Secret Skill: Instant Overwatch
    This skill affects the user. The next time the user takes damage, its seconds are reduced to 0 or as close to it as possible.

The Godfeather

  • Secret Skill: Instant Purifying Stealth
    Purifies and stealthes 1 ally monster.


  • Secret Skill: Instant Backstab
    Immediately kills 1 ally monster.


  • Secret Skill: Bomb Curse II
    Targets 1 enemy monster. That monster will explode and die after 320 seconds, then deal massive damage to other enemies.


  • Secret Skill: Swift Desperate All
    Deals critical damage to all enemy monsters if the user’s HP is below 20%.


  • Secret Skill: Detox Blast
    Deals big damage to all enemy monsters if the user is poisoned.


  • Secret Skill: Instant Purify All
    Purifies all monsters on the battlefield.


  • Secret Skill: Instant Slayerbane
    Deals critical damage to an enemy monster who has at least 1 or more kills.

Secret Skill Cost Change

Azrazel: 15 to 16
Ankoudragon: 16 to 15
Shurikaizer: 16 to 14
Kamishogun: 15 to 14
Rexotyrant: 16 to 15
Kamiwyrm: 16 to 15

Version ??? (July 2018)

Missing the bullet points but here are the monster changes:

Version 2.1 (September 2018)

The newest Neomon update v2.1 is available.

What’s new in this update:

  • You can now toggle 60fps on and off in the settings menu.
  • Adjusting monster balance
  • Improvements to PvP
  • Improvements to AI of certain monsters.
  • Bug fixes.

The monster pool of Rare Gold egg will be changed soon. Please keep an eye on the in game news.

Monster changes

Fuzzling, Aerofluff, Staticsphere

  • Slightly increased the damage of Explosive Revenge
  • Changed the seconds cost of Blood Clone Next from 200 to 160.


  • Increased the damage of the Secret Skill Link Double Retribution.

Slothra, Massloth, Megaiasloth

  • Changed the seconds cost of Exhausting Attack from 160 to 130.
  • Changed the skill Soul Shield to Sacrifice Heal.
  • Changed the Secret Skill Instant Overwatch to Link Summon Minions.

Merabyss, Triviathan

  • Changed secret skill cost from 15 to 16.
  • Changed the skill Raw Double Bloodcrave to Double Bloodcrave.
  • Added a passive skill Sleep Immunity.
  • Changed the Secret Skill Quick Switch Friend to Instant Purify All.

We sincerely hope you are enjoying with this update and Neo Monsters49

Version 2.2 (October 2018)

Hey fams,

Thank you for playing Neo Monsters! The newest update has been released. Some may not find it immediately on the app store depending on their OS. There are a couple of improvements that have been implemented in this update, we sincerely hope you all like it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

What’s new in this update:

  • Improving Secret Skill toggle function.
  • Simplified skill descriptions.
  • Increasing max Hero Rank to 300, as well as achievement rewards.
  • Changing battle screen UI to make skipping more integrated.
  • Adjusting monster balance.
  • Adding new monsters and skills.

Monster changes


  • Changed the Secret Skill Swift Dual Throw to Swift Double Catapult.
    Swift Double Catapult: Sacrifices the last monster in your team and deals critical damage to 2 enemy monsters. This skill ignores Hold Ground and Shield.

Goldplume, Celestwing, Regalion

  • Changed the seconds cost of Seal from 300 to 200.
  • Changed the skill Double Survivor to Double Drain Survivor.
  • Changed the skill 400sec Megabomb to Raw Protect Self.
    Raw Shield Self: Applies a Shield to the user. This skill only can be used if there are no ally monsters with protecting skills on the battlefield.


  • Changed the skill Poison Siphon to Poison Drain.


  • Its Secret Skill Blessing Mortar now also Purifies ally monsters.


  • Changed Secret Skill cost from 15 to 16.

Anki, Ankdrake, Ankoudragon

  • Increased its speed from 37% to 47%.
  • Changed Secret Skill cost from 15 to 14.

Ocelotl, Tepeyollotl, Tezcatlipoca

  • Increased its speed from 33% to 63%.

Diverbot, Mobyroid, Abyssraider

  • Increased its speed from 78% to 83%.


  • The skill Repent cannot be used on the same monster twice.
  • Changed the seconds cost of Swift Dual Slayerbane from 100 to 80.

Wolfrover, Howlraider, Captain Canine

  • The skill Repent cannot be used on the same monster twice.


  • Secret Skill: 100sec Bomb
    Sacrifices the user to deal massive damage to an enemy monster.


  • Secret Skill: One on One


  • Secret Skill: Swift Unwanted Friend


  • Secret Skill: Revenant Slash
    Deals critical damage to an enemy monster if an ally monster with the same name as this monster had died in this battle.


  • Secret Skill: Swift Pull Back 50TU


  • Secret Skill: Link Ultimate Sacrifice
    Sacrifices the user immediately to deal massive damage to an enemy monster.


  • Secret Skill: Aegis Barrier 50TU
    Applies a Shield to an ally monster, and fully heals the ally’s HP.


  • Secret Skill: Instant Purify All

Drakozord Z

  • Secret Skill: Link Stun Flash 1TU
    Stuns all the enemy monsters for 100secs.


  • Secret Skill: Instant Overwatch


  • Secret Skill: Instant Protect Self

Version 2.3 (November 2018)

(This is incomplete, pieced together from various posts people made)

Monster changes


  • Changed the seconds cost of Overdrive from 80 to 60.


  • Blowback now sends the user to the end of the team, rather than next in line.


  • Added Sleep Immunity and Ascension passives.


  • Survivor changed to Drain Survivor.


  • Changed Shield Entrance to Hold Ground.
  • Changed the seconds cost of all skills from 60 to 50.


  • Increased the damage of Nightwatch.

1 Like

The version notes (2019)


Version 2.5 (February 2019)

(This is potentially incomplete, pieced together from various posts made by the community and Devs)

  • Secret Skills have been added to all the remaining Legendary monsters.
  • A filter function has been added in the Edit Teams and List View panel (see image below).
  • It is now possible to change team even if the currently selected team is over the cost limit.
  • Once a monster is “seen” it is now added into the Monsterdex for viewing.

Monster changes


  • Added Stun Absorber passive (the second form previously didn’t have it).

Necropion, Scorpionyx, Onyxia

  • Changed Bloodthirst/Bloodfury to no longer be RAW.


  • Changed Death Revenge to Fatal Revenge (piercing version).
  • Changed RAW Bloodthirst to Bloodthirst (Dragulus only).


  • Changed Overwatch to Pure Overwatch.


  • Changed the secret skill LINK Ultimate Sacrifice to Ultimate Sacrifice.

Magmontrous, Vulcaroth

  • Added Chance Auto Poison passive.


  • This monster is now weak to Chrono Killer, due to the Fastforward Entrance passive.


  • Changed the seconds cost of the secret skill Inspire from 100 to 50.


  • Increased the damage of the secret skill LINK Double Retribution.

Grovos, Grovodon, Grovodeus

  • Changed Switch Friend to Buddy Revival.
    Buddy Revival: Sacrifices the user to add the monster it was summoned by to the front of the team, cannot be used if there is a friendly Grovo on the field (later changed so it can’t be used if there is one in the team).

Tiamazus (14 cost)

  • Secret Skill: Swift Catapult (70TU)

Banedragon (14 cost)

  • Secret Skill: Instant Stun Killer

Nightlord (15 cost)

  • Secret Skill: Timestrike All

Flarevern (16 cost)

  • Secret Skill: Swift Double Poison Eater (100TU)

Shivadragon (16 cost)

  • Secret Skill: Swift Life Flip All (50TU)
    Inverts the HP of all teammate. This skill can only be used after 100 secs since the the user’s first turn.

Shadowhunter (14 cost)

  • Secret Skill: Detox Slash (100TU)
    Deals critical damage to an enemy monster if the user is poisoned, then removes the poison effect from user. This skill ignores Hold Ground and Shield.

Wraithcaptain (16 cost)

  • Secret Skill: Morphean Bomb
    Sacrifices the user and deals critical damage to all the sleeping monsters on the battlefield.

Cybereon (16 cost)

  • Secret Skill: Stun Boom
    Sacrifices the user to stun enemy monsters for 80 secs.

Celestrion (15 cost)

  • Secret Skill: 100sec Nova Beam (70TU)
    Deals critical damage that ignores Hold Ground and Shield to an enemy monster, and recover the user’s HP moderately. This skill can only be used after 100 secs since its first turn.

Stormloch (14 cost)

  • Secret Skill: Death Wish 50TU
    Instant kills 1 random enemy monster. This skill can only be used if the user has at least 1 kill.

Goldtail (16 cost)

  • Secret Skill: LINK Shield All

The Penguinator (16 cost)

  • Secret Skill: LINK Double Retribution

Omegasdragon (16 cost)

  • Secret Skill: Double Repulse

Icefang (16 cost)

  • Secret Skill: Raw Repulse

Version 2.6 (March 2019)

Hi fams! How are you doing?
The newest Neo Monsters update is finally out!

What’s new in this update:

  • New feature: Player profile icons
  • New feature: Exchange shop, where you can exchange 7 Star tickets for certain monsters
  • New feature: Buff icons in the battle for buffs, such as Shield, Stealth, Mark, Hold Ground and Overwatch
  • Enemy monsters’ HP is now displayed in PvE
  • Added more options to the Detailed Filter
  • Updated Friend Chest
  • Zapcat is now catchable on Timber Island
  • Damage will now break Stealth and Shield immediately
  • Cloned monsters will now have the same bonus as the original
  • Execute cannot be used when the monster with Time Freeze on the battlefield
  • Bug fixes, such as seen monster disappeared on Monsterdex
  • Adjusted monster balance (see below)

Monster changes

Frostwings, Flakedrake, Kuraokami

  • Increased damage to the Yuki’s Snowball move.

Frozo, Frozgant

  • Changed the skill Ultrawave (All) to Purify.
  • Changed the skill Protect Teammates to SOLO Taunt.

Flutterdrake Rose

  • Changed the seconds cost of the skill Pair Poison Eater from 130 to 100, and increased the damage it deals.

Fluttergold, Flutterbright, Flutterdrake Daffodil

  • Changed the skill Bloodthirst to Bloodfury.

Lupuswing, Caniswyrm

  • Added a new Passive Skill Lock ‘n’.
  • Added a new Passive Skill Load.
  • The skill Element Eradicate can be used unlimitedly.
  • Changed the skill Stealth Teammate to Knock Back Random.
    Lock ‘n’: When entering the battlefield, marks 1 random enemy. (Use with monsters that have Mark Trigger).
    Load: When entering the battlefield, 1 random teammate except itself will get a Mortar loaded. (Use with Mortar type monsters).

Reapkin, Trickoreap, Reapolantern

  • Changed the skill Megablight to Power Slash.
  • Changed the seconds cost of the skill Lifeflip Enemy from 200 to 100.

Glitchy, Malhare, Virabbit

  • Added a Passive Skill Shield Entrance.
  • Changed the skill Gigabolt to Counter Strike.

Rattlesneak, Rattledrake, Rattlewyrm

  • Added a Passive Skill Poison Immunity.
  • Changed the skill Sneak Attack to Venom Sneak Attack.
    Venom Sneak Attack: Poisons and deals critical damage to an enemy if the user is in Stealth.

Hellroid, Vilegear, Devilborg

  • Added a new Passive Skill Harden Carapace.
    Harden Carapace: This monster’s defense is boosted by 100% when its HP is 70% or higher.
  • Changed the skill Summon Minions to LINK Summon Minions.


  • Changed the skill Desperate Strike to Venom Desperate Strike.


  • Changed the skill Risky Heal to ELEM Healing.


  • Added a new skill Deicide.
    Deicide: Deals critical damage if the target is a 6 star monster.

Beeblitz, Apophisking, Seaviper, Volcagarmr

  • Changed its skill Poison Touch to LINK Double Poison Eater.

Dahargaz, Nilodeus

  • Added a Passive Skill Poison Gambit.
  • Changed its skill Poison Touch to RAW Poison Storm.

Siegewhale, Gryphinx

  • Changed the skill Gigawave (All) / Gigathunder (All) to Assisted Wave (All) / Assisted Thunder (All).
  • Changed its passive skill Poison Revenge to Single Sleep Revenge.

Vegikhan, Fireheart

  • Changed its skill Attack Boost to Purifying Stealth.
  • Changed its Passive Skill Poison Revenge to Stun Revenge.


  • Changed its speed from 86% to 66%.

Frosthide, Hiberzor

  • Added a Passive Skill Sleep Immunity.
  • Changed the skill Purify to Piercing Blow.

Ogrepunk, Ogreblade

  • Changed its skill Ultrablaze (All) to Purify All.


  • Changed Secret Skill cost from 16 to 14.
  • The user will absorb 100% of the damage dealt as HP by the Secret Skill Tardie Cannon.
  • Reduced the recoiled damage from the skill Survivor All.

Astrogolem, Stargolem

  • Changed the seconds cost of the skill Sacrifice Load Mortar from 1 to 30

There are 5 limited Super Epic monsters whose skills have been changed completely. These are:

  • Atlanteon
  • Dualdragoon
  • Arborgias
  • Willowyrm
  • Chimeraxus

I hope you all enjoy this update and thank you very much for playing and supporting Neo Monsters!

Version 2.7 (June 2019)

(This is incomplete, pieced together from various posts made by the community)

  • Added the ticket exchange shop.
  • Monsters with +9 bonus now have their names appear golden.
  • Added super epic evolutions for some island monsters (Demontoad, Thorhoof, Megamummat, Rosempress).
  • Various super epics were given minor changes to make them work better (only some are detailed below).

Monster changes

All Thlug super epics

  • Changed the seconds cost of Theast from 70 to 30 (might have been from 50).


  • Changed Protect Teammates to Taunt.
  • Increased the damage / reduced the recoil of Survivor All (can’t remember exactly, might be both).

The Saintfeather, Gyomurai and Angelion

  • Changed Sleep Immunity to Insomnia.

Ziberius, Bovolcus, Atrahasis, Metatherion, Raizen, Searguard, Volcavenus and Bronzeshell

  • Added the Insomnia passive.

Version 2.8 (August 2019)

(There is no image of the front page of the update but I think it was mainly saying “bug fixes”, “new monsters added” and that the exchange shop has been updated. Maybe also that duplicates of +9 legendaries now give a 6* ticket)

Monster changes

Version 2.9 (October 2019)

Version 2.10 (December 2019)

Fixed an issue with monsters like Lionheart and Twighoul where if they were killed by a buffed enemy the monster added next in line by the revenge passive would be buffed by the same amount as the enemy.

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The version notes (2020)


Version 2.11 (February 2020)

(Not noted below)

  • Changed Scyberithe’s secret skill from Deathmark (130TU) to Swift Deathmark (50TU).
  • Changed the layout of Leogeist’s moveset to be more like the other crescendo monsters (lower forms too).

Version 2.12 (April 2020)

(Not noted below)
1TU skills now cost effectively 0TU, in both PvE and PvP. The notes below don’t specify this properly and say just PvP.

Move TU changes: Percentage reduction to skills is roughly as follows (some moves are not rounded to the nearest whole number, but most are)…

Bonus Old system New system
+0 0% 0%
+1 3.3% 0%
+2 6.15% 0%
+3 9% 5%
+4 11.3% 5%
+5 13.6% 5%
+6 14.2% 10%
+7 14.8% 10%
+8 15.4% 10%
+9 15.8% 15%

Version 2.12.1 (April 2020)
  • Urgent bug fixes with regards to version 2.12.

Version 2.12.2 (May 2020)
  • Added Santabeast, Eggsecutioner, Thugturkey and Yin to the friend chest pool.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 2.12.3 (May 2020)

Minor bug fixes:

  • Leogeist and Bitterbeast (s) can now use Inspire on teammates if they are poisoned but the teammate is not.
  • Poisoned monsters are no longer able to fall asleep (e.g. issue with tranquilizing entrance putting to sleep a poisoned stun converter so it skips the free turn it was given).
  • Fixed issue with Stun Mortar sometimes missing.
  • Azida’s second form sleeping text made clearer.
  • Knockback Revenge removed from Megavortex because it was causing the 400s bug (all monsters skipping turns and being set to 400TU). Replaced temporarily with Single Sleep Revenge.

Version 2.13 (July 2020)

(Not noted below)

  • Gaiarymid’s name was changed to P.G. Gaiamid (lower forms changed too).
  • Fixed a bug with Vigziarid’s transient bash where the counter of 3 before suicide would carry over from one battle to the next.
  • Blitzdyr had the minion revenge passive added.
  • True hit had its damage increased by roughly 40%.

Version 2.14 (September 2020)

There was a change to the monster icons location with the addition of the Monster Bond Quest section.

(Not noted below)

  • Changed the wording on some moves for better consistency (e.g. “attack boost fast” on Sanctallion became “swift attack boost” and “fast accelerate team” on Chromera became “swift accelerate team”).
  • Changed the name of the move “HP share” into “HP sharing”.
  • Changed the mark “damage” skills to no longer instantly kill targets and instead just deal very high piercing damage (they no longer kill super buffed enemies).
  • Changed link survivor to link survivor+ on Pontibear.
  • Added single stun revenge to Moltenpede.
  • Increased the heal from divine intervention from 9999 to 99999 so it now fully heals buffed monsters.
  • Changed the unlock secret skills screen so it no longer shows monsters with their secret skills already unlocked. Previously it showed all of them and allowed you to toggle secret skills on and off here. Long ago they enabled the toggling in the edit team section too so there was no longer a need to have it here.
  • Changed the delete monsters screen so you can no longer delete ingredients.
  • Fixed an issue with game launch and loading time whereby having too many monsters (ingredients) on your account made things very slow (e.g. KD had 7000 monsters on his account and it took 4 minutes to load into the game on a brand new phone, 7 minutes on an older model phone).

Version 2.14.1 (September 2020)

Fixed a bug introduced by the recent update where some monsters who use non-ingredient monsters to evolve were unable to evolve.

Version 2.15 (October 2020)

(Not noted below)

  • Corrected the wording on the skill description of stun guard.
  • Added Moji (s) and Boxjaw to the friend chest monster pool.
  • Revamped the friend system so now people can see all ranks when selecting a monster and people will properly receive friend points from everyone who selects their monster.
  • Changed the hit dual move on 0-2* monsters with the same moveset as Dreadgar to accelerate.

5th Anniversary (October 22nd)

Please note: the legendary egg pool size has decreased from 43 to 35 and featured legendaries are now 15x boosted chance rather than 10x. It seems like this will probably be how it is for the next year, giving people much easier access to featured legendaries. The mythic pool size has increased from 10 to 15 but the featured mythic is boosted from 30x to 45x to compensate, maintaining the 0.75% drop rate.

The “5th anniversary guaranteed egg” details:

The gem purchase deal:

Version 2.15.1 (October 2020)

There were no notes this time.

  • Fixed an issue with Kuromasa’s passive “conscription” where it did not add rockoids to the back of the team when using some moves.
  • Changed the PvP brackets (and possibly matchmaking) to account for the size increase of the playerbase. Notably making sure medium bracket players do not get pushed into the pro bracket.

Version 2.16 (November 2020)

(Not noted below)

  • Added the index number as a visual on all owned monsters in the monsterdex.
  • Fixed a bug with Jack-o’-scorp where instant backbite wasn’t fully healing it.
  • Changed the name “sleep revenge” into “sleep all revenge” and “single sleep revenge” into “sleep revenge”.

Version 2.16.1 (November 2020)

There were no notes this time.

  • Fixed an issue with Haneri not appearing on the awaken screen
  • Properly fixed the summon skills that created half speed monsters

Version 2.17 (December 2020)

(Not noted below)

  • Fixed a bug where on some devices the monsters appear oversized in battles so they overlap each other.
  • The heal from Double Poison Drain has been fixed to actually be 50% of damage dealt (previously it was 180% despite saying 50% in the description).


The version notes (2021)


Version 2.18 (January 2021)

Monsters directly affected by the poison entrance passives nerfs:

  • Banedragon (s)
  • Asmodia
  • Seaviper (s)
  • Blacktitan
  • Bundleblazer
  • Reapolantern
  • Vulcaroth
  • Freezecobra/Polaboss (poisoned burst / detox)
  • Keeperdragon
  • Nectareon
  • Banedragon

Monsters directly affected by the RAW moves nerfs:

  • Raw poison storm on most monsters was always 160TU already and didn’t change
  • Niloxov (s) [poison eater 100 → 160]
  • Jungleflipper [catapult 130 → 160]
  • Padrinorca [chrono/toxic/slayerbane 50 → 70]
  • Jack-o’-scorp [poison eater 100 → 160]
  • Kuromasa [throw 50 → 100]
  • Alphagear (s) [knockback 200 → 250]
  • Rocolossus [overwatch 30 → 70]
  • Thorhoof [desperate stampede 160 → 200]
  • Scorpiogeist [double poison eater 100 → 200]
  • Arachnodrake [stealth 50 → 70]
  • Focalforce [faststrike 130 → 160, raw taunt did not increase]
  • Equimaris [stealth 50 → 70]
  • Blazebones [overwatch 30 → 70]
  • Ahuizard [throw 70 → 100]
  • Regalion [shield self 100 → 130]
  • Willowyrm [raw healing light did not increase]

Version 2.19 (March 2021)

(Not noted below)

  • Flutterdrake’s “pair [move name]” moves renamed as “F.D. [move name]” to make it clearer what they need to pair with and for consistency with the new G.F. moves coming on the garden fairies and the P.G. pyramid golem moves.

Here’s a look at the new name colour for completing lvl 120 in Monster Bond Quest:

Version 2.19.1 (March 2021)

Urgent bug fixes on newly released monsters:

  • Garden Fairy Sunflower’s Vigor Slayerbreak was acting as if it was Vigor Stealthbreak.
  • Botan-Douji’s first form was weak to stun killer despite not having a stun move.

Version 2.20 (April 2021)

(Not noted below)

  • Fixed a bug with Mantiferno’s accelerate entrance where the accelerate only lasted for one move use.
  • Fixed a bug in PvP where if you input a move just as the timer hit 0s then using a move in the same position on the next monster’s turn would use the targeting of the previously input move (i.e. you could make any move become hit all).
  • The bug listed below about Sakuralisk’s bloodthirst was actually an issue with dreamcrush counting as two kills for the user.

Version 2.21 (May 2021)

(Not noted below)

  • Added minisplash to Yuki, so it can now use a move without sacrificing itself (very relevant for lining up Kuraokami’s moves).
  • Added miniblight to Noxegg, so it can now use a move without sacrificing itself.
  • Changed the friend chest so when you finish collecting your 5 free daily friend chests it closes the hatching menu rather than returning to its front page. This means people will no longer accidentally spend gems by over-clicking.
  • Added the list of the monster pool for friend chest.
  • Changed the wording on Lucifelle’s charm to say “by this skill” to make it clearer that the enemy can still be slept by other effects.
  • Changed the name of poison gas+ to poisonous wind (so far only Gorgodrake has this move).

Version 2.21.1 (June 2021)

Urgent bug fix for PvP where players sometimes cannot take turns or skip, caused by changes made to fix the invisible monsters.

Version 2.22 (July 2021)

(Not noted below)

  • Removed the ability to select your own shared monster if you befriend yourself.
  • Improved some monsters’ move animations, specifically for buffs (e.g. cobalt coating, terminator mode).
  • Achievement updates were a second page to all limited-time events as well as achievements for online story hell mode.
  • Friend chests are now only 10 at a time and the daily free amount was increased from 5 to 10. When collecting the free 10 it no longer closes the hatching menu, it simply returns right back to the friend chest screen.
  • Mythics now appear with +9 bonus when viewed in the monster bond quest screens.
  • Persephia’s cost was reduced from 16 to 15.
  • Medbie’s cost was reduced from 16 to 15.
  • Rodeknight’s cost was reduced from 16 to 15.
  • Fixed a bug where Sharkrex’s raw backbite could be used when you have a protector teammate but not used when you have a protector next in line.
  • Fixed a bug where Cynthia’s quick draw could be used while having a Mantiferno teammate.

Version 2.23 (August 2021)

A little look at what having monsters with completed bond quest look like, with the new “stars rising” animation:

The new battle buff icons (previously only stealth, shield, overwatch, marked and hold ground):

(Not noted below)

  • “friend code”, “restore data” and “restore code” have been renamed as “friend ID”, “transfer data” and “transfer number” to better explain their use.
  • The background of the monsters menu screen is no longer black. It now shows the same as the current background screen of whatever section of the game you’re on.
  • Changed the colour of poison text from orange to green to make it more distinctive and fitting.
  • Added a pink shadow to the text of special ingredients mission for collecting the moalith.
  • Removed the message when starting PvP matchmaking that warns you need a stable internet connection.
  • Eggs now have a one-time option to buy a pack for 10 paid gems.
  • Enrage teammate / vile rage now gives +100% attack stat to the target from 0-5* monsters (previously +50% and only 100% on 6-7* monsters).

Version 2.23.1 (September 2021)
  • Visual bug fixes to a few things caused in version 2.23 update. For example, some players saw dotted lines in battles showing where buff icons are created.
  • Fixed a visual bug with Island Challenge where the number of remaining entry tokens simply displays as “6”, rather than “X/6”.

Version 2.24 (October 2021)

Here’s what the PvP player timer is:

(Not noted below)

  • Updated from unity 2017 to 2020, causing some unusual resizing issues for some players based on their device as well as other issues.

6th Anniversary (October 22nd)

^ NOTE: The legendary egg pool size has increased from 35 to 40 but the featured legendaries are still 15x boosted chance so they’ve dropped from 0.75% each to 0.706%. The overall chance for a featured legendary has dropped from 2.25% to 2.118%. I doubt this will make too much difference, it’s a decrease of about 6% featured legendaries from our gems and bear in mind our free gems have pretty much tripled now we’ve got the fortune shrine. The mythic pool size has increased from 15 to 21 but the featured mythic is boosted from 45x to 63x to compensate, maintaining the 0.75% drop rate. What this mainly means is the chance for specific standard pool mythics is now insanely low.

The “6th anniversary guaranteed egg” details:

The gem purchase deal:

The neo ticket:

Version 2.24.1 (October 2021)
  • Fixed the app icon displaying as the unity logo after the previous update.
  • Partially fixed the login issue caused by the latest update for all phones using non-English/Japanese/Chinese language.

Version 2.24.2 (October 2021)
  • Fully fixed the login issues.
  • Fixed ticket refilling display issues seen by some players, caused by the unity 2020 update.
  • Fixed game freezing issues experienced when using sacrifice skills and other moves or parts of the game with a similar pop-up prompt.

Version 2.24.3 (November 2021)
  • Fixed a mistake with Cephalogandr where the secret skill was infinite use.
  • Corrected the wording on Garden Fairy Hibi’s skill G.F. Painful Grab so it no longer says it ignores sleep and shields (the target has to be poisoned, so this was irrelevant - most likely a remnant of a previous version of the skill where the enemy didn’t have to be poisoned).
  • Fixed an issue with Wilhelmina’s first form where the moves did nothing to the target.
  • Fixed an issue with gem purchases for some people where they would get an error and their bought gems would take a while to sync on their account.

Version 2.25 (December 2021)

(Not noted below)

  • Fixed an issue caused in the latest update where it was not possible to click some buttons like the UI while in some parts of the game (e.g. all the buttons at the bottom while in a dungeon, the cancel button when searching for a match in PvP).
  • Baby summon now creates a 1st form with the same bonus and stat buff as the monster which created it (e.g. An enemy Plumesilisk in PvE will create a +9 Cockiedrake with whatever stat buff the enemies have in that content).
  • Reduced the damage dealt by fatal sting in line with its TU reduction (it’s now a slightly stronger poison touch).


The version notes (2022)


Version 2.26 (February 2022)

(Not noted below)

  • Mantisword now takes legendary potions to get bonus, rather than epic potions.
  • Removed the continue button from the evolution and secret skill unlock, leaving just the back arrow to return.
  • Fixed the Spanish text for Onyxia’s fatal sting to correctly say “even if the user leaves” rather than “even if they leave” (it made it look like enemies would re-enter with the death sentence still on them, but go away if Onyxia dies - the wrong way around).
  • Removed the hero exp rewards from the boss battles and extra battles in the Whale’s Treasure event. These were 100, 200, 300 experience respectively from extra battles and 500 from the boss battles (ultimately not very much at all).

Version 2.26.1 (February 2022, IOS only)
  • Fixed the login issue some players were experiencing with the latest update on IOS.

Version 2.27 (March 2022)

(Not noted below)

  • The text for all names we can input are now a much more generic looking font, rather than the nice one before. It’s a small compromise to make for all the non-English players.
  • The load mortar battle icon displays in battles, but is not yet on the info screen.
  • Scolopendragon also had the damage of death bite IV (the secret skill) increased to 10x the amount, meaning it one-shots even the most buffed enemies.
  • St. Togala also had swift charge ally get a 50s restriction from start of battle (only matters at high bonus - you can reduce entrance speed bonus to +5 or lower to still use this in the front line, the lower the go the more reliable it will be).
  • Jocodragon’s scale breaker has the same name as Scolopendragon’s but did not gain piercing (this was probably an oversight).
  • Hawknight’s secret skill had the description corrected to note the 100s restriction from start of battle.
  • The gold egg now features specific mythics from the standard pool to let you target them.
  • Using the “Reset” button in edit team now also sets the name back to default.

Version 2.28 (April 2022)

(Not noted below)

  • Added MBQ for 31 more legendaries. This now covers almost all of the older monsters so all that’s left are newer ones and some shiny monsters from the shop.
  • Added MBQ for all mythics that were missing them.
  • This wasn’t in this update, but in either 2.26 or 2.27 nullifying strike had its damage increased significantly. It’s now 2/3 the strength of chrono killer and 1/3 stronger than zealous attack. It’s a little too weak to one-shot, unless it’s from a high attack monster then it can kill squishier enemies of the same quality.

Version 2.28.1 (April 2022)
  • (I think) Initial attempt to fix a PvP bug introduced in version 2.28.

Version 2.28.2 (May 2022)
  • Fixed a bug in PvP (introduced in version 2.28) where if a payback/death revenge monster was killed and the next monster on the opponent’s team had an entrance passive the game would freeze.

Version 2.29 (June 2022)

(Not noted below)

  • Elemphox buff not actually fixed. They fixed it for PvP prior to the update but broke it again with the update. It still gives +200% stats rather than +100%.

Version 2.30 (July 2022)

(Not noted below)

  • Elemphox buff now actually fixed.
  • Crimseias’ pure cure+ now heals by an enormous amount (35 million), so it properly fully heals super buffed monsters.
  • Ammityrant’s sin punishment move is now correctly not triggering revenges (it was sometimes triggering them).
  • Woperdoom (all evolutions) had bloodcrave changed to union attack.
  • PvP data was added to the PvP section (where we can see our current season and all-time records).
  • Changed the scoring system in Ultimate Challenge for levels 2001+ to help tackle tie breaks in the top 10 of the leaderboard. Previously the final three digits of score would be based on enemy team strength, which is basically RNG because you cannot choose your opponent. However, now (after level 2000) you obtain bonus score calculated by how fast you complete the battles. They add up cumulatively but cannot amount to as much as an extra battle win (it’s not possible to earn that much). Hence, if you tie for a position then whoever did all their battles faster from lvl 2000 onwards will be placed ahead.

Version 2.31 (September 2022)

(Not noted below)

  • Made limited-time login bonuses no longer a specific icon on the online screen you need to click. Now they are automatically granted when you log into the online section. This setup allows newly joined players to claim all login rewards even if they joined on one of the last days (the days count from when you first log in).
  • Reverted the hold ground → shield entrance to Bastia change in this update 24 hours later due to player feedback and because serene field disabled Bastia’s own shield entrance.

Version 2.32 (October 2022)

Here’s the Chronozeros mythic form (Chronozillion) evolution information and the new achievements added to the online section, page 3…

(Not noted below)

  • All accelerate effects no longer have diminishing returns when used on monsters with bonus (e.g. a 100TU move at +9 is 85TU and when accelerated is now 68TU (-20%), rather than 70TU (-17.6%). Elem accelerate reduces TU by 26.5%, rather than the stated 25% (this is the same as it was before).
  • Fixed the bug where it’s possible to see a PvP opponent’s team during ranked PvP if the match was a draw (I think - needs confirming).
  • Link poison eater is actually 50TU → 70TU, not 100TU.
  • Majorie’s magical wind is actually 60TU in awakened form. Sleep roulette is 60TU in all forms (may have been 70TU before).
  • Pure cure standard TU was reduced to 130TU, but Lilithia had hers reduced to 100TU (on top of the other buff mentioned).
  • Asmodia had instant poison storm take on this new condition of “100s from start of battle” which replaced her “100s from first turn”. This means she can use it as soon as she enters to help deal enough damage with whip or to remove shields that haven’t broken yet because it’s her roaring entrance turn.
  • Bastia had shield entrance changed back to hold ground.
  • The exclusion filter is done by clicking an extra time on a filter.
  • Chronozillion got its monster bond quest added (now you can do both Chronozeros and Chronozillion with this monster for the rewards).

Version 2.32.3 (October 2022)
  • Fixed an issue with gem purchasing in some regions where the buttons did not display prices and didn’t work when clicked. Note: Gem prices were recently rebalanced across the world to reflect inflation, rising costs of living due to the global political situation and, in some cases, because Android and Apple were not consistent.

7th anniversary (October 22nd)

^ NOTE: The mythic egg pool size has increased from 21 to 26, making the chance for a featured mythic go down from 0.75% to 0.708%, basically matching the rate we’ve had for featured legendaries since the 6th anniversary. This makes it a little harder to awaken mythics. EDIT: This was just for a few eggs, then it increased back to 0.75%.

We’ve also now got two gold eggs each day, meaning there’s far more opportunities to hatch for standard pool mythics (they go on a 13-day cycle).

The “7th anniversary guaranteed egg” choices (these are basically all the limited mythics that exist right now, separated by element). They have the usual price of 20 paid gems:

The gem purchase deal:

The neo ticket:

Version 2.33 (December 2022)

Here’s a look at what the daily missions and HP boost is like…

Here’s a quick breakdown of the change to max tickets with hero rank…

New version:

Hero ranks Description Tickets
1-52 +1 ticket each level 50-101
53-70 +1 ticket every 2 levels 101-110
71-100 +1 ticket every 3 levels 110-120
101-140 +1 ticket every 4 levels 120-130
141-210 +1 ticket every 5 levels 130-144
211-300 +1 ticket every 2 levels 144-189

Old version:

Hero ranks Description Tickets
1-70 +1 ticket each level 12-81
71-100 +1 ticket every 2 levels 81-96
101-150 +1 ticket every 3 levels 96-113
151-300 +1 ticket every 2 levels 113-188

(Not noted below)

  • The version is actually 2.33, 2.23 is a typo.
  • There is a new battle background, added for Super Epic monster bond quest battles.
  • The daily mission for 200 tickets used was reduced to 150 tickets after the first day.
  • You can see the new max tickets for each hero rank in this guide: KD’s Hero Rank guide (a quick summary is above)
  • Bastia’s knockback random is now 160TU, rather than the 130TU it originally was before the nerf in version 2.31.
  • Onyxia went from standard attack to full defence.
  • True hit crucially now kills almost all monsters with defence buffs, to deal with a few cases of these monsters being effective behind protectors and hard to counter.
  • Changed Maggatoid’s poison gas 50TU → 70TU, it was missed when all the others were changed in 2.32.

1 Like

The version notes (2023)


Version 2.34 (February 2023)

Pity counter details:

Button for disabling auto-battle staying on after battles completed with it:

(Not noted below)

  • Overconfident strike moves now deal +60% damage when the monster is at 100% HP, like normal confident strike moves.
  • HP boosted friend monsters now come with their HP boost.
  • Daily missions now have a “claim all” button and there’s a countdown timer shown from the online section to say when they will refresh.
  • A “pity counter” (pity timer) has been added to egg hatching where if you don’t get the featured mythic for 30x 10-packs in a row you will get it guaranteed in that 30th pack. Note that this is just 30 packs hatching in that particular egg.
  • Infect status has been added to the status screen (for an upcoming monster!)
  • The bug where super epics with MBQ lvl 120 completed stopped having the shining animation after reloading the game has been fixed.
  • The bug where Moltenpede (s) and Bonetalon (s) had no animation for some users has been fixed.
  • Various AI improvements happened. For example, Rexterminator now more reliably uses both damage moves when they are charged (rather than just laser blast).

Version 2.35 (March 2023)

(Not noted below)

  • The bug fix to the stance passives also fixed the bonus damage enrage teammate gave (5x and 10x rather than the normal 2x it should’ve been).

Version 2.36 (April 2023)

(Not noted below)

  • No new monsters were actually added.
  • An example of an AI change, Jackolene now correctly uses squash / duo attack when they can critical.

Version 2.37 (May 2023)

(Not noted below)

  • Hazuki no longer comes with buffed stats when killed by a buffed enemy.

Version 2.38 (July 2023)

New feature: Profile

Here we can choose a background and up to 16 icons we want to display (in whatever positions we like). There are now hundreds of icons in the game so this lets us show a lot more than just 1, as well as potentially some artistic presentation.

We can view other people’s profiles on any friend select screen or on the PvP battle log.

The new milestone icons:

(Not noted below)

  • The PvP limit number has moved slightly down on the right so it doesn’t cover up the “favourite” icon.
  • You can view people’s profile on the PvP battle log screen (screenshot above).
  • New milestone icons were added (screenshot above).
  • Fixed a bug where Wolhammer’s supreme shield (nullify 2 hits) would get overridden by a single shield.

Version 2.38.3 (July 2023)

(A couple of these were in version .1 and .2)

  • Fixed many causes of battles failing to complete and forcing the player to reload the game. E.g. Rockoids dying to their entrance passive as the final monster dying on the battlefield. NOTE: There have always been some edge cases that sometimes trigger this bug. After a recent update there was a big rise in more common things causing it, so that is what has been fixed but there will likely be some cases of this happening to people or future edge cases arising which cause it.
  • Fixed a bug where knocking back Abyssclaw would make it take no damage from any attacks upon re-entry.
  • Fixed a bug where Dreadmoth would not keep bonus as it morphs into the other versions.
  • Fixed a bug where some users were getting server errors when trying to change things in their profile page.

Version 2.39 (August 2023)

New battle icons:

^ “Skill ready”
^ “Attack/Defence boost”
^ “Rose counter”

(Not noted below)

  • The “skill ready” icon will not show when time restricted secret skills are ready, to keep them secret.
  • Torpedorus no longer uses neurotoxin if the enemy team has a stun counter.
  • Hero ranks beyond 301 now properly display to other players (they all displayed as 301).
  • New sound effects have been added for various skills and passives. Here’s the full list of them: ASMR, Terrorize, Terminal Virus, Blizzard (All), Frozen Wave, Goddess’ Protection, Vow, Fermata, Drift, Heart Burst, Pounce, Clumsy Entrance.
  • The PvP timer now flashes in the middle of the screen when it is low, so it is much clearer than just a number off to the side.
  • The Dreadmoth bug fix was actually in the previous update (2.38.3), but that had no release notes so they added it here.

Version 2.40 (September 2023)

(Not noted below)

  • Added “skill ready” icon to poison bomb and double drain survivor (they were missed last update).
  • Coretta instant sendback → instant sendback ex (no 50s restriction from start of battle).
  • PvP daily gem went from “complete 5 PvP matches” to “defeat 30 monsters”. This was predominantly to stop people going in with a cannibalise monster to quickly lose the battle.

Version 2.41 (October 2023)

(Not noted below)

  • Fixed Beetlebrute’s survivor bane to count 200s from the start of battle for front line monsters, rather than 200s from the first monster’s turn.
  • Added the checkmark icon for when poison bomb is ready.
  • Fixed Blazetail’s animation sometimes not displaying.

8th anniversary (October 22nd)

The “8th anniversary guaranteed egg” choices (these are basically all the limited mythics that exist right now, separated by element). They have the usual price of 20 paid gems:

The gem purchase deal:

The neo ticket:

Starters get a legendary form:

Version 2.42 (November 2023)

The NSFW filter:

(Not noted below)

  • Captain Canine’s show of power had a name change to sacrifice stun (it kept the original effect, while Huskegon changed).
  • It now says the names and forms of the monster on the monster stats screen (see above).
  • The “HP boost rework” means monsters now get different amounts of HP (instead of all +1000) so mythics are no longer the clear best option. Also, you can remove a boost for the cost of 10 ores (previously not possible to remove at all).

Version 2.43 (December 2023)

(Not noted below)

  • Refunded players the 10*x ores they previously used to reset HP boost
  • Lots of moves got new skill effects and sounds (list below may not be all):
    • Cat monsters have some skills with Meow sound
    • Machine monsters have a new sound for some skills, so far only clone (Doomengine) and stats buff (Xyz)
    • Beast sounds for Cannibalize, Backbite and skills that sacrifice teammates of beast-looking monsters
    • Laser sound for Laser/Plasma moves (machine monsters)
    • Howling sound for wolf or dog monsters (e.g. Hanzowolf cloning)
    • Dragon roaring sound for some dragon monsters’ secret skills (e.g. Chronozillion and Kuraokami)
    • Alien sounds for alien (Purpie)
    • Flower pedal attacking effect for all G.F. monsters, Nyx, Luna and Rosegeist

Version 2.43.1 (December 2023)
  • Fixed an issue with blood clone next failing and stunning the user for 400s, introduced in the latest update
  • Fixed the German text for Lilithia’s 2nd form passive (it said it granted stealth only, not stealth+shield)
  • Made earthquake get blocked from use by time freeze


The version notes (2024)


Version 2.44 (January 2024)

(Not noted below)

  • Changed some displays of text to make them clearer, typically adding a backing colour behind numbers. Also, made the “New” text for monsters you don’t own larger.
  • Introduced a bunch of bugs, subsequently fixed.

Version 2.44.1 (January 2024)

Bug fixes from 2.44

  • Fixed a bug where HP boosted monsters blocked access to PvP.
  • Fixed a bug where Fyrielle’s skills could not be viewed in a battle (gave boss skills message).
  • Fixed a bug with raw skills (and similar ones requiring no protector teammate) getting blocked when you have fewer than four monsters on the battlefield.
  • Fixed a bug with buff icons not displaying correctly (appearing when they shouldn’t, not appearing when they should), for PvP only so far and will be for PvE next update.
  • Fixed a bug with Leira showing that it had auto-poison while in a battle, which also had some unexpected effects (not just a visual bug).

Other changes

  • Reset everyone’s ELO in PvP, to deal with some problems that had occurred on the top end.

Version 2.45 (February 2024)

(Not noted below)

  • The changes to Stormloch and Shadowhunter are actually to their shiny versions (sleep immunity for Stormloch (s) and stun immunity for Shadowhunter (s)).
  • Increased the standard number of training points from 99 to 100.
  • Changed the animation of stealthbane moves to make it unique.
  • Changed the animation of exile and oust to be more fitting (now it looks like it checks all monsters then selects the one on highest/lowest TU to kill).
  • Switched the position of some moves on the final forms of the monsters that has their lower form movesets changed. E.g. Bovolcus and Atrahasis had 3rd and 4th moves swapped position.
  • Fixed a bug with karma chain where the monster dying through any means will trigger the karma chain (revenge negated, kill granted to Trimaegus). Now it only triggers when the monster gets a kill.
  • Fixed the bug with buff icons not displaying correctly for PvE.
  • Changed the AI for Djinzar to use the wish moves properly rather than spam uncharged bloodfury until a teammate is on high TU for give turn wish.
  • Fixed a bug with 2nd form Abyssoldier Breaker (Fishsoldier Olivine) with its attacks piercing when they shouldn’t.

Version 2.46 (April 2024)

Egg banner visual design, before and after:

(Not noted below)

  • Egg banners were redesigned (see above).
  • Fyrielle’s second form also got a TU reduction on guardian demise.
  • Various minor UI changes have happened across the board, e.g. for some devices certain texts, like the loading text, will display smaller.
  • The “speed up” button is no longer visible at the start of a battle when enemies are dropping into position. This means it’s not possible to toggle it to speed up the dropping in animation.
  • There are now two egg banners on each of the usual days they release (Monday, Wednesday, Friday), so they can cycle through the limited mythics faster. The number of limited legendaries featured has dropped from 3 to 2 with seemingly no adjustment to their drop rate. Festivals typically feature more legendaries (similar to before).
  • Having the secret skill on a shared monster will no longer sort it behind monsters with their secret skill off in the selection screen (this happened for non-friends, resulting in a huge skew towards monsters without SS getting picked far more).
  • Added a new visual effect for Doomgoo’s spear of despair.

Version 2.47 (April 2024)

New PvP system:

New standard background on menu screens:

(Not noted below)

  • Changed guaranteed kills moves to immediately kill enemies rather than at end of turn, resulting in the timing of some effect changing. For example, if you use blight bomb with Maggatoid and have an auto-poison monster enter from behind the newly entering enemy monsters will not be poisoned.
  • Added more sound effects to monsters. For example, bird noises for bird monsters.

Version 2.48 (May 2024)

New background screens:

(Not noted below)

  • New background for evolution and friend request screens (shown above).
  • The “randomness of active random skills” referred to in the in-game notes is for moves like sleep roulette or sudden death where it can hit both sides of the battlefield and was always 50:50 between the two even when one side had fewer remaining monsters. This change was to make them work more intuitively. It doesn’t change much, but sleep roulette+ on Majorie got a buff from this because now it’s 4/7 chance of hitting the enemy team.
  • Meowzard and Felimancer had their stats very slightly adjusted (increased) so needed re-training to max their stats again.
  • Most island monsters got a basic attack turned into a common move with a critical condition and/or a passive added. However, Meowzard and Felimancer got more of an overhaul to turn them into a pair that work together.
  • The Ldiefaeth speed increase from 49 → 50% was to stop it from being one of the best monsters to combine with Nyx.

Version 2.49 (July 2024)

(Not noted below)

  • The cost changes are mostly increasing the PvP meta monsters to +3 for their secret skill and reducing the cost of underused legendaries.
  • More of the online screens now have the classic borders removed.
  • Many new background artworks are being used for monster egg backgrounds.

VIP system and "Limited Sale" shop


  • VIP points are 1 point per paid gem bought.
  • I will soon be covering the VIP system numbers and details in KD’s Egg Hatching & Gems guide
  • Egg tickets are effectively worth 4 gems each, but only usable on gold eggs (i.e. great for awakening standard pool mythics and getting super epics / legendaries that are unique to this egg).
  • The sales shown below are the initial ones seen, to serve as an example of what was on offer at this time.

VIP and egg tickets:

Non-daily sales:

Daily sales (Monday - Sunday):

Version 2.50 (September 2024)

The safe code:

(Not noted below)

  • Pontibear also had stealthbane changed to link double stealthbane.
  • It’s actually shiny Heavenshorn that got changed, NOT the normal version (the monsterdex number in the official notes is correct but they didn’t list it as shiny in the name).
  • Clicking on the monster on the profile screen now causes it to do its attack animation.
  • The game engine version was upgraded, enabling the better graphics, which resulted in some visual oddities in devices running older OS versions.
  • Exocross had its face colouring changed: eyes blue → red and mouth+tongue blue → pink: see here
  • Exocross had its icon changed to show the whole head rather than zoomed in on the face.

Version 2.50.7 (September 2024)
  • Various minor updates were made to attempt to fix all the visual issues for older OS versions. In particular things like: pixelated icons, monsters body part elements being out of place, differently shaded parts of the screen and other similar problems.

HP boost system overhaul

Explanation: (see thread for full discussion)
HP boost gave more advantage in PvP than intended, while being something that players could not catch up on in any way. This is particularly problematic for spenders who could pay a lot to get a strong monster collection but still be at a disadvantage. Therefore, everyone has been given the chance to catch up and they’ve made it as cheap as possible (1 gem = 1 ore) so it’s not as much of a paywall for new players as it could be.

To pay respect to the players who put in the effort to accumulate the ores each day they added a new set of bonus rewards for consistently doing the daily missions, with all players automatically having any daily missions they had completed already counting towards the total.

Version 2.51 (October 2024)

List view before and after:

New visual of the rare gold egg screen:

PvP records from 5 recent seasons go from current on the left to 4 seasons back on the right:

(Not noted below)

  • AI change for Vineye, Moji and Musharoo so they sacrifice themselves by default rather than only if teammates need to be healed. This is to avoid them being easily abused in PvE to create permanent dead weight.
  • Players can now infinitely do Kinship battles for monsters completed to lvl 120 in MBQ (with lvl 111-120 buff and 8k exp), so that it’s not possible for players to theoretically run out of battles to do daily missions.
  • Link/Vigor Slayerbane All was renamed to Link/Vigor Outrage to avoid the confusion between the low damage of slayerbane moves but very high damage of the link/vigor versions.
  • The pop up message windows in battles no longer have a black background on the whole screen, so you can still see the battle.
  • The rare gold egg screen was updated with new artwork and removing the borders, see above (like they are slowly doing everywhere to give a modernised look to the game).
  • All the older monsters have finally been added to MBQ, so going forward we only need the new monsters added (the six Pupupa were the last ones, added in this update).

9th anniversary (October 22nd)

Anniversary Festival eggs details

We got 12 anniversary festival eggs, each with every 10th pack guaranteed mythic. Two of which had new a new mythic and legendary in. The other featured mythics were all originally 1.5+ years before this anniversary.

Guaranteed mythic paid egg

These are separated by element, with it featuring every mythic that’s not in the standard pool or shop-only. Akane is in the water egg because there were “too many shadow mythics and she is wearing a swimsuit” - quote from VKC.

All anniversary festival eggs

These are the 12 anniversary festival eggs. The eggs with new monsters lasted over a week but the others were the usual 7 days long. This means there was some overlap between many of these eggs as they came out on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays over the 12 days (Friday - Wednesday) but the earlier ones ended before the later ones started. Even the egg featuring the new monsters at the start ended before the last options arrived.

Note also that all featured mythics were originally released 1.5+ years before this anniversary.

Login rewards

Egg pool changes

Free icon and background choices

Anniversary shrine

Gem sales

We got the usual 12 days of double gems sales, but also one-time deals in the “limited sale” shop added this year.

Free monster

Neo ticket lite

Neo ticket

As well as the options below, there was also a 7* ticket you could trade it for.

Version 2.51.1 (November 2024)
  • Added recent indecent waifu to the NSFW filter.

The following fixes may only have been for PvP:

  • Fixed a bug with Woolala (new mythic) not triggering overwatch or removing mark with its unique skill’s damage.
  • Fixed Isoldelle’s stats boost not stacking for each kill of a teammate.
  • Fixed Mojignis’ hold ground aspect of relentless will not triggering.

Version 2.52 (November 2024)

Not noted below:

  • Added new animation for certain moves (e.g. faststrike).
  • One of the bug fixes was Jeanne d’Arc’s defensive assault move bypassing protectors.
  • Removed the number of new friend points gained from showing each time you visit the friend chest screen.
  • Introduced a bug where the number of ingredients you own is no longer shown, which was fixed in the next couple of days.

Version 2.53 (December 2024)

Not noted below:

  • Added new background to the monster skills page (see above).

End of year (Dec 24 - Jan 25)

December and January login bonuses:

Neo Lucky Bag:
(Santa Cloid was also in lucky bag last year)

Shop deals:

Stellar ticket:


Please leave any comments you have in this thread here:

See my main thread for more information/tips: