🎉 Monster Shop Update: Ore of Vitality

Let us know what you think!

@LemonSqueezy I hope you are happy with this.


Damn. You just invalidated @Unown entire ore grind for a few 100 gems

Everyone gonna catch up at speeds unheard of now

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I was surprised at how cheap and affordable it is to get the remaining orbs now, I didn’t expect it, basically it’s a change so that everyone has the same hp boost
I couldn’t say if it’s good or bad, but every change in the game is interesting, although I was expecting the ED nerf :joy::joy:

Nope. You still need to grind Bond Quest for the Bond Quest ores.

I mean everyone still gonna have 7-8 boosts for cheap cheap insted of the 2 i have now feks🫠


Thanks for implementing this @Dev_VKC Love you guys haha…

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So for 600 gems you can catch up someone’s 2 years of consistent daily playing - what a slap to the face to those who are active and supported the game for the last years. You should only kept it aviable for tickets - but obviously chose to make some quick buck by allowing people to spend gems for it.

I wish those huge changes would be at least announced in advance to see the opinion of the active playerbase.


Oooooooh baby. Yes Devs :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: what a surprise!! Let’s gooooooo


Far worse. They made ALL OF THOSE PLAYERS who stuck with daily mission for two years a clowns who wasted their time being active and consistent with daily missions.


Yeah im just bad with words lol sorry!

What i meant is that the entire grind of players who cared enough to grind just got invalidated.

Caus like when everyone has 8 boosts having 2 exstra will not make much diffrence

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I can’t fathom how you could put a value of someone’s 2 years of consistent dedication at 600 [free] gems.


Now you made it even less valuable to do.

With everyone having 7-8 boosts - having 10 will change nothing.

Glad I can save my time then and play some other games.

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Bruh why are you mad? :joy: i got the 40 missed ores and am happy about it, at 1029 total ores now lmao

I have x - 71 ores atm


Because they are close to worthless now as they made them so easily obtainable.

Can you add a button to skip training monster?

first an update in which the money donors are rewarded (which is ok)

Now those who are too lazy to play PVE will be rewarded.
It’s just like in politics, the healthy middle class is being completely screwed over

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Yo Devs, why are you so bumb.
Why since it’s release? Couldve just make it since the acc created.
And why so cheap?

My god. You guys always surprise me.

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People getting upset for other people and complaining about a great and affordable quality of life update that lessens the gaps between players in PvP, peak internet right here :joy:


Thank you for the feedback guys.

The fixed amount of ores puts new users at a significant disadvantage from the start, simply because they join the game late. This gap will only grow larger every day.

We’ve had a plan for this since we introduced HP Boost and Daily Missions. Many users have also given us feedback, expressing concerns that this disadvantage is not fair for new users.

We originally intended to release this feature alongside our new PvP system, but a tight schedule and other tasks have delayed its implementation until now.

It takes around 10 minutes to complete Daily Missions, provided you have enough tickets to spend. Many missions can be completed simultaneously or while participating in limited-time PvE events. Additionally, you receive 1 gem on your way to obtaining 1 ore. We wonder: will this shop feature stop you from completing Daily Missions?