Update History 07/25/2017

Developer Update 7/25/2017 - v1.4.9

-Fixed bug where you can change team slots outside of town

-Fixed bug where numbers on friendly monsters were not showing

Now you can see a small number on your front line monsters. No more confusion from the duplicates.

-Added new monsters

-Tweaked skills and stats for certain existing monsters

We have worked on some monsters and new skills in order to make our meta more balanced and diversified. Like the new ranking reward monster for the coming Ultimate Challenge, I hope you guys are as  excited as we are. We also tweaked a couple of the existing monsters this time. Although it seems not much but we do cover some of them players have been asking for, like Nebelronix(I am talking to you, Zard). We will keep working on the underwhelming. Thank you for the suggestions and skill ideas as always.

-Added extremely rare monsters to some of the islands

A brand new catchable Legendary is out on the one of the islands. Don’t ask me which one because I won’t tell you  :P. Don’t ask other people, because they will troll you. Follow your trainer instinct!

-Added support for Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified

It is save to say that we will have more players join our community! This is the main task I have been working on for this update. That’s why I seem less active on the forum recently. Some excellent Chinese-speaking players helped me a lot with translation but there were still a lot of them  :wacko: Since update is out, I will be here more often with you guys.

-A secret monster appearance change

Waiting for some players to find out!



Skill details

Cryochick, Freeznix, Nebelronix

  • Changed skill Ultrawave(All) to Assisted Wave(All).

  • Changed skill Switch Place to Switch Friend.

  • Changed skill Create Duplicate to Blood Duplicate.

  • Blood Duplicate: Adds a duplicate of the user with 25% HP to the end of team.

Secret Skill: Instant Risky Heal 1 sec

Full heals the HP of 1 teammate, but there is 60% chance that user will die.


Astrodrak, Astrodragon, Cosmodragon

  • Changed skill Ultrathunder(All) to Assisted Thunder(All).

  • Changed skill Switch Place to Switch Friend.

  • Changed skill Create Duplicate to Blood Duplicate.

  • Blood Duplicate: Adds a duplicate of the user with 25% HP to the end of team.

Secret Skill: Swift Stealth All 50 secs


Cometoid, Ringastar, Utopion

  • Changed skill Give Turn to Healing Give Turn.

Healing Give Turn: gives the user’s turn to 1 teammate and moderately heals the teammate’s HP.

  • Added new skill Stun Absorber.


Orbling, Crysdrake, Kamiwyrm

Secret Skill: Death Wish 50 secs

Kills 1 random enemy monster on the battlefield. This skill can only be used once per battle and only if this monster already has one kill.


Darkslither, Necrowing, Shadowyrm

Secret Skill: Instant Protector Killer 1 sec


Wyrmbow, Brightscale, Prismaryx

  • Increased its speed from 42% to 60%.(Must be retrained by using De-aging Fruits)

Secret Skill: Ally Substitute 50 secs

Sends a target teammate back to the next in line of your reinforcements, leaving 1 Rockoid in its place.


Dolph, Dolphlare, Dolphoenix

  • Increased its speed

Secret Skill: Fast Dual Summon 50 secs

Adds 2 Rockoids to the end of the team. This skill can only be used after 50 secs have passed since this monster’s first turn, and can only be used once per battle.


Sturmy, Hurridrak, Cyclozar

  • Skill Exit Plan now can be used up to 3 times.


Developer Update 5/18/2017 - v1.4.8


  • Adding 4 more team slots for players to create more various strategies!

  • Improving AI behavior. Now they are smarter than before (hopefully). We will keep teaching our AI the right way to play Neo Monsters.

  • Adding a small number at the bottom of your monsters and their turn icons so that players won’t get confused anymore by skills like Blood Clone.

  • Resizing monsters.

  • Couple of bugs fixed.

  • Adjusting monster balance (see below)

  • *Change to Cumulative Login Bonuses


*New players will no longer get a Chronox from the Cumulative Login Bonus. Instead, they can get it through a special mission in the Monster Hunting section of the online content, which they can access once they’ve unlocked the Cursed Island. This was done because it was determined that Chronox was having a drastic effect on early game balance and had an overall negative effect on the initial game experience. We realize this may disappoint some new players who want to get their hands on Chronox as soon as possible, but we strongly believe the game is more enjoyable with this change.



Valorpup, Valzaguard, Valzareign

  • Boosted speed to 46%(Must be retrained by using De-aging Fruits)

  • Reduced the seconds cost of Confident Strike to100 secs, and slightly increased the damage.

  • Changed skill Poison Drain to Double Poison Drain.

  • Changed skill Poison Touch to Double Poison Touch.

  • Added new passive skill, Stun Converter(Valzareign only).

Stun Converter: If this monster would be stunned, instead this monster’s seconds are reduced to 0 or as close to it as possible.

Secret Skill: Instant Shield Ally 1sec

Applies a barrier to a teammate that will negate the next source of damage.


Rexo, Rexobone, Rexotyrant

Secret Skill: Swift Chrono Killer 50sec

Deals critical damage if the target monster has a move that grands turns.


Shogunite, Shogunking, Kamishogun

Secret Skill: Swift Sleep Killer 50sec

Deals critical damage to a monster with skills that cause sleep.


Loneye, Evilglare, Deathgazer

  • Increased the damage of the skill Poison Massacre.


Gunfish, Orcruiser, Warca

  • Changed skill Stealth to Stealth All.

  • Removed sacrifice condition from skill 400sec Novablast, and it ignores Hold Ground and Shields.

  • Added Shield Entrance as a passive skill.

Secret Skill: Instant Sendback 1sec

Sends back the chosen teammate to the end of your team with just 1 sec. This skill can only be used after 50 secs have passed, and only once.


Bazilor, Bazilodon, Bazilogon

  • Changed skill Stealth to Stealth All.

  • Removed sacrifice condition from skill 400sec Novablast, and it ignores Hold Ground and Shields.

  • Added Shield Entrance as a passive skill.

Secret Skill: Stun Blitz 1sec

Stuns enemy monsters for 100 seconds. This skill can only be used after 100 secs have passed, and only once."


Oakspawn, Oakhorror, Oakthulhu

  • Changed skill Survivor to Double Survivor.

Secret Skill: Instant Poison Flash 1sec

Stuns enemy monsters for 150 seconds at 1 sec if 3 or more enemy monsters are poisoned. This skill can be used immediately if its conditions are met!.


Soulpup, Soulfox, Hellfox

  • Changed skill Element Retribution to Double Retribution.

  • Added Payback Revenge as a passive skill.

  • The secret skill Rebirth now will revive the target teammate at 50% health instead of 25%.


Gleamling, Shinedragon, Aurodragon

  • Increased the Reincarnation odds from40% to 100%.

  • Changed skill Throw to Lifeflip Friend.

  • Changed skill Stealth Teammate to Purifying Mist.

  • Changed Secret skill Instant Sendback to Instant Switch Friend.

Instant Switch Friend: Switches 1 teammate with the very last monster in your team at 1 sec. This skill can only be used after 50 secs have passed, and only once.


Trizar, Tridrake, Tridrakhan

  • Adjusted its stats, making it more offensive.

Secret Skill: Dual Venom Sleep Killer 50sec

Poisons and deals critical damage to 2 enemies if one of them with skills that cause sleep.


Bovlor, Bovolk, Bovolcus

  • Changed skill Bloodthirst to Slayerbane.

Secret Skill: Instant Shield Ally 1sec

Applies a barrier to a teammate that will negate the next source of damage.


Tiamof, Tiamad, Tiamazus

  • Changed its element from Holy to Earth.


Jinglescales, Jingledrake, Jingledragon

  • Reduced the seconds cost of Dual Confident Strike from200 secs to130 secs, and slightly increased its damage.

  • Removed the time lock to trigger Dual Confident Strike.


Atras, Atrasar, Atrahasis

  • Added Hold Ground as a passive skill.

Secret Skill: Swift Cannibalize 50sec


Cometoid, Ringastar, Utopion

  • Adjusted its stats, making it much more defensive.


Apolloling, Apollodrake, Apollorexus, Talopawn, Talosquire, Taloknight

  • Slightly increased the damage of the skill Survivor.



  • Added Sleep Immunity as a passive skill.


Rhynorunt, Puffor

  • Removed the skill Payback Revenge from their first form.

*They are not supposed to have Payback Revenge in their first form. This was a mistake when we changed their skill from Death Revenge to Payback Revenge in a previous update.


Developer Update 4/07/2017 - New Dev, and New Community Chat Schedule

Hello everyone! So first off, we have a new Dev (Sean) who will be posting on the forums more often and engaging with the community.

He has an introduction thread over here that you can pop into and welcome him! 


Also, our schedules have changed a bit, which means we will be doing Community Chats on Thursdays now. Sean and I will be holding one next week, so I have time to prepare him. (I’ll still drop by LINE when I can and answer a few of people’s questions.)

One last thing, we had a few things pop up last-minute, so the next update is scheduled to go live during the end of April. It will feature some balance changes and improvements to existing monsters, as well as framework for future events. Please look forward to it!

Thanks again, everyone!

Developer Update 3/28/2017 - Whoops, forgot my update last week!

Hey everyone! We had a nice community chat last Friday and I completely forgot to do a community update! My bad. ToT

I’ll be trying to do those every week. I may have to do them on Thursdays rather than Fridays, because our work schedule is changing a bit. We’ll see what works best for everyone!

The new update is coming along nicely. We’re still looking into the causes of bugs and preparing new content.

Thanks everyone! That’s all for right now!


Developer Update 3/11/2017 - Reorganization, Next Update Ballpark

Hello everyone! I’m still tirelessly slaving away for the next update, and thought I would do a bit of cleaning. Tyler is going to be focusing on internal tasks more and more so we’ve moved him away from the forums for right now.

We’re shooting for the update to go live sometime next week, and it should keep things much more lively for a long time! It’s pretty exciting, and should make PvP matches much easier going forward. Unfortunately, we’re still isolating causes of several PvP-related bugs, but this new system should alleviate some common frustrations associated with PvP in general, and will allow near-constant PvP. I’ll go into more details once it goes live.

Thank you very much for your support, everyone!


Developer Update 2/25/2017 - Still here, and hard at work

Hey, it’s Mike again! Sorry I haven’t been super active on the forums lately, I’ve been tackling a lot of issues and getting some big things taken care of.

We’re looking into solutions for PvP issues many have been experiencing, and we’re currently working on a feature that might help with some aspects. Remember to post your bugs in the PVP Bug Reports thread!

We’ve also been super happy with how receptive people have been of the new changes and monsters! Thanks again for all of your feedback.

(Also I’m super happy my boy Geomagnus is no longer bottom tier, lol)

I’ll try to keep up with the forums more in the coming weeks. Thanks again, everyone!

Developer Update 2/11/2017 - New Moderators!

Hello again, everyone! Mike here, with some exciting news.

As you may or may not have noticed, we have recently added two new moderators to the team, NMA Buckingham and F2P Zard! We want this to be part of our larger effort of keeping our community in the loop as developments pop up. Congratulations, you two!

We’re also paying close attention to feedback surrounding the latest update changes, so please do not hesitate to let us know what you think!

Developer Update 2/2/2017 - Neo Monsters 1.4.6 Released!

Mike here, again! We have some exciting news!

The much-anticipated 1.4.6 version of Neo Monsters is out!

Check the news in-game for the details!

Got it right here!

-Added new monsters

-Added secret skills to a few existing monsters

-Tweaked the skills and/or stats of a few monsters

-Added a Speed Up function in battle

-Fixed an exploit in PvP that allowed certain devices to freeze matches

-Fixed an issue with PvP that blocked matchmaking if your clock was off

-Fixed bug where damage does not exceed the remaining HP of the target

-Removed the stat cap on revival skills like Mirror Revenge and Sacrifice Revival.

-Other minor bug fixes and text corrections

-Prepared sixty new Survival of the Fittest Challenges

   -Sent Garcia to the HR department


Some more in-depth balance changes


Apolloling, Apollodrake, Apollorexus, Talopawn, Talosquire, Taloknight

  • Boosted speed to 97% (Must be retrained by using De-aging Fruits)

  • Reduced the seconds cost of Survivor from 130 secs to 80 secs.

Cryoling, Cryowyrm, Cryokaizer, Unicolt, Mysticorn, Sanctallion

  • Changed skill Create Duplicate to Clone Next

-Added New Secret Skill: Attack Boost Fast

–Increases user’s Attack by 25% at a 30 secs cost.

Grovos, Grovodon, Grovodeus

  • Changed skill Protect Teammate to Protect Focus.

  • Added new passive skill, Stun Immunity (Grovodeus only)

-Secret Skill: Dual Give Turn

–This skill gives the user’s turn to 2 teammates. This skill can only be used after 100 secs have passed, and only once.

Drakobot, Drakotron, Drakozord Z

  • Boosted speed to 82% (Must be retrained by using De-aging Fruits)

  • Changed skill Stealth All to Purifying Mist.(Drakozord only)

  • Purifying Mist: Removes poison and sleep from all teammates. In addition, applies Stealth to all teammates.

Bahamuz, Bahamuzar

  • Added new passive skills, Shield Entrance and Poison Immunity (Bahamuzar only)

  • Reduced the seconds cost of Summon Swarm from 250 secs to 200 secs (Bahamuzer only)

-New Secret Skill: Swift Dual Throw

–Deals critical damage to 2 enemies, but it sacrifices the last monster in your team.

Gleamling, Shinedragon, Aurodragon

  • Increased the Reincarnation odds from 30% to 40%

-Secret Skill: Instant Sendback

–Sends 1 teammate monster back to the end of your team with 1 sec. This skill can only be used after 50 secs have passed.

Geomegus, Geomagnus

  • Reduced the seconds cost of Backstab from 130 secs to 50 secs, and it can only be used up to 5 times in a battle.

  • Added new passive skill, Stun Immunity (Geomagnus only).

  • Changed skill Element Eradicate to Element Retribution.

  • Element Retribution: Same as Element Eradicate, but it can only be used after each time a teammate on the battlefield dies.

-Secret Skill: Ally Substitute

–Sends a target teammate back to the next in line of your reinforcements, leaving 1 Rockoid in its place.

Horrormaw, Horrorclaw

-Mirror Revenge now is able to revive buffed AI monsters with buffed stats.

Tombwolf, Necrohowl, Cryptblade

  • Sacrifice Revival now is able to revive buffed AI monsters with buffed stats.


  • Reduced the seconds cost of Energy Charge from 70 secs to 50 secs

  • Reduced the seconds cost of Energy Burst from 160 secs to 100 secs


  • Removed Stun Revenge

Snowfiend, Snowhulk

-Regenerate: Changed the revival HP of Snowhulk to 15% health, to better trigger Desperate Strike

Rhynobrute, Rhynobrawl, Puffoxin

  • Changed skill Death Revenge to Payback Revenge

  • Payback Revenge: When this monster is killed by another monster, it deals massive damage to the monster that killed it

Developer Update 1/28/2017

Hey guys! Mike here, just checking in! I’ve been working diligently since 7 AM taking care of various things, especially since the update is right around the corner!

(So, if you encounter any bugs with the new update, feel free to take it out on me.    :blink: )

Also, we have noticed the issues with PvP and we hope this upcoming update will address some of those concerns. Once its out, let us know if the online experience improves for you in the PvP Bugs thread linked below.

Assuming all goes well, the update should be out within a week from now, but I will personally update this post if that plan changes.

I’d also like to say that we are paying close attention to the forums, even if we can’t personally respond to every question, we are listening and paying attention. Don’t hesitate to speak your mind!

We want to make Neo Monsters the best game we can, and we can’t do it without your feedback.    :smiley:

Thank you all for your continued support of Neo Monsters!

Now, back to polishing.    :ph34r:

Developer Update 1/14/2017


It’s been a little while since we’ve updated this post! Some news - I’ll be taking over Tyler’s role since he’s been swamped with work as of late. In the meantime, I figured that we here at Zigzagame should give you a quick update on current happenings. I intended to do these every other week, like Tyler did before.

First, we have an update coming near the end of this month. This update will include some much-requested balance changes and tweaks to help keep the game fresh and exciting! Also, some notable bugs, such as the damage display being a bit wonky and the capped damage of certain skills will be fixed. We appreciate all of the feedback over the last month which has helped us immensely in knowing what to look out for!

Going forward, we are looking at fixing and sprucing up PVP battles to be more stable and to iron out some of the specific bugs. We will be allocating more resources to the PVP elements so that we can make it as fun and enjoyable as possible. You can help us by reporting any bugs you see to the official PVP Bug Reports Thread here:


Also, I will be taking over community chats in the future. Depending on the time, I’ll drop by and introduce myself!

That’s all for this week!

Thank you all for your continued support of Neo Monsters!


Update 12/21/16: Forum Cleanup

As part of a joint effort with the mods, today we took a couple more steps in making the forums a little more user-friendly. For the time being, this simply means adding the Neo Monsters Social sub-forum to keep things organized. The implication of this change is that some threads should ideally be moved into the new sub-forum for the sake of organization, but any thread created before this change will be left where it is unless the owner requests a move.
Over the next week days/weeks, we may be making more tweaks to improve the forums, so bear with us and please feel free to share any ideas on the subject through a private message to myself, or any of the mods (or start a thread to discuss the subject!).

Update 12/16/16: Neo Monsters Version 1.4.5


Today brought another in-game update, which implemented an unprecedented new combat feature (Secret Skills), as well as prepared the game engine for our Holiday plans!

Secret Skills:
The biggest change that we’ve introduced today is the concept of Secret skills. This is an unique ability that you will find on some Legendary monsters, which can be unlocked once it reaches its final stage of evolution. To test the waters with such a big update, we cautiously selected Apollorexus, Taloknight, and Deodragon as our initial candidates. We on the dev team figure that if these are well enough received by the players, we will feel comfortable gradually implementing Secret skills for classic monsters over time - especially if the community makes a strong enough case for them. 
This is not to suggest that we will use this feature to replace true balance updates, many of which will be addressed in the coming updates. We are still listening closely to the communities suggestions, and we’re excited to make good on our promises following the holiday chaos.

Holiday Plans:
We have a lot planned this year, stay tuned! (I wish I could reveal more, I really do   :P)


Update 11/23/16: Neo Monsters Version 1.4.4


Today we released a new build of the game, bringing an increased Hero Level cap as well as a few monster buffs/nerfs that address some of the most crucial balance issues. Today also marks the resurrection of this update thread, which will be updated at least weekly, as well as on any day of breaking news, holiday events, and/or version updates.

Balance changes:

Chronozeros and its prior evolves’ max speed has been reduced to 22 (down from 67), and max Hp has been increased.
Faststrike TU cost increased to 160TU, up from 100TU.

Fast Forward Entrance is now only usable after 250 seconds have passed since start of the battle.

Poison Drain TU cost reduced to 100TU (down from 160TU) and has slightly increased damage and heal rate.

New Hero Level cap:
Some of you may have noticed that it is now possible to level your account beyond 100. This is because we have increased it to 150 in order to inject some life into late-game. However, we mistakenly neglected to explain the change in the patch notes, and would like to formally apologize for this mistake. We will be much more open about such crucial changes, moving forward. We would also like to reassure you that we will implement a form of cost-limiting for PVP events so that balance is maintained.

