Regard to Update 1.4.8

Update is now released! If IOS users still couldn’t see it. It will be on in few minutes.

First of all, I sincerely apologise that we took damn much longer time than we expected to release this update. We thank you all very very awful much for always being understanding and supportive. This time we tweaked couple monsters as many as we did in a previous update. Some players may be happy, some players may not. If you find your underwhelming monsters didn’t get buff this time, it doesn’t mean we miss it. It means we have to take extra care of the monsters.

Thank you again for being patient(or forced to be).

What’s new in this update:

  • Adding 4 more team slots for players to create more various strategies!

  • Improving AI behavior. Now they are smarter than before (hopefully). We will keep teaching our AI the right way to play Neo Monsters.

  • Adding a small number at the bottom of your monsters and their turn icons so that players won’t get confused anymore by skills like Blood Clone.

  • Resizing monsters.

  • Couple of bugs fixed.

  • Adjusting monster balance (see below)

  • *Change to Cumulative Login Bonuses

*New players will no longer get a Chronox from the Cumulative Login Bonus. Instead, they can get it through a special mission in the Monster Hunting section of the online content, which they can access once they’ve unlocked the Cursed Island. This was done because it was determined that Chronox was having a drastic effect on early game balance and had an overall negative effect on the initial game experience. We realize this may disappoint some new players who want to get their hands on Chronox as soon as possible, but we strongly believe the game is more enjoyable with this change.

Valorpup, Valzaguard, Valzareign

  • Boosted speed to 46%(Must be retrained by using De-aging Fruits)

  • Reduced the seconds cost of Confident Strike to100 secs, and slightly increased the damage.

  • Changed skill Poison Drain to Double Poison Drain.

  • Changed skill Poison Touch to Double Poison Touch.

  • Added new passive skill, Stun Converter(Valzareign only).

Stun Converter: If this monster would be stunned, instead this monster’s seconds are reduced to 0 or as close to it as possible.

Secret Skill: Instant Shield Ally 1sec

Applies a barrier to a teammate that will negate the next source of damage.

Rexo, Rexobone, Rexotyrant

Secret Skill: Swift Chrono Killer 50sec

Deals critical damage if the target monster has a move that grands turns.

Shogunite, Shogunking, Kamishogun

Secret Skill: Swift Sleep Killer 50sec

Deals critical damage to a monster with skills that cause sleep.

Loneye, Evilglare, Deathgazer

  • Increased the damage of the skill Poison Massacre.

Gunfish, Orcruiser, Warca

  • Changed skill Stealth to Stealth All.

  • Removed sacrifice condition from skill 400sec Novablast, and it ignores Hold Ground and Shields.

  • Added Shield Entrance as a passive skill.

Secret Skill: Instant Sendback 1sec

Sends back the chosen teammate to the end of your team with just 1 sec. This skill can only be used after 50 secs have passed, and only once.

Bazilor, Bazilodon, Bazilogon

  • Changed skill Stealth to Stealth All.

  • Removed sacrifice condition from skill 400sec Novablast, and it ignores Hold Ground and Shields.

  • Added Shield Entrance as a passive skill.

Secret Skill: Stun Blitz 1sec

Stuns enemy monsters for 100 seconds. This skill can only be used after 100 secs have passed, and only once."

Oakspawn, Oakhorror, Oakthulhu

  • Changed skill Survivor to Double Survivor.

Secret Skill: Instant Poison Flash 1sec

Stuns enemy monsters for 150 seconds at 1 sec if 3 or more enemy monsters are poisoned. This skill can be used immediately if its conditions are met!.

Soulpup, Soulfox, Hellfox

  • Changed skill Element Retribution to Double Retribution.

  • Added Payback Revenge as a passive skill.

  • The secret skill Rebirth now will revive the target teammate at 50% health instead of 25%.

Gleamling, Shinedragon, Aurodragon

  • Increased the Reincarnation odds from40% to 100%.

  • Changed skill Throw to Lifeflip Friend.

  • Changed skill Stealth Teammate to Purifying Mist.

  • Changed Secret skill Instant Sendback to Instant Switch Friend.

Instant Switch Friend: Switches 1 teammate with the very last monster in your team at 1 sec. This skill can only be used after 50 secs have passed, and only once.

Trizar, Tridrake, Tridrakhan

  • Adjusted its stats, making it more offensive.

Secret Skill: Dual Venom Sleep Killer 50sec

Poisons and deals critical damage to 2 enemies if one of them with skills that cause sleep.

Bovlor, Bovolk, Bovolcus

  • Changed skill Bloodthirst to Slayerbane.

Secret Skill: Instant Shield Ally 1sec

Applies a barrier to a teammate that will negate the next source of damage.

Tiamof, Tiamad, Tiamazus

  • Changed its element from Holy to Earth.

Jinglescales, Jingledrake, Jingledragon

  • Reduced the seconds cost of Dual Confident Strike from200 secs to130 secs, and slightly increased its damage.

  • Removed the time lock to trigger Dual Confident Strike.

Atras, Atrasar, Atrahasis

  • Added Hold Ground as a passive skill.

Secret Skill: Swift Cannibalize 50sec

Cometoid, Ringastar, Utopion

  • Adjusted its stats, making it much more defensive.

Apolloling, Apollodrake, Apollorexus, Talopawn, Talosquire, Taloknight

  • Slightly increased the damage of the skill Survivor.


  • Added Sleep Immunity as a passive skill.

Rhynorunt, Puffor

  • Removed the skill Payback Revenge from their first form.

*They are not supposed to have Payback Revenge in their first form. This was a mistake when we changed their skill from Death Revenge to Payback Revenge in a previous update.

Thanks KFC. Can’t wait to go home and download the update.


Downloaded update, nothing happened to my monsters at all.

Oh wait, apple was just being buggy. Saying it downloaded the update, but it didn’t actually do so.

Thank you bro and you have received 1 warning for misspelling my name.

I am sorry Zard. Next time will be yours and I hope you will hatch these monsters soon.

Oh, no. I have tridrakhan, rexotyrant, warca, and tiamazus.

Thankfully it was just a temporary apple bug. They got their buffs :slight_smile:

Stop picking on IDFWU. He nicknames the people he likes :stuck_out_tongue:

How could you lie to me Zard? 1 warning for you.

Oh, No, I went and downloaded the update, then opened the app. Saw nothing had happened, then came here and posted. I then went back to the app store and found that even though apple said it updated, it actually just bugged out. So I reupdated and everything is fine now.

Bruh I give you 2 warnings just because I want to, but seriously great job on the update.

Also, what was the reasoning on instant sendback for warca? How does that help him?

Unless I am missing something, Bazilogon is directly better than warca now.

Nice! Finaly!
Couple of quick notes i saw:

  1. Alot of the buffs were i saw suggested by us, so thanks for listening :slight_smile:
  2. Some of them arnt but still great (like double venom sleep killer that i really liked)
  3. Some of the buffs seems a little bit to op imo, like hellfox/auro/oak. Hope im wrong, time will tell
  4. TK didnt get a buff, and eggcracker gets sleep immue, which excetly what we asked for the legend TK. So why an se gets it? Its a nerf for the legend tk by comparing them to him. I actually prefer using him now.
  5. I like that you gave different secret skills to a similliar move sets brothers (like rexo and samurai, warca and baz). Keep it up!
  6. I cant really understand the buff of rexo/ samurai. Its a nice secret skill for them, but they are still lake of defence/hp/passives

And thanks alot for the 4 teamslots!

On the overall it seems to be a verygood update :slight_smile:

I dont understand why on earth they didnt changed the 2 death revenge legendaries … as it was often said that they need a change and that there will be a change… these stun revenge legendarys are still useless af too… such a big delay for this update and there are still legendaries which re useless… in regard they modified monsters which are already strong enough ( such as tridakhan ) i really dont understand these devs

the most likely reason is that they have a very questionable game plan that’s just doesn’t fit well in the meta. It’s really hard for it to not be either completely useless or horribly broken. I think they just want to wait until they’ve got something that’s more likely to work out.

Tridrakhan needed the change. I didn’t use him at all. He will now replace shadowyrm as he can one-shot aegisdragon.

Valsareign is rediculous now. As is jingledragon.

Can you fix the chatroom VKC?

I have hellfox and i am very happy

Great, quiet a lot monsters I have get buffed this time B) Thank you guys!

Nice update & buffs…

all the monster that get buffs.

I only have TIAMAZUS…

very nice buff changing element from Holy to Earth…

He is now OP

( I am very F*******G Happy )  ;)  ;) /  ;)  :wink:

Auro brings cannibalize/backstab a whole new level

confident strike of valza can’t hit one shot legendary even UE legs oh… men… :expressionless:
but stun converter is awesome leo trade mark

Thank you. Next, can we get a scroll button to that reward screen?