Starting your collection
First of all your focus needs to be on building your collection of monsters. Ultimately what you'll need are gems and rare gems which you will use to hatch monsters from particularly good limited-time eggs. However, there are a large number of monsters you can gather from the early-game content including two legendaries!
Hidden island monsters
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Note: To meet these monsters stand in the correct location then click on your character. This will trigger wild monster battles without moving your character (it's faster and easier).
Glitchy (wikia link)
This is found on the tropical isles over on the far right of the map around those trees. The moveset of this monster is not great because it is low speed and the low attack stat does not work well for timestrike. However, you may find this monster better than others you have at the start.
Lunaling (wikia link)
This is found on the frost island in the far bottom left of the map by the lake. The moveset of this monster is quite unusual and you probably won’t find a use for it later on but it can serve as a good distraction for the enemies while you try to kill them with your other monsters.
Sunboy (wikia link)
This is found on the timber island in the very bottom right of the map by the volcano and not on the beach. This is a strong early-game monster with good damage and it survives well.
Noxar (wikia link)
This is found on the cursed island in the woods just beyond Kevesh, in the bottom left of them. Go to the exact spot marked by the white dot above. Beware, this monster is buffed a lot when you meet it so it’s very strong and it has a low capture rate. However, it is a free legendary! The moveset of the final form is a little restricted to link shadow teams (ones with 3+ shadow monsters out on the field at all times) but it is a very good monster.
Early monsters with 6* forms
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So far there is only one monster which does this, but it's a very strong one!
Mantisamurai (wikia link)
This is found right at the beginning on central island, as shown above. It requires two crowns and grails to ultra-evolve so you’ll need to wait until you pick these up from the special ingredients section (look lower in this post to see where that is). It’s a powerful one-on-one monster you can easily build around to make strong teams and stays strong even into all the late-game when combined with bug monsters for union attack. Note: This monster takes legendary potions to bonus even when in first form.
Early monsters with 5* forms
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There are a few monsters which you pick from the islands and the dungeons in online missions that you can later turn into super epics. The first of these listed are quite easy to find because they're in the clearly labelled dungeons throughout the islands but they can be challenging battles when you first reach them so be sure to come back and collect the monsters when you can.
It is highly recommended you potion these to +9 with epic potions before evolving them into their super epic form. As a newer player you may choose to make one while it is +0 then later catch another to make it +9 and evolve it. Super epic potions are much rarer than epic potions!
Sparkhoof (wikia link)
This is found on the central island in the dungeon shown above. The moveset of this monster is not as good as others but you may find this monster better than others you have at the start.
Prinrose (wikia link)
This is found on the desert island in the dungeon shown above. This has a powerful sleep move which can be used to control the battlefield. Until you get legendaries with sleep moves this is an incredibly good budget option. It can deal very high damage with both dreamhunt and sneak attack.
Frogue (wikia link)
This is found on the tropical isles in the dungeon shown above. The moveset is restricted to only link shadow teams (ones with 3+ shadow monsters out on the field) but the reward is great. Link 250s megabomb kills practically everything and it can shield itself regularly to pass the time. Enrage teammate boosts the target’s attack by +100% while setting their defence to 0, which can be very good for some monsters.
Wooly (wikia link)
This is found on the frost island in the dungeon shown above. The moveset is not the best but solo desperate stampede works brilliantly with hold ground so careful skipping turn can easily line that up.
Zapcat (wikia link)
This is given to you at the start of the game but if you delete it or want another you can collect it on the Timber Island as shown above. This monster is very useful in 3* form through the story with stunning entrance, accelerate team and protector killer. The 5* form beefs up the stats and makes it slightly better at killing.
Twiggy (wikia link)
This is found in the online story in chapter 2. In the water dungeon the wild battles may contain a Twiggy you can catch. The moveset is an insane counter to protectors but it struggles to get kills in other scenarios. It is great to put in your team for battles against protectors. Evolving this monster takes a lot of a rare ingredient.
Other important island monsters
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There are many great monsters to get from the islands but here I'll point out a small number of the very best.

Dullakhan and Nightmare (Dullakhan / Nightmare)
These are both found on the timber island in the same place (although the first form of Nightmare can be found on the frost island before). They have a move where they sacrifice the other one to create a +9 bonus
Nightrider, after 100s has passed. Dullkhan has high speed and one-on-one so can easily put many enemies to sleep then skip turns until polymerization is ready to use. You then get the Nightrider legendary plus whatever monster is next in your team entering the battlefield, while the enemies are still sleeping. With Nightrider it is often best to use survivor to lower its HP below 100%, then use instant overwatch and lifeflip so it’s ready to use desperate all on its next turn. This lines up nicely to kill all the enemies shortly after they wake up. Needless to say, this is a very powerful setup to use for a lot of the early stages of the game and you can combine it with survivor monsters to make the most of the time passed with one-on-one as well as a good monster entering from 5th position in your team.
There are many other monsters available in the online section. Limited-time events will often have super epics as a reward for getting past a certain stage. Make sure you get these from each event as soon as you have a strong enough team for getting up to that point. Otherwise, there are some monsters you can go collect from parts of the online section. First, go take a look at “monster hunting”…
Monster hunting
This section offers some missions which give you monsters.
- “The Six Trials” gives you a well-designed epic in each element. I highly recommend you do it each day to get them all +9 (takes 60 days).
- “Four Guardian Beasts” gives you all the starter monsters and can be completed multiple times for a 60% chance to get another copy. I highly recommend you do this as soon as possible because the starters are great monsters for the early stages of the game. You will need multiple copies of each starter (9 in total of each) so you’ll need to do this a lot. You can enter every 6 hours.
- “The Legend of Chronox” gets unlocked after you become grand champion and gives you access to another free legendary! Chronox takes a lot of work to evolve but it’s a versatile sweeper (it kills things) that you can use in many teams.
- “Even Elian Can Find Love” gets unlocked after you become grand champion and features some hard battles but after you get through it you get Bitterbeast which is one of the best super epics in the game which you can use in practically every team.
Special ingredients
To evolve the starters into their final, super epic, forms you must go to the special ingredients missions. These are four missions which the game cycles through every few days...
The two missions on the top offer access to some rare ingredients. You should try to complete them each time they are available. The elemental dungeon offers battles which are a very efficient way to get ingredients for the tickets you spend.
However, the bit I want to focus your attention to is “Chambers of the Statue”…
This event has four battles, one against each of the super epic forms of the starters. The battles are against 8 of that monster with them buffed quite a bit. They may seem tricky at first, but the enemies have no protection to stun so use the monsters you got from the islands with “stun burst” and you should be able to stun the enemies lots then kill them with ease. Aganst the water and earth battles it is a good idea to use poison so their stun revenge will not trigger (they have both hold ground and stun revenge - the poison tick will kill them past hold ground).
Completing all four battles will get you a Moalith, the ingredient you need to make one of these four or to evolve Chronox. You will ultimately need two copies of each starter in their 5* form because to evolve Chronox from 5*->6* he needs the super epic starters as ingredients. For that reason, don’t stress about using potions on your first couple of starters you evolve but I do recommend you go read the first post of my Bonus Potions and Entrance Speed guide where I have the important note for newer players about the starters.
For this guide I’m just going to quickly recommend the starters in the order:
- Galvbane - a brilliant sweeper for all situations
- Wolfrozor - a good damage dealer that survives well
- Viridizardon - a useful accelerate team that can kill things and survive
- Chronozar - a good stun immune sweeper
- Rexkong - a glass cannon that is mainly useful for PvP (do earlier if you want for PvP)
That’s just my personal recommendation. Do them in whatever order you like, but definitely Galvbane first.
Rookie Missions
When you first go online there will be a button on the main screen called “Rookie Missions” which will have a few things that are very easy to complete. Get them done and grab the rewards. Doing all of them will give you the super epic Leoronix, a holy protector with stun absorb. It will also unlock achievements, which you can read about later in this guide.
Newcomer login bonus
If you’ve come to the forum and are reading this thread then it’s likely you’ve been playing the game more than a week but if it’s not too late then I highly recommend you keep logging into the game each day for your first week. You will need to click the “newcomer login bonus” button in the middle at the bottom on the online screen to claim it each day. There are gem and rare gem rewards for doing so and on day 5 you will get the super epic monster Ventokaizer, a storm support/sweeper with desperate double, purify, hold ground and the powerful shocking entrance. The rewards are shown in this screenshot here:
Friend Chest
Here you can get a wide variety of rewards. Most commonly you will get small amounts of silver and youth fruit. However, occasionally you get an epic or super epic monster! There are even a few monsters that are unique to the friend chest. Don’t forget to grab your 10 free friend chests each day. The rewards you get will stack up over time.