Feedback thread for "Killerdog's guides"

Excuse me I read your guide on potions but mine aren’t giving me a time bonus I have a +2 virinch-something I’ve ultra evolved it once the grass starter but it’s not getting a time bonus even in battle

They changed the system for potions so they will only give bonuses when +3, +6, +9

Monsters get a 5% seconds reduction for every +3 bonus, for a maximum of +9. Meanwhile, entrance speed is still increased as it’s always been.

Sorry about that. Bonus potions recently changed and I haven’t updated the guide yet. I will do very soon!

Alright thank you hey I’m new to the game do u
mind if u add u as a friend and you can assist me with on the khanate empire

Is showdown tower map still the same as this one ?KD's Showdown Tower map 2.0

Yup, the map should be exactly the same. However, the scaling on the normal battles / trainer battles may have been changed a bit. We’ll know everything for sure when the event comes out. I hope you all find the map useful!

Thanks mate

I hope we will reward 2 or more legend bonus

@LovelyPandaGuy I updated my Bonus Potions and Entrance Speed guide a few days back so it now has the correct move TU, slightly better information and layout.

I’ve also released an update on the tier list.

Showdown Tower is on right now and we have a map for it but things have changed so we need to make a new map. If you want to help me out / see it as it’s being built then check out this thread here.

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I’ve redone my Showdown Tower Map 2.0 so it will hold true for all future events. It seems that each time they bring it out they will shuffle the trainer teams within each floor as well as which way around the three doors are. This guide’s focus is now more about what teams the trainers have and helping people avoid the hardest trainers. Overall it’s less useful, but since the change to rewards there isn’t a huge need for this guide anyway. Hopefully writing it in this way will mean I can just leave it alone for a long time.

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This time going through Dungeon Challenge I decided to track the buff level of the monsters…

Floors Buff level Enemies
1 - 5 0.51x 0-4* first forms
6 - 10 0.57x 0-4* first forms
11 - 15 0.63x 2-5* first forms
16 - 20 0.69x 2-5* first forms
21 - 25 0.75x 2-6* first forms
26 - 30 0.81x 2-6* first forms
31 - 35 0.81x 4-6* 1st-2nd forms
36 - 40 0.81x 4-6* 1st-2nd forms
41 - 45 0.89x 4-6* 2nd-3rd forms
46 - 50 0.98x 4-6* 2nd-3rd forms
51 - 57 1.07x 4-6* 2nd-3rd forms
58 - 64 1.16x 4-6* 2nd-3rd forms
65 - 72 1.25x 5-6* 2nd-3rd forms
73 - 80 1.33x 5-6* mostly 3rd forms
81 - 90 1.42x 5-6* mostly 3rd forms
91 - 100 1.51x 5-7* almost all 3rd forms

We’ve always said the final 10 floors are insanely challenging compared to the rest of it and here’s just how tough they are. No torch, 1.51x buff level, 10 floors rather than 7 and on top of that the enemies go from being roughly 70% final forms to 80-90% final forms with mythics becoming common and having the same chance at final form (basically only second form mythics before and they’re rare). This is a HUGE leap from the previous sections of Dungeon Challenge.

Anyway, not here complaining about the difficulty of the event. I just wanted to share the data I got from tracking it.

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Just made a new thread: Neomonsters YouTubers

If any of you know of YouTubers not on the list then let me know and I’ll add them!

best neomon video of all time

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People come, people go. It’s the way all games like this work. For those of us who are here playing I’m sure they are far more interested in real content. However, much better that they deleted their monsters than sell their account at least!

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Just released a new thread: KD’s Hero Rank guide

It breaks down all the exp requirements as well as the stuff you get from the levels. A big thanks to the Devs for providing me with the information!

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Another great source of exp (which is the one i particularly use) is the final battle of the online story average mode it’s 32 tickets × 6480 exp which is a 202,5 tickets per battle and it’s more accessible to everyone than the last battle of the hell mode with even a better rate and it’s a very fast way to burn tickets too

Not sure why I forgot about this one… I knew about it in the past. I think I thought that the hell mode battle had a better rate. What does this battle include… just a boss fight with Delugazar? I’m guessing there’s quite a bit of story to click through too? I would check myself but using tickets on SotF right now.

Yes there is a lot of clicking through the story but is very fast imo and the battle is against 1 boss delugazar and 2 Taloknight

Cool, I’ll check it out. Thanks for pointing out I missed it!