Monsters that need buffs (input needed)

I was thinking the same. Some I got years after they were released and they just don’t cut it. :confused: sadly I can’t see the devs bugging them. Gloreo is one of them

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Sure. Either hold ground or insomnia has to go though, take your pick :stuck_out_tongue:

He doesn’t need insomnia

Breaks the consistency amongst the first ones then so I can’t see it happening. If they did they should give Raizen stun immunity also

I learned a bunch of insomnia for old legends, but I think they need stun immu much more

buff old legends please.


But they are great as niche pve legends that do unique things.

But novablast is completely unique and wraithost/rabbit don’t exist.


buffs to limited time old legends like

3-Cylo (exit plan changed to retreat) insomnia and foucs would be nice too.
4-sarcrospinx (i had suggested this multiple times make his load all useable without load motar just like botanic or atleast change it to double load all) a second passive would be nice such as stun counter.
5-dolphoenix (bloodcrave instead of ultrablaze all) and assassinate + more damge.
6-metatherion sleep enterance instead of insomina
7-wraithost SS into second wind and life flip limited into 400 sec novablast survior into drain survior

new monsters deserve buffs

2-Pumpkin (i dont understand why this monster needs sleep immune he literally has to be poisoned in order for his passive to work and has poison gas)
3-gyomurai (maybe reduction in meditation to 10-20 sec)
4-kattmander dark/light have ignore hg and shield + more damage

non limited time and old

1-ultima (would love raw bloodfury on him) and unmovable instead of death revenge (cool design such a waste he has to be benched since hes too slow)
2-Ashterios more speed for him to work.
3-heavenwrym (more damage and unmovable)
4-Soul stealer Ummovable as second passive


Honestly if heavenswyrm had purifying mist, it would be extremely worth while to use again and it would make sense since it wants to use its SS to put shield on its allies.

I agree, giving him mist would make him much more of the support monster he’s meant to be imo. Mist,shields,full heals would be a awesome supporter

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I wish they’d nerf new legends instead of buffing the old ones.

No monster with good speed and/or strong defensive passive should do 2 kills on his first turn.

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Buff pumpking and gyo? Lol no

Cyclo still feels just fine to me, I think struggling with shields, having no followup options and less than stellar damage is a fair price to pay for high speed, the ability to duck out when he needs to, no vulnerability to any of those moves himself, and most of all the sheer amount of coverage he has.

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Well because he is a counter to OoO and can spam poison gas to wake up your monsters.

auto poison all would suit him a-lot better since it will activate the passive and he cant go to sleep when he enters the field and with poison gas he can spam it why give a poison monster sleep immune in the first place when it can spam poison gas and have auto poison.

another thing that is completely stupid with the design is that he needs the opponent to be poisoned for him to deal damage whats the point of piercing passive since poison already kills monsters off hg and removes shields.

basically the venom power is a wasted passive since you already need to poison the opponent first in order to deal damage.

Totally agree specially the freaking magna he is de definition on broken legend ,no setup needed just throw he in on no matter spot he will for sure make at least 2 kills and then wipe ou other 2-3 easelly
Is “random” berserk atack have such low tu and does way too much damage ,its secret skill sould have a 100sec restriction or at least 50sec


Well then he’d just be a worse Scorpio. Venom power isn’t good because of its ability to ignore hg(having more kills under his belt could help tho, hg mons wouldn’t count without it), it’s good because it fixes massacre’s damage problem. Terror tago and Scorpio all struggle to kill somewhat often, but from my experience with him pump has never failed to kill anything with 4 targets, and he remains quite reliable with only 3.

And yes, having sleep immune is absolutely worth it for dealing with one on one. Bane can only get onto the field so fast :stuck_out_tongue:

you don’t need to use massacre with Scorpio since raw double poison eater is good enough and the targets cant be blocked by protectors etc.

Scorpio is literally the better version of pumpkin exactly same moves better speed passives and skills. he is already the worse Scorpio

so what you are saying is that killing one extra unit is better then having stun converter-auto poison and focus on attacks and lower tu.

2 kills vs 3 kills and you lose all those benefits.

You say that like scorpio has to stick with one move and never use the other. Scorpio has the potential to kill 4 at a time, he just can’t do it as reliably as pump. And Scorpio may have 2 choices(kill 2 reliably, kill 3-4 unreliably), but the one option pump has, killing 3-4 reliably, beats them both 9 times out of 10. One is more flexible, the other is more powerful. Seems pretty balanced to me. Not to mention pump is able to hide behind a protector and has a backup plan if poison is simply removed from the equation.

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i dont know why you are trying to twist the words i said Scorpio is the powered creep version of pumpkin and has literally the same move-set but better and with better passives.

if you are comparing poison massacres both have the same skill while Scorpio can do it for 100tu compared with pumpkin for 200tu.

if you are saying that one monster is camo or not poisoned Scorpio can kill two monsters reliably for 100 tu and cant be blocked by a protector unlike pumpkin where if the protector is not poisoned hes hopeless and has to spam poison gas for rng.

i dont know if you are trolling or you are really trying to make a statement that pumpkin is fine since he can kill 3 with poison massacre that requires him to be poisoned first and then 200 tu.