Potential nerf ideas?

Okay before y’all kill me hear me out. I thought of 2 reasons to make this thread; it could funnel all the nerf suggestions into here so they won’t pop up elsewhere, and there’s a few monsters I feel have slipped under the radar quite a bit over time that could stand to be discussed once again. I certainly won’t pin this one, and you don’t really need to take these suggestions nearly as seriously as the buff thread ones. I’ll also discuss plenty of mons that I myself own, keeping my bias firmly under control. Also most of them are really just little tweaks that I think would be fair balancers, while still allowing the monster to be plenty powerful regardless. Just figured this could be a thing to try out, ya know? Like, ripping off the bandaid if you will. Needless to say, we should try extra hard to keep things as civil and non-confrontational as possible.

Anyway, here’s my list. By all means, disagree if it doesn’t seem right to you, it’s merely what I’d like to see. In the end, it’s really up to what the devs see fit to do, all we can do is try to come to the best conclusions we can to help them along.

  • Ahuizard
    The case: Wayyyyy too much power for a SE. Decent speed, no weaknesses, stun immunity, and of course a 50 TU sweeping move that can bypass protectors. There are legends and MYTHICS that dream of having that sorta sweeping power. Don’t want to gather a bunch of rocks? Fear not, not only can he supply plenty of his own after a single kill, but he can fall back on bloodcrave for 100 TU sweeping instead, which is still rather impressive. If you look at the latest pvp report, you’ll see that Ahuizard is the only SE featured on top 10 most used overall; and he’s number 3. That just ain’t right.
    Proposed solution: Raise the TU of RAW throw. Perhaps also lower his speed or take away stun immunity.
  • Novadrake
    The case: Similar vein to Ahuizard, but not quite as egregious. This dude’s quite frustrating to face up against, primarily because of the SS potentially forcing you to hit him 3 times to kill him properly without piercing or poison. But mainly, the amount of power his 50 TU moves have is downright ludicrous, it’s an absolute wonder the devs thought this guy needed a buff early on.
    Proposed solution: Raise all his TUs to 60, back where they initially were. Still very strong, but far more manageable.
  • Padrinorca
    The case: Holy hell this thing is scary. 2 of the best passives in the game, coupled with low TU raw moves with an incredibly vast assortment of potential targets, and topped off with not only a highly accessible fallback option in bloodcrave, but a literal free kill if there’s a protector around. This legit feels like a mythic moveset… still kinda amazing to me that he’s only a legend.
    Proposed solution: Once again, raise the TUs of all of his RAW moves. Given the ridiculous potential of ignoring protectors, on top of everything else orca’s got going already, the TU reduction just isn’t warranted anymore. Maybe make his SS swift while we’re at it too.
  • Cynthia
    The case: This isn’t a complaint for Cynthia as a whole, but rather a particularly… nefarious combo with a certain SE. Cynthia can simply spend some time marking up enemy reinforcements, then Nefariodon comes in and BAM! 2-4 mons gone. Then their reinforcements come in and get marked, and if Nefariodon steps back before the enemy can catch him, that’s yet another wave of impending doom. I’ve used this strat quite a bit myself, and really wouldn’t mind in the slightest if something was done to get it under control.
    Proposed solution: Have Mark Field disable when there’s mark allies on the field, like Quick Draw. This would severely limit the potential for a second or third wave of trigger deaths, and further encourage Cynthia to really be a proper lone ranger like she’s meant to be.
  • Thlug Beckie
    The case: Feel like we’ve forgotten just how absurd this thing is. Just one theast, and the entire enemy team goes to sleep for free… that’s just not okay. 240 TU is still a very long time considering that it’s your ENTIRE TEAM being put out of commission here.
    Proposed solution: Make the sleep last for 100-130 TU. This way the effect is far more comparable to that of Thlug Bob, still giving you lots of control over the battle but not an egregious amount. Still would be getting off super easy if you ask me.
  • Lemon
    The case: Just read the skill description for Fairy’s Dust. Kinda speaks for itself.
    Proposed Solution: Make Fairy’s Dust an active instead.
  • Floccosaurus
    The case: My only gripe is with Aggressive entrance. It’s just downright stupid… storm SEs are one shotted and legends are put into red, and all flocco has to do is literally just exist. Gotta say, noooooot a fan.
    Proposed solution: Make damaging passives not factor in element interactions; perhaps make them deal a fixed amount of damage regardless of the opponent? If it’s going to ignore stealth in direct defiance of the otherwise well established rules of the game, this seems like a fair tradeoff ya know?
  • Double Retribution mons
    The issue: Retribution jank has always been such a pain in the rear… just voluntarily kill a mon that you won’t need for anything else, and presto, your lethal double moves are instantly charged. It was clever the first time someone thought to do this, but now it honestly feels cheap. And I speak as someone who used something of this sort in this very pvp.
    Proposed Solution: Make Retribution not trigger when an ally kills another ally. Thematically it makes sense, and it’ll really ensure that the move can only be used precisely as it’s intended.
  • Tricranium
    The case: I’m kinda shocked that I’ve only recently discovered how gross this thing is. With rocks it can double sweep at 80 TU, which is kind of absurd when you really think about it… Not to mention he’s got stun immune, payback revenge AND free shield generation to make him an absolute nightmare to deal with. It wouldn’t be quite so much of a problem if he were just a little more accessible, you know?
    Proposed solution: Make rear load mortar not apply a shield. Bloom’s SS is a 30 TU loading move that doesn’t provide a shield, so… why not? Obviously not all mortar moves are obligated to come with a shield, there’s botanic too. I just feel that the vastly reduced TU is reward enough for the price of a rock, especially since Tri is capable of producing his own.
  • Spectrefox
    The case: Okay this one might be a little petty… but this thing’s revival rate is kind of ridiculous. It’s come back on me upwards of 10-20 times in the past, in one extreme case costing me the whole game through sheer force of odds. Why should Snowhulk have a lower rate when he’s not nearly as overall capable?
    Proposed solution: At the very least, put a cap on the number of times mons can return when it’s RNG based. 5 seems good; there’s still tooooons of room to make an impact, or at least divert attention away from allies, but it won’t be able to be taken to an extreme. And perhaps lower the respawn rate to something like 60%.

What really bothers me about Floco is that his entrance activates before other entrance passive
If a Flocco and Valzareign enters at the same time Valz comes in with below 70% HP having a shield
Imo only the shield should be removed no damage
About Spectrefox I really think solo isn’t necessary on her and maybe she can be revived only once?

Dont forget about
moku(easy get 4 kill ,high attack,high defense),
gangrilla (change retalite to slayerbane or sleep imunity too insomia),
pengbot(Need restriction for SBA)
kirina (kirina awaken+ accelerate its very hard to kill and more faster then 99% speed monster)

If you want increase TU for padrinorca,you must increase all RAW skill move from another monster.(give restriction on instant true hit its oke)
For novadrake ,reduce stun duration :150sec to 100sec.or change stun wave tu raw stun wave


If dev neft everything as you suggested then we have nothing left to play here. the limit always has its own difference and the Player removes the gem to get it back .


Here is my impartial, 100% bias-free opinion on these nerf suggestions:

Not necessary but I can see why. If it gets nerfed 70tu raw throw sounds good.


I feel like there are a few awakened mythics that could use a nerf more than this guy (just check the team cancer is using and you’ll find a bunch) but 70tu raw moves sounds reasonable

Maybe 70tu quick draw and a tu restriction at the start of battle for nefariodon? I usually don’t have much trouble with it but I’ve heard other ppl have had huge portions of their team wiped out (ngl I like the sound of that lol)

thlug beckie
I think thlugs have been nerfed enough as it is. They had theast tu increase and zealous attack removed. It’s already a huge risk to run thlugs and you have to kill them in order to get the desired effect. If your OoO isn’t successful, that’s almost an instant loss.

idc how they do it just nerf it im tired of players like cancer getting free wins because lemon patches up all the misplays they make.

meh it’s quite strong but not op

double retribution mons
I think we should revert the old retribution nerf which made it so deaths at the end of your team (such as rockoids killed when using throw)

I have similar thoughts with this as flocc but removing the shields gained from rear load mortar isn’t that unreasonable



You forgot to title this thread “Let’s talk about…”


“Let’s talk about anything I can’t handle”



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Not agreed :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Some great suggestions in here. I generally agree with TU increases.

I love the suggestion of making damage passives be non-elemental. I find the damage dealt very harsh when it’s boosted by 1.5x and frustratingly low when it’s 0.67x. It’s not particularly nice for either side when it’s almost guaranteed damage coming from Floccu, Static and Bomboid.


Well I go in and what do I see? hoooooo it’s more crying, I think I’ll get out of here I can’t stand the snarl, nerfff, nerfffffr, hhhooooo it’s too strongeee nerffffff :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob: I would like to enter the forum for a month and not see someone cry Cry and Cry :notes::notes::notes::notes:

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Wow what a mega nerf thread!

It’s good to have them all in one place though.

Pd: I don’t agree with any of the suggestions, the game is well balanced between f2p and p2w players precisely because there are some powerful legendaries and SE. Do not nerf the few things you’ve got! Team build instead


If I may reiterate… this isn’t me going “PLZ NERF NAOOOOOO”, all I’m trying to do is put ideas out there and have them subjected to criticism. I’ll get by just fine if none of it happens.

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@TNCGodZeus @DRACARYS Yeah guys this isn’t Lucrayzor screaming/crying for nerfs. It’s simply him saying “these are the things I think are a bit too strong / out of balance”. It’s the good kind of nerf threads :wink:

Some of the monsters are ones we’ve heard before but there are also a few other ones. I think it’s good to hear some opinions on this stuff from time to time.


Leave Ahui alooooooooone


This is the best suggestion in the entire thread.



I agree on your Nerf proposals on Tricranium, Cynthia, Novadrake, Ahuizard and Padrinorca because of their pesky 50sec sweeping moves.
Too easy to swing a match with them (especially the dude with 71% speed RAW Slayerbane) and even Ahuizard, the slower one, has to be prioritized to kill IMMEDIATELY if you don’t want to something to chip away at your team each 42sec.

The rest of the solutions are kinda debatable. Nerfing Retribution strats isn’t really necessary in my opinion: the only thing I’d propose is prohibiting Cannibalize from targeting self. Because that’s just stupid, how can you eat yourself, heal to full and then die?

Thlugs are a mistake

Lemon sounds troublesome but I THINK (while on paper it doesn’t seem so) it’s been nerfed enough: as I said in a previous thread, I’ve only met one Lemon (not counting the player) and it backfired on the user. Maybe the Nerf discouraged people enough. Maybe the only thing I’d change is SOLO Potent Sleep because we don’t really need more of that on a tanky S tier mythic.

Flocculasaurus’ damage made non-elemental would be a nice tweak, since it’s neither a buff or a nerf.

Spectrefox can be a pain, but most of the time the solution is… Leaving it be. She has a really narrow range of targets she’s effective against, most of the time she won’t even be troublesome.


Nah there other ways to trigger retribution shenanigans so nerfing cannnibalize is useless. Retribution should only trigger when your opponent kills your unit. It only makes sense after the death revenge nerf.

Death revenge into cannabilazie killed one unit while retribution kills 2 units. There other comparisons I can make about how retribution is so much stronger then cannibalize/death revenge prenerf but I’m sure you got the point.

Why are you trying to kill the only F2P option against those pesky camo units? :pleading_face: