Well this is my 2nd Massive Buff Thread this time i bring some monsters that might look like they don’t need it but i explained my reasons and then again this are several suggestions for Buffs I’m not saying that they all should be applied most of them with only 1 or maybe 2 will be completely fixed
- Tridrakhan
Well this one have been sitting in everybody’s bench for quite a while. A monster which is useless both in PvP and PvE. I think it deserves a chance. The main issue i see with it is that for such an agressive move set design is a really bad sweeper it’s poison eater it’s to low damage to so high TU it’s SS Damage is mediocre compared to all other dual target moves (defang nightwatch time’s Up) so i think this monster’s offensive potential should be improved
1- change it’s SS to something else like 1 swift Nightwatch 50 TU (for obvious reasons i think it doesn’t have it because it was released before Centaureon so the move didn’t exist back then) 2 Swift Dual Poison Eater
2- Change Poison Eater to something else with lower TU and multiple targets like 1 RAW Double Poison Eater (100 TU like Scorp’s) 2 RAW Poison Massacre (100 TU too) 3 SOLO Double Poison Eater 130 TU (this will held back it’s abuse into link fire which is strong enough already)
3- Change Ultrablaze for something else like 1 Poison Timestrike (Phantom s idea) 2 Venom Chrono Killer (Why it should be Maggatsuoh’s exclusive)
4- Add a 2nd passive OR Change it for Stun entrance my main suggestion is Insomnia because it will make it a better counter to sleep as i think it was think of when it was designed or something else like Hardered Carpace or Stun Immunity
- Pandamonium
I know this one got buffed But it stills unused and it’s maybe because that buff wasn’t enough. I think the main issue with this monster is that despite it’s huge support power to all archetypes it is still overcosted for what it offers so my suggestions are
1- make all it’s skills 70 TU i know it might sound crazy but all it’s skills have a cost for what the do so why it’s TU should be so diffrent from the original move for example Potent sleep it’s 50 TU and pandamonium despite being 100% effective it sleeps the user so why not make it 70 TU. And Stun pulse is 50 TU 1 use only Pandamonium can use it 5 times but it fully heals the target so why not make it 70 intead of 100 and it’s poison skill doesn’t do any damage which is an upside down from Poison storm and it reduces the user’s health so it’s 2 cons and 1 pro (multiple times use) comparing it to the original skill
2- change it’s AoE for something else this skill makes no sense in this pure support monster change it to something useful like 1 purifying mist 2 purifying stealth 3 Taunt!!! (This would be great because it will be a support monster with no killing weakness and decent speed which also protects teammates)
- Bazilogon
Well this monster got some really really bad buff compared to it’s pal Warca why is that Warca got 2 great passives and this poor one got the almost useless Insomnia. I think this monster main problem is it lacks of resources to survive most of Novablasters have HG and healing mover but not this one so my changes suggestions are focused in that
1- change insomnia or Shield entrance for anothe passive or maybe both for othe 2 my suggestions are 1 HG (obviously i think it’s the only novablaster who now doesn’t have it) 2 Camo!!! (In my opinion this is the best skill to make monster survival capabilities better and i think it won’t be a big trouble because of its mediocre move set)
2- Change it’s AoE or Stealth all for something else my suggestions are 1 Salvation (if it gets HG) 2 LINK Shield All (this will obviously help it survive and it will make it a great support to LINK Earth and taking in count it does have Assisted AoE it makes sense)
- Grovos
This one got 2 big nerfs in the past and i think the first one which was spriggolo speed decrease it’s no longer needed because with it’s clone loop ended spriggolo speed it’s not an issue any longer so my only suggestion it’s to take it back to how it was i can’t remember exactly i think it was something like 86 or 82 idk
- Leogeist
This one got greatly buffed with the crescendo move buff in general and the inspire buff but despite being a great monster right now it’s has a big issue imo the which is Self Life Flip a move that makes no sense in a monster that doesn’t have HG and compared to all other Crescendo monsters it’s really fragile and it’s thw only one that doesn’t have HG and compared to Angelion (the other Stun Counter Legenday of the game) it’s move set it not so good so my suggestions are either take it to closer to the level as others Crescendo monsters (survival wise) or take it closer to the level of Angelion (support wise)
1- Give it HG why not it’s the only crescendo monster that doesn’t have it and it will make a lot of sense with it’s move set due to Self Life Flip
2- Change Self Life Flip to something else like: 1 Purify 2 Crescendo Charge (KD idea) 3 purifying mist
3- I think this monster could have a 2nd passive because he and Angelion are the only 2 legendary Stun Counter that exists in the game and Angelions move set it’s a 100 times better and in top of that it has 2 passives so why not Leo so my suggestions are 1 HG (as i explained above) 2 Poison immunity 3 Hardened Carpace
- Prismarix
This one is not a bad monster atm but there are 2 things that bother me about it the 1st is why does it has Life Flip Ally? It doesn’t make sense at all and the 2nd is that compared to the other 4 SBA monsters of the game it’s the only one that doesn’t have 2 passives why is that? So my suggestions are
1- Change Life Flip Ally for something else like: 1 ELEM Ally Shield 2 ELEM Aceleration or 3 Darkbane or Stealthbane the first 2 will make it a better support to link Holy which is almost it’s exclusive use and the last one will help it to deal with its current counter which is Stealth
2- Give it a 2nd Passive something like 1 Stun Immunity 2 HG (whit this there will be no need to change Life Flip Ally) 3 Poison Immunity (this way it’s entrance shield won’t be removed by poison tick helping it survive to be able to use SBA)
- Blacktitan
This monster got a really good buff with the last update’s True Hit general Buff and it’s a pretty good monster already because it has a huge combo potential with it’s 90 speed Retreat BUT this monster it’s doomed to only that either it uses true hit and then retreat or retrets on first turn to be used later on as Throw fodder most of times (a pretty expensive one, 16 cost!!!) and most of this is due to it’s narrow move set very limited by 2 SOLO moves a RAW one and a 250 TU Ultrastone that it’s forced to use a lot (Gravity Field or if he already retreated and it’s surrounded by rockoids in the endgame) so i think this should be changed so my suggestions are:
1- Remove the SOLO Restriction on Bloodthirst this way it will have something to do outside Ultrastone and being a Full attack stat monsters it will deal pretty good damage after 1 kill
2- Change Ultrastone for something else like: 1 Protector Killer (fits the design really well because it’s supposed to be a hard counter to protector strategies) 2 Poison Touch 3 Kinslayer
It goes without saying that if any of these 2 suggestions is applied there is no need for the other and these same kind of changes should be applied to it’s brother Whitetitan