Monsters that need buffs (input needed)

Tbh I’d sack off defensive mode altogether for 90% of the mons that have it

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It just doesn’t make any sense really

Except for the Garden Fairy :joy:

Bingo except for her

Something like arden carapace but with armor would solve the problem

Low armor- boost 25% defence when thr monster has 70% hp or igher

Mediun- armor - same but with boost 50%

Ight armor- same but with 100%

Can we buff some of the more seldom used legendaries/mythics so we see a bit more diversity?

E.g. Let’s have Scolopendragon’s Scale Breaker to include dragons as well as lizards (dragons have scales afterall!)

Some love to Vixian, Lime, Arachnodrake so some of their conditional move aren’t so restrictive/high tu

Finally, Haneri wants to join other storm monsters too! Can we get rid of her solo like Aoi xD


Scolopendragon is super strong as soon as it gets a kill. It’s also sleep immune so can be used in OoO. Being able to piercing one-shot too many monsters would make it very strong. When I’ve seen it in practice it’s been fine how it is, in my opinion.

Vixian and Lime could have some tweaks, I can get behind that.

Arachnodrake is actually very strong. It sweeps at reasonable TU and all very high damage, usually piercing too. The entrance is excellent setup for itself and many other monsters (anything with stealthbane or sneak attack) so when you use it in a team it does a lot. The SS has multiple restrictions due to its strength in the FL. In practice, you can use it without the SS just fine.

Haneri is super strong now since her buff. She definitely doesn’t need more! Also, without solo it would make her way too strong in OoO with other storm sleep immune monsters. Yes there are non-storm monsters for this too but the options are more limited.

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I still feel like throw should have slightly more damage. Terragar and Emeraldont in particular are really bad, but it seems the move in general is weak.


I think Scolopendragon is too one dimensioned and carry too much risk of being a deadweight. Even if you know they play a lizard you have to see whether it will be in FL, mid or EG, risk vs rewards just don’t match. Making Scale Breaker including dragons could increases its consistency without being OP, chances are it will die after one kill anyway. I just feel its a waste of artwork if anything sometimes these legendaries basically never get played.

I have had little success with Arachnodrake but ye you might as well turn the SS off :stuck_out_tongue: and Haneri is just jealous of Aoi.


Harden carapace go brrrr

@Dev_VKC a buff to majorie - passive - where enemy cant see our next in line reinforcement …nowadays, we can predict what enemy will run from his next in line reinforcement :sweat_smile:


I would say yes but stunlock would run rampant with that

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So i just meet that guy running +9 zib and kunomi 5th , whith her entrance who has no restrictions and i was wondering why she doesnt have while all the poison entrance have , even awakned asmodia , 100 tu since the battle started , but kunomi could just poison everything at like 25 tu , which is abusive at that early time ,
So @Dev_VKC why is she the only monster whith poison entrance that doesn’t have any restriction , make all the entrances equal , restrictions for everyone or remove asmodia and nectarom and the others poison 100 tu restriction

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Why is DMG clan always trying to nerf teams made by RISE members :joy:

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Yeah, I’ve moaned about this too. Makes no sense why there isn’t the 100s restriction from start of battle on Kunomi’s entrance. They even have it on shiny Banedragon’s entrance passive (which only poisons enemies).

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Both the players are not even in DMG smhw.

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I could’ve sworn coltraz got booted from DMG ages ago lol


My bad I thought you guys let anyone into DMG


Hello everyone, it’s my first time speaking here in the forum and well guys here I bring you a proposal. I would like the mythical XYZ to be given a buffering in his passive ion field ability because I have it and I can’t use it since there are currently too many temporary ones in the game and it makes me lose the games, he also doesn’t have any ability that guarantees a certain death and neither does any blood ability, he is possibly the most devil unrestricted mythical that exists and my proposal would be to make a skill change in his passive, instead of stunning that moves the mostros away even if they are only 10 seconds swimming but that doesn’t count as stunning. Or have your passive change to holding territory and still be a stun stand, is my way of thinking guys who believe