Monsters that need buffs (input needed)

I never lose to duel, super easy strategy to beat :100:

Using Coc* Lock, anything is easy to beat (except your meatoid).


can we buff flocco again pls :point_right::point_left:


Welcome back :blush:

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I ran the numbers and yeah he actually one-shots any legendaries which are rounded stats or lower. Standard defence and full defence are the two which he does not one-shot (although he can get lucky against some like Regalion, but not Dusicyon). So you’re correct that it’s most holy/shadow monsters, but definitely not all and it’s basically not at all against mythics.

It should have stun immune and a step back/tactical retreat/sendback style move


@Dev_VKC next time please consider buffing Orochi (I don’t own her if anyone’s wondering).

Active Skill:
Stunning Fulu->Blood stun
Blood stun (3) : Uses 30% of the users current HP to stun an enemy for 200TU.
The TU of the skill should be 100TU on 2nd form and 70 on Awaken.

Also exclusively give her one sided Stun Bisector or same passive as Sturgeon.

Passive skill:
Maiden’s Will: All stun effects against teammates are halved and they will be immune to stun if this monster has at least two kills.

Not serious about making teammates stun immune lol but maybe give her killer immunity/HG in maiden’s will.
Death entrance+: Kills a random enemy upon entrance. (Only for awaken form)
Change her stats to full defense and speed 32->40

I like her design. Would love to see any of the above mentioned changes in her (I’m not asking for all of the buffs at once, any is fine but definitely do something about her stun skill+bisector).


they just released mythic with multiple entrances and hp reduction

Hopefully there’s no crazy people out there who plan on using akane and flocca together now that the special rule is done


Orochi is fine, it just needs a different passive from stun bisector.


Orochi got buffed recently and seems very good. The SS is very strong, she’s tanky stun protection and gets guaranteed kills. Kill an enemy of your choice (e.g. stun protection) + stun all enemies for 100s is very controlling! I don’t think she needs any more buffs! The only wrinkle is the entrance, which is not helpful one bit.

What makes you feel she needs a lot of changes?

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Orochi is fine, he just needs to swap out that bisector stun passive. It would be nice hmm… Stun Inmunity? Entrance with Shield, why? When entering, she gets a kill because she kills someone at random, prone to a Killer of Killer, she is also a stunner, and she is slow in speed. A shield would make a difference. Or in another way, increase the speed 54 ~ 67 and give him hmm Entrance with Camouflage? Maybe a Dream entry and take a turn, it would be very good like this :joy::joy::sweat_smile: I don’t know, there are so many options.

I said any of the change is fine but specially that Stunning fulu+Bisector needs to be changed.

But stunning fulu to blood stun isn’t actually a buff imo :eyes: We are lucky for not seeing that thing in a stun lock set up.




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I am Groot :rofl::moyai::tanabata_tree:

Why do people have such a problem with stun bisector? They changed to be literally a 200s stun, i.e. it’s still 100s with the stun bisector! If the passive was removed they would have to reduce it to 100s anyway, so it’s literally a benefit to have stun halved on your team.

Btw people are totally correct that her death entrance is always killing the highest TU monster. That seems wrong, but is temporarily making it a lot better.


Hey @Dev_VKC can Rexo please have anything instead of defensive mode? Serpent Ore would be cool

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