why guaranteed mythic only available for paid gems only this year??

@Dev_VKC @Dev_BRD Why anniversary this year you decided to make guaranteed mythic can be purchased only with paid gems?
this is anniversary and it’s 5 year for frickin sake (half decade)

you guys really are something else eh
i mean i am grateful with all the bonus, but guaranteed mythic is something that i am excited for.
and 10th for 10 in1 ? you expect all people have 400 gems ready?

my point is it’s anniversary for half decade and you guys still being half hearted
you even hid the monster identity so people have more dilemma hatching now or wait for the next batch


Seriously devs gave u people 120 free gems and u r still complaining


It is a GURANTEED mythic and we are unlucky people. what more did u expect?

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I knew was for paying customers.
But some people just ignore my comments in other threads.


yeah it’s greatly disappointing to be sure… I gladly would’ve forked over 40 gems for the this opportunity. On the bright side though, you can get 26 gems quite easily for just 8 bucks… I can’t believe I actually find myself considering it lol


Its Business…You have to understand.

120 gems for uncertainty? knowing my luck, id rather got something that is guaranteed

you directed this post to who

this year is not like last year. of course people think this year will be more generous than last year.
but ye someone gotta pay some rent i guess

nope, not going to spent anything with half naked girl still exist



I actually agree with him.

It was already scummy to give a bonus to those that already have more gems last year, but now they’re completely taking away f2ps from part of this festivity.

Also you copied the same comment that was made last year when a similar post was made. You thought we’d have forgotten, but we didn’t.



I’m ok either way, as the less awakened Mythics are around, the better.

What I hope will appear anytime soon is some new game-breaking PvE content. New events, new gamemodes. Monster Bond Quests are OK but really not that innovative… I want some good, old-fashioned fun!


Everyone saying this game is completely fair to fp2. But idk your chance of getting good mons is minimal unless you are using paid gems or have large gem pool(for which you need good mons, and the cycle goes on) is in’t it what pay to win is.

The thing is, it’s not NECESSARY to pay in order to win. You can rank high in PvP despite being a F2P, you just need patience. Spenders will reach greater levels in less time, sure, but despite their power, awakened Mythics are not invincible.

All you need is, like I said, a good amount of patience and perseverance.

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Ok but consider that paying player will constantly get way better mons pools than f2p. So what good will patience do. Gap will only increase.

Before people start saying we paid for this ■■■■ how dare you f2p compare with us . This is what pay to win is. Paying to quickly catch up is one thing . But constantly getting buffed by paying money is another thing

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And that’s reasonable, they pay for that. Plus, the spending required in order for the gap to be significant is huge… That’s balanced imo

13 paid, 13 free. Don’t make the mistake! You can buy this pack on two consecutive days though for the cheapest way to get 20 paid gems.

Here the paying players are getting a single copy of something they need 4 copies of. It’s more like “paying to catch up” than getting a buff from paying.

Personally I think it’s totally fine it being spender only. Like I said above, it’s only 1 of 4 copies of a mythic so it’s by no means giving spenders an advantage over free players. All it does is give a cheap mythic copy to the spenders. I believe that’s very respectful to the people who pay the company for this game.

I would’ve gladly done a pack for 40 gems but I’m not too bothered I can’t. It would’ve given me a monster I’ll barely use and can never awaken. There was a small chance it could give me a shard towards one I have… which is potentially even less useful.

As for the 400 gems… it can definitely be saved up over time. I’ve done roughly 10 packs in a couple of eggs this year as a free player. Mythics are basically for spenders anyway, so it’s nice spenders are getting a little more assurance.

The anniversary is usually the time when new egg changes are introduced so I wouldn’t be surprised if this “every 10 packs mythic guaranteed” continues in all eggs over this next year. It will reward people for saving up once again.

It’s not about the gap between F2Ps and P2Ps or power creep, but Anniversary is such an important event! I think all players should enjoy everything it has to offer together, and this decision takes a part of the festivity away from some.

I think rewarding paying customers with half price and a 6s ticket was a better idea, even though truth be told I’m not a huge of that either as P2Ps already have more gems to spend to begin with.

Personally I would have given an extra 6s ticket to anyone that opened a pack with paid gems alone, which would help reaching those Ankara heights.


You guys misunderstood one critical thing. All those free games have the same prospects…you play them free but if the game makes you happy,sometimes you have to reward the company(ex. buying gems).The true fact is that devs really give us a good amount of free gems and a good deal for buying gems(for example 13 paid and 13 free). I respect that. On the other hand all those rewards do not guarantee a new mythic or even a legendary monster!! The players need to feel really rewarded when they play a game( even more on anniversaries - a CELEBRATION for the game). I clearly remember about 2 years ago, devs they gave us a free multi with a guarantee legend (mythic weren’t exist back then, with higher rates on new featured legends) . In conclusion, year by year the game should reward more mainly on anniversaries showing the respect to all players mostly to veterans who support the game even from the beginning. This year i felt that devs should give us something new( Not again a paid mythic banner as the last year).
That’s all my opinion and feel the necessity to share it with you!! :smiley: :smiley:


When u hatch 3 batches of 10 eggs sets and u got no legend or mythic how do u feel. not talking about 120 gems we are gonna get talking about gems u hid soo many day by controlling your urge to open eggs.