Triviathan sucks

Speed does seem slow compared to other monsters especially considering it has stealth entrance. Seems like that would be tough to setup. but looks like he’s more setup for different strategies. Get kill while protecor is on field than once protector is dead, start destroying the other team. A 100sec for two kill is awesome. This is the monster i want the most from this event.

If you’re worried about stuns, dont build your full team around one monster, getting 2-4 kills from one monster is preety good if you ask me.

I agree but a lot of the people posting on this forum are talking about PvP and not only that but about the top level of PvP. In there people play for control and any monster which is slow (speed and moveset) or can be turned into dead weight by the opponent can not be much help. Additionally, while you can get away with lack of stun protection a fair amount of the time it can be the big factor in turning around a game if the opponent stuns you and then uses that window of time to kill off a few of your monsters to break any combos and put you in a losing position. With Trivia it’s harder to avoid this because of its restrictive moveset and especially when you’re double sweeping you’re going to come across stun very quickly.

So, it’s very easy to be critical of this monster and think it has no place in top-level PvP, which is what people seem to care about most on the forum. However, the 100TU double sweeping move is incredibly good… I hope we can all agree there. @Moshu If you’re excited by this monster so much I just want to point out how it’s got low defence and no hold ground, meaning it can very easily not kill 2-4 monsters as you hope. Stealthy entrance simply isn’t enough to keep it alive and reliable for getting kills, especially when it needs the stealth still there on its turn to have a killing move.

Thank you for the feedback, guys.
Please be nice and polite to Triviathan.

After long discussion, we believe it is needed and safe to make it better.
Triviathan will be a little be more defensive, and its speed will be increased significantly. We will also change the TU of Double Sneak Attack to 160.

Tezcacoatl will get some decent buffs as well.


Thanks @Dev_VKC. I have neither but I think this is a good decision. Texcoatle is useless. I dont fear him in PvP or PvE so please buff him. Tri does need to be faster so good decsion.

Thanks, Devs!

So when is the next update exactly?
Do you have a plan for buffing skele?

Thanks you

can we get a list of all monsters that are gonna get a buff

He sorta did in the other thread. Nebel, cosmo, and the suicide squad (rexo/kami) were the top mentions. Plus all Legends will eventually have a SS.

no, that thread just said that they would be getting a new skill or something. he didn’t tell the skill. I am asking what this skill is

Oh gotcha. I hope they do but I bet they keep that hush hush.

probably because the new skills won’t change much and they don’t want a civil war on their hands

Thanks for the info that Trivia will be getting buffed! :slight_smile: Now I need to have another think about whether I should spend 300 gems for one of the new monsters or to save for Maggatsuoh and Atlantyrant. They’re all looking good!