First of all Awesome design
Then comes the bad
No blood move
Weak against toxic killer for no reason
200-tu for a single move ( wich i like the concept) but It should be around 100- TU
Idk what problem devs have with shadow monsters and stealth but its obviuos they couldnt care less about then
Better add new link fire crap with super low TU and legemdary moveset
ye. great design. very disappointing moveset TU. thats all you can really say. would be interesting with new shop Mythic maybe.
He looks so cool, fantastic.
I agree poison Gambit for no reason/they can make it stealthy entrance
Keep in mind that Sneak attack is 130TU and this move can even work if you have a single camo Mon on field
Very reasonable
Or devs can make it a link move with 100TU
You are right i missed the part where it can hit if a friend monster has stealth
Still too much TU tho
Make it link 100-TU and get rid of poison gambit for stealth entrance
Link mist instead of link stealth all
Im tired of poison
I love this guy because you know he’s pals with Hanzo outside of pvp
Here’s what I’d love to see with it:
- Devious attack 200TU → 160TU
- Poison gambit → Shadow runner (accelerated when it has stealth - note: loses accelerate when it loses stealth, even if sped up by an accelerate move)
Then it would be very cool!
ooh thats noice