Thoughts on the AP changes

you’re missing the point.

Why should i run protectors in the first place where i can play the game safely by playing something like jag or gyo fast sweepers with no killer weakness over monsters that can die in a insta.

I have demonstrated this retard meta by getting possibly the highest winrate i ever made last pvp which i do expect it to be over 96% with my gyo team.

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Again, potential isn’t everything. Cent may not instantly get a turn back, but he CAN purify and get a turn back, and kill TWO monsters with very generous TU. Not to mention unlike twig he doesn’t depend on enemy sleepers to generate value for his team. Twig getting the slowest kill scaler in the game was a deliberate design decision in order to make it hard to consistently contribute if there aren’t enough protectors.

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Well as u can see with my team, running Protectors is still possible :wink:


you keep running away from my question just answer it.

why should i run the risk of getting my monsters wiped out in a insta vs running fast sweepers with no weakness at it.

Well, how’d it feel to forfeit your vulnerability to twig in exchange for granting your enemy the ability to target whatever monster they want at all times? Your performance has undisputedly proved that protectors are no longer integral to the meta, but I wouldn’t venture to say it proves how useless they are. There’s always more than one way to succeed in pvp. I reached top 100 with 2 protectors in FL, after all.

i did and got 96%+ winrate with my team so i do again and again if i need to.

Last pvp was the easiest one for me where i reached 100K and had so many hours left to the point i did not need to play them since the second place or the third place can dream of catching up to me with that high winrate due to stupid meta.

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So u only Lost against me and 2x against lemon?

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Just curious, how frequently did you encounter twighoul up there in high level pvp play? And do you believe that if you were running a single protector, he would’ve costed you the match?

However… people started playing twiggy, Protectors moved out of teams… then twiggy was totally useless… nobody played then twiggy, therefore Protectors re a thing again. Easy.


i had few loses here and they’re trying test teams even in ranked.

mainly i played with 2 teams during this pvp

Team 1 that had a lead with rock-and dusc which averaged 88-89% winrate
and team 2 that had a lead of gyo which averaged +96% winrate.

i encountered few losses with team 1 and the test teams i did in unranked and ranked but team two only had like 2 losses over 50+ games.

LOL. Man it always comes back to this for you.

You crack me up so much.


No but it’s still just a hard counter that’s all. You can just kill twig and let the respawn sit there all match :man_shrugging:t2: Or just don’t run them consecutively. It’s like 2 Chrono mons getting hit by FL dolph. A strat you ran well a few seasons ago. Or Cent like Luc says. It’s a very good hard counter with a risk element, like hard counters should be :blush:

Spot on. Play one protector and there’s minimal risk

i wonder how you will feel about a monster that kills all stun immunies or posion in a insta and get a turn aswell

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Yes! Let’s get a stun immune counter :raised_hands:t2:

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I remember my cent nearly everytime slept against petalisk/Sakura after entering the battlefield :joy: every time butt hurt lol

I would argue that that’s not the same, because unlike protectors they don’t generate immediate value simply by existing on the field. A tank can get stunned to oblivion, slept, etc., but as long as its protect effect is active it will still do its job by hindering the enemy’s progress. In general(exceptions noted), poison/stun immune monsters rely on their ability to have turns in order to generate their value. Which is why I believe spamming those kinds of monsters isn’t as egregious as spamming protectors.

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nah we need Stun immune Execute

it kills all monsters that have stun immune or stun counter and converters.


That would be extremely unfair though, because that would give stun teams a literal free pass to stun lock the entire enemy team and have free reign to do absolutely anything they want. There’s no way to capitalize on there being no protectors left other than simply attacking the monsters that you need to attack without fear of interception.

you can run few like 1 or two and if the monster had no target he would be dead weight. (Lemon logic is used here)

you can always use stun absorbers tho