This is crazy

There’s a doubt that’s been coming up to me for a while now, which is the problem that’s ah when it comes to catching eggs 800 gems at a festival and I don’t get a legendary It’s funny legendary that they’re not even in the pack Even repeated, Are 800 Gems so they don’t give you a legendary, which is what happens here this is just ah the f2p there are more odds for the Best Players or there’s more chance for some accounts and for others not, 4 blank pack without a single legendary which are the odds because I really don’t understand that someone explained to me


Typical unlucky day. Everyone has those times

That’s not bad luck because it happens there often

The odds are the same for everyone. If someone tells you something else, they are lying or stupid


Oooor the Rates are Just rigged as always… no pity timer is a real pain.

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Some quick math. 800 gems is 200 eggs. Looking at this

the odds that that many eggs don’t give a single legendary may be low, but given the 1000’s of players hatching eggs, it is actually this likely that a story like yours would exist many times. Keep in mind that the odds for a legendary are actually more than 3% on the eggs you were hatching. Sub in legendaries for hatchlings and eggs for attempted battles, and this old thread summarizes it pretty well. Reading the old forum for years has a few advantages.

Rare ark becomes legend, tries/battles becomes eggs, and this is a better explanation than I could ever give. Granted, bvs72 was supposedly a NASA scientist, so no surprises there. Note that the statistics are wrong for the current example(the odds he was talking about were way lower than ours), but the point remains the same.

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Seriously no one has told me I see it I honestly sometimes I am disappointed in this game honestly you say it you have been playing for years but remember that I am f2p quite work step

For us f2ps I think the 6th pack guarantee was better. At least back then you know you got something no matter what you rolled otherwise. I know some people have been lucky and prefer the new system but like you one can roll far beyond 6 packs and get squat.

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Strange how this keeps harkening back to that same old thread. There used to be a counter in place, so that every 1999 failed attempts, the 2000th was a guaranteed success. The problem was, no one could actually prove it was true, because no one ever actually got unlucky enough to fail 1999 times in a row. Imo the 6 pack guarantee shouldn’t have been removed, though, since there is a much higher chance of getting no legend in 5 packs than no rare in 1999 battles(the odds were so low that most of the calculators I used just returned 0)

The 6th pack guarantee also meant 3x chance for a featured legendary instead of 15x chance. I’d say that for a huge portion of players the 15x chance for a featured is much better than having to save 300 gems to get a featured legendary or two.

Edit: has anyone noticed that most ppl who complain about bringing the 6th pack guarantee back tend to spend almost all their gems on special eggs? just a thought

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I think we should have both. 300 egg guarantee (pity timer style) AND 15 x chance. Either way people are going to buy eggs so I don’t see the issue. If anything, people would be inclined to buy even more gems because they know they’ll get a return.


15x chance is fake : 4 pack and nothing at 5th anniversary

With 4 packs you had a ~ 16.5 % of getting 0 featured legendaries. Sucks but happens.

Sorry, but I’m afraid you are a few hundred eggs off from finding anything statistically significant.


for me 15x chance is nothing different.But IDK about you

Well for me it meant getting orca and jag with three packs. It’s likely the extra 5x chance to get a featured is why I got both of them.

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Yes I’m aware there are better odds for a featured legend nowadays, yet would still prefer the 6th pack deal since I’d be rolling with inentention of only getting the single legend at the end anyways. Everything else would be a plus. As of now I can roll 8 packs with no guarantee of anything. Id rather go for the decreased odds but guaranteed since I’m bound to get something.

Even if over time you would have noticeably less featured legendaries?

Yes, particularly because in the end id have more control over what legend i would get. I would pf course prefer that the single featured legend deal was brought back, but even the two legend eggs would do for me.