Rare Egg Openings

Does anyone have terrible luck with the rare eggs? Like 0 legendaries out of 6 openings terrible luck? lol I can’t pull a legend from those “higher chances” to save my life :joy: Who else has gone 0 for something on those eggs?

0 from 5

I feel for you man

2/5 so far. Got another one after I hit 300 in IC

0 /6 for me too bro

1/2 for me. You guys have a lot of rare gems :open_mouth:

There’s a 95% chance you would get a legend from 6 attempts.

Has the 40% chance actually been implemented correctly?

My odds follow the % given by the devs but so little attempts is going to be very random and not give any real results.

Six is a pretty significant amount of attempts on a supposed 40% hit rate. It’s not quite landing tails six times in a row but it’s not far off.

I’m 2/3. Pretty sure it’s in there right.

Just because someone or a couple people are unlucky doesn’t mean there is a bug.

I’m 4/6 on main Acct
0/3 on f2p

On the first page we see:

1 thread on not getting any legs from rare eggs

1 thread on bugged draft

1 thread on not being able to put mons asleep

I see similarities…


RNGesus scorns those who dare to play this game.

I’m not claiming a bug, but it is pretty incredible to have people going 0-6 like that. 95% (thanks to who did the math on that) is nearly unbelievable haha


Relax you’re doing fine

this is quite decieving 40 % -> 50 % might look similiar but once multiple attemps come into play the diffrence is rather big.

Relatively speaking, it is quite a large difference. But when you get into a significant number of attempts, in terms of raw odds, there’s very little in it.

For example:

In the case of six attempts, the odds of getting heads (or tails) in every single attempt is 1.6%.

In the case of six attempts, the odds of getting an SE in every single attempt is 4.7%.

So yes, the 60% odds result in a 3x higher chance of getting that result. But ultimately in this case, it boils down to merely three percentage points. When you look at it from the other side (the odds of getting at least one of the ‘other’ or desired result), it’s 98.4% vs 95.3%. In the scheme of things, both are pretty damn likely (or unlikely, depending on which side of the fence you are standing on), statistically speaking.

Of course, we don’t know how many people have gotten those few odds, and it may well be case of the ‘statistical base’ (as it were) being heavily biased by those who have done worse being more likely to speak out, whereas those who have achieved more in line (or better) than the odds not speaking up - and thus, it may only be a very small percentage who have gotten this unlucky. Statistically speaking, five people in every 100 (on average) who roll six attempts would get 0 legends. So maybe this is just the case.

I’m on 3 of 6 - I’m sure it must average out to 40% (not that I mind my luck here)

2/3. Got Gaiakaizer today.