Showdown Tower Discussion

Here’s the mystery monster.

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It’s a shadow type stun absorb 5 cost

Fluffury? That’s grumpie’s next form

And if you mean nebuling, then that monster has already been released

I think it has protect, drain survivor, stealth purify friend (single mist), absorber, hg? and aoe?. not sure of the two last skills.

Protect teamates , drain survivor, purifying stealth, aoe

Stun absorber & shield entrance .

No HG!!

So the mystery cat that you saw may have been the same monster as that creepy one that you mentioned? Because you saw grumpie and fluffury, all that’s left is fluffurious

Yes this fluffury is one of them. Thank you guys :grin:
Thats the “cat” thing i meant :sweat_smile:


I faced it again

Yep, you faced two evolutions of the same mon and thought that they were 2 different mons, but they are in fact the same thing

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In this mode does every floor eventually have a trainer or can they be avoided by choosing the correct door?

Trainers are in set places. E.g. Floor 10 battle no. 3 (for the third badge) is where Torus can be met. The door you pick gives you a chance for encountering the trainer. No message = low chance, white message = medium chance, red message = high chance.

The trainer isn’t behind a certain one of the three doors, it’s a chance each time you select the door that you will meet the trainer there. I.e. To meet the trainer you should pick a red door then if you don’t meet them you have to retreat and re-enter the same door until you do. If you want to avoid a trainer you’ve got to pick a door with the lowest chance and try your luck. If you happen to meet the trainer anyway then it’s too late to retreat, you will lose all your badges if you do.

I made a map of where all the trainers are if you want to take a look: Showdown Tower map

No message = no trainer for the record

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Are you talking about the cases where there are two red doors and one with no message? Because on those I’m 99% certain that you can still meet the trainer behind the door with no message.

Has that ever happened? Coz I’m sure that doors with no messages will never have any trainer battles in them. @Dev_VKC can you confirm which is correct?

Yup, it’s happened to me quite a few times. On the battles where there’s no trainer then obviously no message = zero chance but on the ones with r-r you can still meet the trainer in the middle. I’ve tried to avoid certain trainers like that and still met them.

It has never happened with me, when there is no warning. And no trainer shows up !!

I’m on floor 11 ,so far KD’s mapping has been accurate for me. In doors with - , I never met any trainer .

I’ve just gone through Garcia’s door on level 10 with RED WRITING 10 times in a row and he didn’t appear even once.
I need to beat him one more time for the consolation prize. Feels like I’m getting scammed! This is beyond RNG. Has anybody else experienced something like this?

Edit: 11 times
Edit: He finally appeared on the 12th attempt. I won the battle and got the gems…

Yea it happens.

Hello I was wondering if anybody could help me build a team that is capable of getting me through floor 12. This is the first time I’ve made it this far and I would really love to beat it for once. I’ll attach photos of my monsters. image image image image image