PS4 Vs. Xbox One: which one are you buying?

Imma just stick with pc for now.

I like that idea!!!

Gotta love pc, mods, no disks to loose, cheaper prices for games… I don’t have to get up off my fat lazy behind to get games (thank you steam)

<3 steam, however it is nice to hear that consoles will be doing more game downloads for this generation.

I like the play while it downloads thing on ps4, that sounds amazing… If the hardware would work.

Xbox one does the same thing

Literally the only differences between the two is that the Kinect is mandatory and the the PS4 Camera isn’t and maybe the selection of Apps that Xbox One has

That;s it

PS4 could have been really successful…it it wasn’t for the faulty hardware…

Just watch though, something in the xbox one is going to blow up, just like in the 360, where the silicon used to melt onto the motherboard.

I doubt it

You know as well as I do the first shipment always sucks but I think they learned from the 360

Hopefully, but judging from Microsoft’s latest releases, mainly windows 8 and the new windows phones, which have more problems than vista did, I know they will find a way to screw something up. And seeing as how 3 months ago they basically shot themselves in the foot with the Drm, required internet, and kinect crap, they are a significantly less popular gaming system than the ps4 right now.

Am I really the only one getting Xbox here?

Yeah, feel lonely. lol jk but i hate microsoft,

Sorry Deadpool, I think you are.  However if I start hearing good things about the Xbox One I might get one.  However right now I have a PC that destroys the PS4 and Xbox One in terms of Hardware.  

PS4 here. It’s my opinion that it’s better and for those who like the Xbox better that’s perfectly fine. You’re alone in this thread but you’re not alone worldwide-wise.

Honestly, i really don’t count computers as actual consoles. Its a computer. Its like comparing apples and meatloaf.

I see what Microsoft was trying to do but instead of implementing it slowly, they just went “here”

They think too far ahead for their own good. That’s why they get into trouble

Let me remind you of: 

  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 8.1 (which just made it worse by giving us a useless start button)
  • Windows Phone
  • Xbox 360 update to windows phone clone
  • Xbox One DRM, Kinect, and Internet issues (despite being changed, it still puts people off of xbox)

For only being 17 years of age, and using computers since i was 3, the only version of windows i was actually a fan of was xp

As of right now, I won’t be getting either, but for a very specific reason - I’m unemployed and have no money to spend.

I tend to buy games a year or so after it gets released so I don’t have to pay so much, so naturally I am late on some game series that everyone’s already played and beaten by now.  I.E. I’m about halfway through Mass Effect 2, and haven’t gotten Bioshock Infinite yet despite being a fan of the series.

That said, if/when I buy a next-gen console, I’ll most likely be getting the Xbox One only because I’ve got a 360 now.

First of all love your username, second Mass Effect 2 is simply amazing.  I understand your reasoning on buy a Xbox One.  I am sorry about your unemployment.


Let me remind you of: 

  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 8.1 (which just made it worse by giving us a useless start button)
  • Windows Phone
  • Xbox 360 update to windows phone clone
  • Xbox One DRM, Kinect, and Internet issues (despite being changed, it still puts people off of xbox)
    For only being 17 years of age, and using computers since i was 3, the only version of windows i was actually a fan of was xp [/quote]

Vista is hated by everyone so I don’t count it

Windows 8 is too far ahead for its own good and instead of standing ground, they bent over backwards

The 360 update was not the worst thing on that list and really shouldn’t be up there. I don’t blame them for trying to make everything uniform. Makes the process so much easier.

DRM was similar to what Steam does and people flipped. Not saying it was the best way to go about it but it could be great in the future.

and I like the Kinect and those ideas? Why not streamline the process to turning on and off? We do it with our computers all day. And sometimes, you can’t find a controller so you use the Kinect. The watching everyone part of it is garbage now because of how the government is taking care of that issue

24 hour check in was an issue that I agree was dumb. That was going to make it impossible to so anything at all.

Deadpool a computer not a game console?  My computer was built for gaming, just like the PS4 and Xbox One.  Did it cost me more than both a Xbox One and PS4, yeah it did however that is the compromise I’m willing to take for the ability to upgrade my hardware, customize everything I can think of when it comes to my desktop, web-browser I use, and which game provider I choose (i.e. Steam, Origin, Uplay) , play on a keyboard (that’s just more comfortable for me), and MODs I can add to an older game, giving it new life.  So I disagree with you when you say a computer is not a console.  Note I’m not dissing consoles, consoles are much cheaper than PCs, you know what you’re getting right out of the box, you get a clean user interface, and (depending on your preference) get a decent controller.  I just think computers are consoles too.