OLD Tier List

Can we recognise saintfeather is C tier!
@Dev_VKC I hope this convinces you to change your perspective on saint.

Being Chrome and Sear food is a very good point. However, Searguard doesnā€™t actually one-shot him because of his high defence (Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m remembering that correctly). Iā€™ve tentatively put him as S+ but he may drop to S once Iā€™ve seen him in action a bit more, if there are lots of chrono killers around in PvP. Protectors are very often used for their stun absorb so a lot of the time you donā€™t need one if youā€™ve got a good team going and Angelion. From my first impression, Angelionā€™s main counter is Chromera but other than that it doesnā€™t get taken down as easily as you might fear. No more than other monsters without hold ground.

I donā€™t expect to appease everyone but seriously be nice. This forum doesnā€™t have a place for us being rude to each other. Iā€™m sure that if youā€™d taken the time to look through the current state of Buckinghamā€™s list youā€™d see far more ā€œwrongā€ with it. That wasnā€™t because Buckingham did a bad job, it was because keeping it properly up to date for all the monsters was a tough challenge. So, at the very least, see this as an improvement. If you canā€™t then simply be grateful that this tier list makes no impact to the gameā€¦ itā€™s just a thread on the forum to give people an idea about the strength of monsters.

@Buckingham Good to see you post here! Itā€™s sad to see you havenā€™t played for a few weeks. I hope you are fond of the changes, most at least. I made a few which I knew people wouldnā€™t likeā€¦ for example, Cryo, Sancta, Nebel and Cosmo are all way higher for PvP. Itā€™s harder to be unbiased with bad monsters that have been buffed than it is for good monsters which have been nerfed. I decided to look at each of those four 3 times over before deciding their position. Voodoom is always going to be hated even though itā€™s had a mega buff.

Heā€™s an embarrassment now that the Rudolfonzos are useless in PvP :frowning:

Yeahā€¦weeksā€¦ about thatā€¦
to be brutally honest last time I played was about a week after I announced i was stopping the tier list. New job, less time, life in general. But anyway.
Itā€™s good to see that youā€™re putting your mark on it, I was worried you were gonna default to what Iā€™d done in the past. Happy to see it shaken up a bit tbh.

Yeah I was being kind when I said ā€œweeksā€. I hope youā€™re having a good time with your life anyway, without needing Neo Monsters.

It took a lot longer than I expected to do an overhaulā€¦ probably 3-4 hours per section (general Leg, SE, PvP Leg, SE). I really wanted to do a proper job rather than copying what you did, so I was devoted enough in the end to get it done. The PvE section got a lot of changes made but you said yourself you hadnā€™t really been updating that or putting as much effort into it so I knew that would be the case. Additionally, you were excluding all combos so that left some things in odd places compared to where Iā€™d put them. However, the PvP section was far closer to my own opinions than I expected. I think 75% of the monsters we agree completely on. Some of that 25% have had buffs/nerfs since you ranked them so they donā€™t really count either. For the vast majority of the monsters in our PvP lists they simply shifted down one tier because I wanted to spread them out over the 9 classifications a bit more and then some of those older legendaries shifted down two because theyā€™re getting outdated compared to new stuff. When I was ranking the monsters I made my own assessment and ranking then as the final step I compared it to yours. I really enjoyed how a lot of the time we came to the same conclusions!

Buck i canā€™t remember the last time u played a pvp so no you donā€™t know but this list trash. Everybody run protector now and regardless yā€™all forgiven fang has stun pulse so he always can be charge. Yā€™all acting like he robin who needs a protector to sweep.

Angli will never be better than Leo. The fact you can run a protector with Leo. Angli an A rank monster is my opinion. If sleep was the meta than he would be S

If youā€™re gonna trashtalk all day about this list then why dont you just make your own list? This attitude is seriously cancerous, you better learn to tone down, you aint mr.perfect you know?

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So in the midst of all this, Iā€™d just like to point out that it doesnā€™t really matter what tier someone says a monster is. If my teams smacks you with monsters you consider low tier, that looks worse for you. Just something to consider.


The 14 cost makes it one shot by BB, so you lift up its rank because of that. Interesting.
As it cannot be accelerated to 32s or less, how you overweight accelerate than a self-healing attack is also interesting.

That is true, no need to put hate and give KD a bad tone coz of his tier list.

Debating is good as long as you express your thoughts and opinions in a way that you dont look down on the other person.

I mean Iā€™m not trying to take a side but itā€™s not really worth fighting over you know? Just smack the whoever you disagree with in pvp and let that be the end of it.

Yeah thanks GMagic. I said that in my last post I think. I didnā€™t make this list to appease the masses nor does it really matter what it says. If someone uses a particular monster or two and finds it a lot better than listed here then thatā€™s great for them!

The weakness to chrono killer is annoying, Iā€™ll grant you that. Iā€™m weighting accelerate very highly because of the way it plays into having a strong 4-monster team, which is exactly what you want with Ash or Nox as they require setting up then you want them alive for a while to sweep through lots. I think another factor which plays into my rating of them is that fire, overall, is one of the worst elements in the game at the moment. I think Ashterios might stand out a bit more when fire gets some good monsters that work well with him.

I canā€™t remember exactly how the elements stand against each other but basically Holy is the best, Storm, Shadow and Water are all very good and Earth and Fire are a little behind.

Exactly my point, but some people just really needed to say bad stuff, no consideration to KDā€™s feelings

Icefang lovers like to roar :wink:

I love Icefang as well and I see your point, which I agree but Nox placement too high which I dont agree, requires specific monsters to work, very restricted, Ice fits in any team, its all in the matter of its placement in your team and enemyā€™s placement of protectors. So nox should be lower than Ice in pvp

Thatā€™s internet for you. Easy to say stuff as ā€œunknownā€, when you are not face to face. Sadly there will always be people who forget or donā€™t care about it.

I heavily valued combos for the PvP tier list and that meant link monsters have done a little better than one might expect. I may knock Ashterios and Noxdragon down a tier in the future but for now I decided to put them high because of their 70TU blood move and strength in good 4-monster lineups, among other things. I will say that I was a bit iffy with their placement because theyā€™re tricky to value considering the way they work.

One more thing I forgot to mention about Ash vs Nox is how Nox has much higher speed. That is actually pretty important considering his hit all move with instant overwatch (big damage to enemy team and fairly reliable at getting another turn). Even if youā€™re not going crazy and making an awesome setup for Nox he can deal some serious damage to the enemy team reliably, outside of the front line too.

Two new super epics have come already. Elephantom will be ranked once we play around with him. Iā€™d quite like some input from people to hear what we all think of him.

To clarify about Noxdragon and Ashterios. These two have been ranked high on the PvP tier list because of the value they can add when built around. They are not popular legendaries because of the link mechanic and difficulty to build around but they can be great when the right team is made. The PvP tier list assumes things are built into the teams well, which is why they appear high. However, saying all that, I may drop them from A+ to A at some point in the future (theyā€™re at the bottom of A+).

Volcaiga goes in at S for general and S+ for pvp, boasting good speed (60-70s entrance) and stunning entrance with a strong 100TU move this guy can do a lot in your team. Confident strike will one-shot everything in PvP if heā€™s at full health and if heā€™s hurt he can attack boost to gain one-shot damage against most things. In PvE the attack boost makes confident strike one-shot and otherwise he can kill the weaker things without it. Besides damage, he has a 3-time use exit plan that fully heals him. This allows for a total of four 80s stuns as well as plenty of chances to charge confident strike again and make him a threat while heā€™s on the field. The only thing he lacks is the bulkiness of most legendaries or some of the S+ super epics in the general section.

Blitzdragon moves from S -> A+ in general, on second thought the double stunning entrance doesnā€™t add as much value as other super epics and the timestrike isnā€™t particularly strong in PvE. Still a great monster for all newer players (which is why I originally rated him S) but once heā€™s done his stunning entrance stuff he doesnā€™t have a lot to offer.
Archaeoceros moves from S -> A+ in general and S+ -> S in PvP, after properly testing the damage output it seems he can only one-shot a small number of legendaries once attack boost has been used (80%+ speed legendaries). Heā€™s still very good in link earth teams and is a great counter to strategies which include storm monsters but he doesnā€™t match up against the best Super Epics out there.

I hope that one day you will realize how much of a hypocrite you are, but I have my doubts.