PVP Legendary tier list [input needed]

Opening a new topic because I want to encourage some discussion first, of which I anticipate there will be quite a lot. If this turns out to be enormous then I’ll keep it seperate but otherwise I’d rather integrate it into the original tier list thread if possible.

Also remember this list will be influenced by the meta, so if a monster is heavily countered it’ll be ranked lower.

I also want to remind you all that the margins for this list are very fine as it stands, so instead of thinking that B tier is bad think of it as relative. Poison legendaries may be good, but the question is whether a team built around them would beat a team built around shadowhunter for example.

S+:  Aegisdragon, Lavaronix, Nightrider, Oniblade, Soulstealer,
S:    Godfeather, Bahamuzar, Ultimadragon,  Serapheon,
A+:  Rexotyrant,  Nightlord, Celestion, Cybereon, Dolphoenix,

A:    Polareon, Shadowhunter, Stormloch, Atrahasis, Motordragon, Flarevern, Omegasdragon, Tiamazus

B+:  Deodragon, Kamiwyrm, Shadowyrm,
B:    Nebelronix, Goldtail, Warca, Cryokaiser, Sanctallion,
C+:  Aurodragon, Dragaia,  Chronotitan,
C:   Taloknight, Apollorexus,

I personally don’t find atrhasis good in pvp. If necromancy misses that’s a wasted 100 seconds, if it does hit you don’t always get a useful monster like a stunning entrance as multiple enemies can die at once. Cannibalise is good to get him going but means sacrificing a monster where you could just use a stunning entrance/ heal all and get a kill with a bloodcraver rather than killing one of your own. I use him in my mission team but not pvp. However people may find him extremely useful but I didn’t in pvp.

Shouldn’t gold tail move up with the other sleep monsters? Potent sleep is probably the most useful out of shadow and storm. I don’t think they have potent sleep? Mine aren’t ultra evolved

Aurodragon should be a lot higher I think… there’s times where he’s really won the game for me… if he reincarnates the right monsters he can be gamechanging.

Also I feel Dolphoenix feels very powerful right now in combination with bahamuzar especially… if you feed him monsters to use his stun grenade he can singlehandedly break a line-up

also everything on the B line safe for maybe Nebel  and Warca should be moved up… Goldtail perhaps does not have hold ground but if you cover him well he’s easily as good as the other sleep monsters due to being able to feed your other sleepers with dreamhunt targets that can be used for bloodthirst. Moreover the stun entrance/sendback monsters are used quite frequently in nearly every line-up i’ve seen so probably deserve a bit more credit.

I feel the poison legendaries should be moved down… this because of their low defense… they can on average get one shotted very quickly eliminating their immenent threat… also because stun entrance/heal all/purify monsters all contained in everyone’s teams poison can nearly always be purified.

I don’t feel Cryokaiser is that good he should be way down maybe just one higher than Warca cause he’s got stun revenge… alright he has stun revenge n can create a duplicate but there are monsters you’d want to trade in for him preferably… an assisted water line-up is really not that strong.

I have also not seen a single Chronotitan in PVP so his tier is quite questionable ? at least to me it would seem…

just my 2 cents here… everyone’s opinion differs ofcourse :lol:

Yeah I have never seen chronotitan in pvp and when I saw deodragon it didn’t seem to do much to my team

I would move the auto poisons up because knock backs are a huge part of pvp. I don’t see cryokaizer being that great.

Is also love the shocking entrances up. They’re used a lot and even sendback a lot for strategies

Cryokaizer I think should be moved down a tier. He is a powerhouse, but only in a water assisted team. He won’t see much light of day unless he’s near the front, and water is the weaker of the two main assisted setups. His defense is crap, and water front lines usually get destroyed by tanky sleep frontlines. I’ve learnt this the hard way :wink:

The stun has effect at most half the time, because he’s most effective near the frontline, which also happens to be usually where stun immunes or absorbers are on the enemy.

I used chronotitan for a bit in my holy assist lineup but i subbed him out when i got past like 500 points. The issue is so many things have sendback that it really hurts him. However he single handedly won me games because people don’t understand how he works. I have had so many people knock him back and not send back the monster i bombed. So when chrono comes down as my last monster it explodes instantly and wipes his line as long as i leave that mon up. I think it has a lot of potential but with the meta favouring so many sendback mons it’s kind of hard.

I feel the two main assisted setups are Lightning & Holy though…

My thoughts for what they’re worth:

 - Ultimadragon was my MVP by far, usually taking down over half of an opponents team solo. Didn’t fail in a single match with protector + stealth support. I’d move him up to S+ with his powered up bloodthirst, tanky nature, ability to stun and death revenge

 - Don’t think Cryo/Sanctallion are great - only value in assisted lines which get wrecked by faster openings

 - Soulstealer was good but relied heavily on support which you can easily prevent from being set up, I’d move him down to S

 - I found stunning entrance legends very useful - stun of 2 x 160 each with their sendbacks, would move them up

 - i also had issues with Deodragon when against him (probably because my one on one always singled him out to stay awake) - don’t know if anyone else found him challenging

Why are the two last biters so far apart?  Not that I have dragaia, but assumed the moveset / stats would be the same as godfeather?

I would love to know what mons you were using to wreck holy assist line ups so easily??  i got rank 9 using a holy assist team and the only counter was a faster thunder assist team

I think it’s because of penguin fitting into assisted thunder teams and Dragaia being weak to Flarevern?

Also you might have forgotten an r in Celestrion

I use a one on one opening that kills itself off using reckless attack, leading on to a purifying and stealth teammate protector (with another protector in my front line).  By the time the ops monsters wake up, you’re other two time based mons are usually ready to go (survivors, bombers, etc).

Doesn’t work against everything - hitting a purifier / deo with the one on one is really annoying, but works 90% of the time.

Yep exactly that. earth assist is pretty useless as there is no earth team turner and the hold ground/stun immune passives are just too strong coming into an assisted team

Yea i run aegis dragon which is auto protect and has purify so it doesn’t matter how fast you are with sleep and i also run pegasiah so half of the time i can just instantly purify any one on one and if i can’t you are forced to hit aegis anyways which lets me purify

So a lot of changes. A lot of them are taking into account how frequently the monsters are used as well as their power level.

Stunning entrance monsters moved to A+

Dolphoenix moved to A+

Polareon, Shadowhunter, Stormloch moved to A

Flarevern, Tiamazus and Omegasdragon moved to A

Motordragon moved to A

Atrahasis moved to A

Kamiwyrm and Shadowyrm moved to B+

Sanctallion and cryokaiser moved to B

Chronotitan moved to C+

Goldtail suffers from the lack of hold ground, dreamhunt is very powerful because you can regain health so you end up using goldtail only for the sleep, and there are better ways of achieving the same thing. That being said I might be wrong. If more people agree he’ll be moved to the same tier as the other sleepers.

Atrahasis can change the course of a game if left unchecked by resurrecting stunners etc, he’s moved down a bit due to the difficulty of doing this though.

Not faced motordragon personally but heard good things, hence the move.

Aurodragon is extremely awkward to build around, often he ends up just sitting there unable to use anything besides stealth teammate, and if you reincarnate then throw becomes a bad thing.

Dolphoenix has been very powerful for me at least, so moved up.

The poison legends have low defense but knockback is very powerful in pvp, especially on a stun immune and twinkiller immune sweeper. I would rate them higher but they seem to be only used as anti-last biter fodder in the majority of cases, or for the knockback rather than as a sweeper.

Shocking entrances were all moved up due to them being in literally every team. They may go up further just because of their popularity.

Cryo and sanctallion are both down, mainly due to the dominance of assisted thunder in the meta. Assisted water crumbles to stun and assisted nova just loses to the team turn.

Dragaia is down at the bottom because last biters are too easily and commonly countered, penguini at least has value in an assisted thunder team but dragaia basically only has last bite to rely on. 

I’ve not heard too many people raving about deodragon, so I’m holding off moving him for now.

List updated

 No respect for chrono even after my post. Sad times

Sorry, had a lot to write down XD

He’s ok but honestly he’s pretty much absent from the pvp scene. Plus the bomb trick seems rather situational, leaving any monster up for a long time usually triggers some sort of survivor/bloodthirst etc. In the long run it might not even be worth it.

AUto poison next to night rider is great as long as you can get it off right. Say you have front line of night rider team turner give turner and auto poison. Use desperate all next ones come out its poison on so hold ground then isn’t usable. Most use a protector but if your protector dies and autopoison comes out next then it still works. Probably isn’t as useful as having a stun/shocking entrance coming in but it does have the advantage of getting rid of hold grounds

I pretty much use exactly that. Nightrider, Lavaronix, Omegasdragon and aegisdragon. Pretty much covers all the bases and on top of that you can ignore the first batch of stuns once you desperate all cause of lavaronix

I don’t have aegis which makes it harder for me. I did run bahamuzar Tiamad give turn team turn frontline which I liked