Opening a new topic because I want to encourage some discussion first, of which I anticipate there will be quite a lot. If this turns out to be enormous then I’ll keep it seperate but otherwise I’d rather integrate it into the original tier list thread if possible.
Also remember this list will be influenced by the meta, so if a monster is heavily countered it’ll be ranked lower.
I also want to remind you all that the margins for this list are very fine as it stands, so instead of thinking that B tier is bad think of it as relative. Poison legendaries may be good, but the question is whether a team built around them would beat a team built around shadowhunter for example.
S+: Aegisdragon, Lavaronix, Nightrider, Oniblade, Soulstealer,
S: Godfeather, Bahamuzar, Ultimadragon, Serapheon,
A+: Rexotyrant, Nightlord, Celestion, Cybereon, Dolphoenix,
A: Polareon, Shadowhunter, Stormloch, Atrahasis, Motordragon, Flarevern, Omegasdragon, Tiamazus
B+: Deodragon, Kamiwyrm, Shadowyrm,
B: Nebelronix, Goldtail, Warca, Cryokaiser, Sanctallion,
C+: Aurodragon, Dragaia, Chronotitan,
C: Taloknight, Apollorexus,