Legendary Tier list:
S+: Dragaia, Godfeather,
S: Rexotyrant, Nightrider, Aegisdragon, Ultimadragon, Atrahasis
A+: Lavaronix, Kamiwyrm, Shadowyrm, Oniblade, Serapheon
A: Nightlord, Celestion, Cybereon, Warca
B+: Flarevern, Omegadragon, Tiamazus, Polareon, Talosquire, Apollorexus, Nebrelonix, Chronotitan, Bahamuzar,
B: Shadowhunter, Stormloch, Goldtail
C+: Cryokaiser, Sanctillion
C: Soulstealer
D: Dolphlare,
Okay, I’ll just move some things around according to my opinion, and hopefully give some good reasoning as to why. This is just my opinion
Legendary Tier list:
S+: Dragaia, Godfeather,
S: Rexotyrant, Aegisdragon, Ultimadragon, Atrahasis
A+: Lavaronix, Oniblade, Serapheon, Nightrider
A: Nightlord, Celestion, Cybereon, Warca, Kamiwyrm , shadowyrm, Motordragon
B+: Flarevern, Omegadragon, Tiamazus, Polareon, Chronotitan, Bahamuzar, Stormloch, Shadowhunter
B: Goldtail, Apollorexus, Taloknight, Nebelronix
C+: Cryokaiser, Sanctillion
C: Soulstealer
D: Dolphlare
Honestly I moved Nightrider down because I don’t feel he has the same type of OPness as a rexo or aegisdragon or ultimadragon. Yes he is good because he can hold ground and desperate all, but you either have to choose between desperate all or life flip self and survivor like taloknight. You can use life flip self at first, but then you have to have give turn almost to make desperate all useful. And a lot of times you may not want to kill something with poison revenge that will kill nightrider. He is still awesome, just not the S level
I moved shadowyrm and kamiworm down just because of when there are no sleepers or protectors, they have absolutely no use. Unless they’re looking to be timestrike food. If they get bloodthirst they are awesome though.
I put Motordragon in the A tier because basically he can annoy you with two bronzeshells just by entering the field and then he can double repulse and bring them out with a 70 second cool down and then dual bolt them for a free bloodthirst. He is pretty self stable.
I actually moved the death revenge legends (talo, Apollo, and nebelronix) down because imo you have better survivors who can do more than just that. They do have accelerate team, but I prefer something like stun flash or even purify in some cases. Nebelronix is only good for duplicates. Really, he has nothing special about him other than that.
I moved stormloch and shadowhunter up a tier because really they are pretty stable monsters, even being weak to sleep killer. They have a 70 sec sleep TU and can dreamhunt health back. Even a twinkiller would take 2-3 shots to kill it because it holds ground and can dreamhunt hp back and then hold ground again. After they have two kills they are nasty and have a huge amount of hp. Note these don’t work well at all with poison monsters.
And I would like to put a little input on Polareon. It is similar in the usage as a bahamuzar is. Can be extremely dangerous with the right amount of support. But even with a simple polareon and Blitzdragon combo or shinobidragon , it becomes extremely useful. Dreamy entrance is great because he enters the field and sleeps someone. Then he can step back and let’s say we have Blitzdragon next. Now he stuns and he can stepback and hello there’s a 2nd free sleep. Now nightmares grip is very OP as it doesn’t matter about the enemies stats. It leaves a target tree sleep on monster with 1 hp. Protect focus is just as vulnerable as a musharoo. Then to finish the monsters you can use bloodcrave and he’s got that set up for massive damage. Realistically, it is good for coming in and taking out at least 2 monsters. You pair him with something like oniblade or goldtail, and he can sweep entire teams with some support. Still weak to the damn sleep killer because of dreamy entrance