Auto Play Tier list

If there was a tier list for monsters purely based on auto play, who’s at the top and who is down the bottom?


All DR monsters are S-Tier. Guaranteed kills

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Assuming no nullifier, HG, barrier, etc


Those which usually work for me are Shiva, Atra, Ashterios, Polaboss (if it doesn’t use crescendo blast), Tenebris, Doomengine and Gryphking.

Djinzar is terrible, Saberdragon usually causes more destruction than benefits, Tezca can be completely useless too. There are more but these came to my mind.

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Torrentide, wraithcapt, Cynthia, basically all those monsters who don’t depend much on other monsters for set up/timing are doing reasonably good. Especially those with low tu, because ai’s choice of killing enemy monster is really poor.

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Of course the ai is 10000000 iq when it’s fighting against me


The problem is they use blast so frequently if they start to shine


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all poison leg monster,they are good for auto play tier list.

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Nope the mons with poison eater as their main move aren’t good auto

Freezecobra is bottom tier: it keeps draining poison and stops your other monsters.

It also does burst

scorpiogeist,pumpking,gorgowing,flarevern.“Am I joke to you”

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Fiona uses frosty shield instead of AoE(when there are no camo/Stealth) and Yuki keeps hitting the same target with frozen heart

Don’t even start on voidress…

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Novadrake , assisted dusk can’t go wrong

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U guys forgot. Reindeer :deer::deer:. Along with atra and auro. The best set for pve



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Polaboss’ AI is a massive joke, it often uses Crescendo Blast every once in a while, even if on a 1HP enemy monster