No words

I got nothing from either the christmas or new year’s egg. I dont want to complain here because I’ve complained enough in the line group chat.
These were the types of results I got from my 10 in 1 packs.

I spent because I had no gems saved up. Im not spenfing until the 6th pack because after these, I dont even want the bear or angel im just fed up with bad luck.
EDIT: MY results for both christmas and new year’s eggs:
-3 icefang dupes
-2 chromera dupes
-3 valzareign dupes


I had a terrible opening too, 3 nighriders dupes and got the dragon. I wanted the bear, other legends are stupid useless ap and tri 

i just opened 4 packs 1 from christmas and 3 from new years i literly got midas on all 3 i have never been so upset how out of every legendary do i pull the same one not once or twice but 3 times…  meanwhile rare gems is the same super epic i just pulled. why don’t they have a system in place where you don’t just pull the same legends and super epics over and over.

Totally agree with everyone devs just want our money they dont just giva a damn whatever happens or if player hatch dupes from their hard earned dough

I’m really sorry guys. But odds are odds, you should go in prepared for something like this to potentially happen. The devs control what the odds are, but they don’t control which outcomes actually come to pass.

3 10 packs. 1 leg dupe in the first, no leg in the second, Shivu in the 3rd. Sucks lol.

odds are odds. You’re only saying this cause you got lucky on nearly all the recent festival. Hatching the same legendary over and over is stupid. Like there’s around 40 legendaries in the current festival egg, how is it even fair to hatch the same one three or four times.

I already brought it up but getting a Sanctallion to +7 in a single special egg is ridiculous. you read it right during the first year of this game I hatched 8 sanctallions ( out of 500 eggs ) on the same special egg without getting any of the limited ( aegis , gold , atra, ultima )

Luc I agree with you most of the time but not on this one. 
What you said is harsh. You are implying i should settle for this happening even though you know how many times this has happened to me lately. One expects it to happen every once in a while but this happens way too often. Hatching multiples of the same legend in the same festival is just way too common for its probability and especially hatching the same legend in one pack considering there are at least around 30 legends available. 

Sorry for barging into this thread, but can someone send link me to the LINE chat? I’m interested in joining. 

Ever done 100 eggs and gotten nothing as a f2p? Until you have, I don’t think people are allowed to complain here. I have had to go 6 months between legends in the past once and people are complaining about how they didn’t get the one they wanted?

Well what are you going to do about it? A random number generator generates you some random numbers, and then they weren’t the ones you wanted?

Sure, odds are low, but not impossible.

Google did a study where they had a random number generator generate some numbers. People didn’t think they were random enough and called it rigged. so google came up with a random number generator that “feels” more random.

The concept of randomness is more random then most people actually think about.

What am I going to do about it? I already did what I was going to do. Show some pictures of my hatches and express what I believe about the egg system. What are you going to do about it? Nothing. You can’t do anything because your just a moderator that acts like a smartass and thinks he knows everything. Im not complaining to you so stop acting like it dude and stop commenting to talk me off every time I rant on this subject.

I just know that i played this game more then two years now and getting dupes has always been the most frustrating thing in the game. Many players left the game because of bad luck with dupes. Random is random but i get his rage. Well, you already know my luck has been even worst, you’ll have more luck next year.

pretty tuff i wish they would let us trade dupes atleast. lol at odds are odds good stuff.

Ya I mean it’s a catch 22 or whatever the phrase is. Because dupes suck, esp when it’s a crappy mon. But who wouldn’t want a bonus on a moto, ya know? I do think I would be inclined to spend more if the odds were better. As it is I have buyers remorse for the money I did spend and the bad taste is going to keep me from dropping money on this in the future.

Pm me

And yet you’re attacking people that don’t share your belief about the system. Not personally, sure. But calling people harsh because they disagree and don’t share your view is in my opinion, harsh as well.

Lol, wish I knew everything. That would be nice. So many problems would be solved.

I get your point, bad luck makes you not want to play the game. Don’t think I’m not empathetic. Bad luck sucks. However, I personally think the system is fine.

Bad luck doesn’t make me not want to play. I think it’s a great game and in a lot of ways better than my third grade love, Pokemon. But the bad luck does make me not want to spend. Im not even necessarily mad about the dupes as i appreciate the boost to my beloved Warca. I guess my point is the odds are so bad that rather than make me spend more to increase my chances it just makes me prefer to ride it out and earn and save up f2w. If every 10 pack guaranteed a legend, or if the overall odds were bumped to 10 or 15% I would be more inclined to spend. As it is, after this morning (and I know my bad luck doesn’t touch what some have gone through) I’m going to be really reluctant to spend again, and certainly not 30 bucks at a time.

TLDR: Dupes are fine with me; odds are so bad it makes me not want to spend but just play it out, thus “hurting” the devs wallet.

Dupes suck, but not bad enough to complain on xmas i got 3 cyber dupes a night rider dupe and a cryo dupe -_- this festival i got anothe nr dupe and a bane dupe so yeah. Not mad about it though :slight_smile: just a lil sad

Hope what happened on me can make you feel better. I hatched over 15 packs and I only get the bear ,ninja and gelm for new.  <_<  

You know, I just had an interesting idea. Seems unlikely that it would be implemented but I think it would really salve the wound a little. Perhaps we could make it so that rolling a dupe increases the bonus by 2 instead of 1, so that it goes a long way towards making that monster better. Like, if Canserbero rolls 3 Chromera dupes, that would shoot it up to +6, and it would be very ready to kick some butt. It could definitely make dupes a lot less painful.