Ideas to improve hatching system

Anyone have any ideas on how the egg hatching system can beimproved.Personally I think guaranteeing 2 legs 3 se and 5 epics in a pack could be a start.One of the legs must be a new one i.e. a legendary that player doesnt have other can be dupe.this would be much better than spending 50 gems to get ~6-7 epics and no legendary

2 legends guaranteed in 1 pack how could you expect that

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Heyvits just fair we should get our gems worth its 50 gems for God s sake

Well being a f2p player I would love to have this feature but I don’t think that devs are going to implement it

Thats tge whole point they dont care

Your idea is great only if it would be implemented

The Devs care about making a great game. They also care more about money than giving us good odds at Legs. But if we don’t like it then we don’t have to play.

I would like to see item eggs. It could operate on the same system where the majority of the time you’re just gonna get aan epic potion. But a small percentage of the time it’s a leg potion, omega, crypt, vora. Then the rarest hatch is an ocarino. 5 gems per egg.

More death revenge legendaries

Z19 GaryOak

I’ve said it before. Pity timer. 

Google how it works for Hearthstone and how it lets people justify buying much more than they would usually. It’s worth looking into/

By the looks of things they have the “guaranteed legendary in first 10 packs”, i.e. like our guaranteed first 10-pack in special festivals. Then it has X% chance and if you don’t get a legendary for 40 packs then you get one guaranteed. It resets every time you get a legendary. Basically the same as our guaranteed featured in 6th, 12th, etc. but it’s only for those of us who are unlucky.

I see how that’s a fair system, giving a baseline of 1 legendary every 40 packs as the worst possible outcome. However, in my opinion I prefer the way Neo Monsters does it with featured legendaries every 6th (note: from a very small pool), some others guaranteed or much boosted chance then finally the rare egg as a backup.

It’s interesting how this pity timer can encourage people to spend a little more in some cases, because they know there’s a guaranteed on the way. If I were the Devs I’d want to capitalise on this idea…

Perhaps they could add a feature so every 3rd, 9th, 15th (etc.) if you haven’t got a legendary in the last 30 eggs then number 30 automatically gets upgraded to legendary. So instead of there always being a guaranteed on 3rd, 9th, 15th, (etc.) as suggested earlier, it would just give you one guaranteed if you didn’t get a legendary in packs 1-3, 7-9, 13-15, (etc.).

Is this what you were thinking Buckingham?

40 packs make it 40 eggs not everyone can afford packs

I would be fine with buying an egg or two every once in a while if I knew I was guaranteed a legendary at some point sooner than if I hadn’t gotten eggs. 

Packs are just what they’re called in Hearthstone. Translated into Neo Monsters terms pack = egg. So their “pity timer” mechanic works like 1st pack guaranteed legendary then if nothing by pack no. 5 you get another guaranteed legendary.

From what I gather, in Hearthstone the chance for a legendary in any individual pack (egg) is 5%. So you’d expect one every 20 packs (eggs). So by 40 packs (eggs) you’d expect to have two legendaries. The chance of not having a legendary by this point is roughly 13%.

If you use the same cut-off point of 13% for the neo monsters eggs you get the following…
4% chance = 50 eggs
6.1% chance = 33 eggs

So actually if we got a guaranteed legendary by the 3rd pack that would be better odds than you get in Hearthstone.

More or less.
For obvious reasons the numbers would have to be tweaked but the point is that it should feel satisfying to open packs. There’s nothing worse than going into a festival opening 6 10 packs and getting nothing but guaranteed legends. At least now you know you’re due a legendary pretty soon. Just makes it a more enjoyable experience IMO.
If I were in charge id set the timer at 25 eggs, see how it goes.

Other than dupe situation and shiny monsters

Current version of hatching system is perfect or close to perfect

Some eggs have guaranteed legendary on certain packs (recently 1st and 3rd). Every egg has guaranteed featured on 6th pack. Every 10-pack you buy gives you a rare gem, that ultimately goes towards a good chance for a legendary from the normal pool (+ a few extras).

These are the things they’ve implemented to give people some guaranteed legendaries. I don’t think we can really ask for much more. In fact, the recent change to make it a guaranteed legendary in the first 10-pack on special festivals is great for newer/casual players who can’t save up loads of gems easily.

The thing we should be focusing our ideas on is how to buff dupe drops. I know as a newer player you may not see this as much of an issue but for long-time players dupe legendaries lead to a lot of frustration.

The idea I came up with for dupes is as follows…

Dupe of monster at +0-8:
Legendary = +2 bonus
Super epic = +2 bonus
Epic = +2 bonus
(Note: +8 monsters would only get +1 bonus)

Dupe of monster at +9:
Legendary = 6* potion + 5 gems
Super epic = 5* potion + 1 gem
Epic = 4* potion

That would alleviate a lot of the frustration of getting a dupe. +2 to a monster isn’t as good as a new legendary but it’s very useful. A legendary potion is good, but again nothing like a new legendary so an extra 5 gems helps you towards your next new legendary. Getting a legendary from an egg is rare so should be something rewarding even if it’s something you already own.

1 gem for a super epic dupe at +9 is also quite cool I think. Super epic potions are useful but nothing special and 1 gem is small but handy.

A quick example. Let’s imagine you use 300 gems on an egg with 1.5x leg/SE and guaranteed 1st, 3rd and 6th. Say the guaranteed in 6th is a new one, but all others are dupes. You get average drop rates for all 57 eggs and have all monsters at +9…
Legendaries = 3.5 (+2, +1 new)
Super epics = 21.5
Epics = 32

Assume 4 legends, 21 super epics.


  • 1 new legend
  • 6 legendary potions
  • 21 super epic potions
  • 32 epic potions
  • 51 gems
  • 6 rare gems

So if you were to have literally everything at +9 then your return from 300 gems would be roughly 50 gems. That example is obviously a bit unrealistic for most but goes to show the upper limit. I don’t think an ultimate top return of 1/6 is too much to ask for. It also targets the compensation at those who are having the most frustration with duplicates.

The thing which is probably the hardest to sell is the +2 for a dupe when they’re +0-8. Not sure if they’ll want to make this change, but it is one that would make many players happy.

I see your forum account was made in December, just over a month ago. I don’t think you’ve really been around long enough to know whether the Devs care. They haven’t actually done an update since then but have responded to many complaints about bugs and features by letting us know about fixes coming in the next update. They’ve also given great responses to many other threads and taken on requests for particular monsters we haven’t seen in a while as well as many other things.

  1. hire that guy
  2. if there is an egg like the one atm with 3 guaranteed legendaries, the one you get from rolling 6 packs should disappear from the further packs you buy. That way you would have quaranteed 3 new limited legendaries after 18 packs. I know a lot of people who would be happy with that.

Yeah that’s exactly what I think they should do too. Every time the new monster isn’t guaranteed in the 6th pack people start moaning. I’m pretty sure the Devs do it on purpose to make certain ones rare. They have the three ways to release:

  • 6th pack guaranteed new (e.g. Tezca)
  • 6th pack one of two new (e.g. Delu/Moji)
  • Every 6th one of featured (e.g. Zhulong)

I think it makes sense for them to make certain limited monsters rarer and others more common. But if someone is going to buy 12 or 18 packs because they want it that badly you’ve got to just give them the monster. Hurting your biggest spenders in this way can’t be good for business.

This may be slightly controversial…but I don’t think they should increase the chances for a legendary to be honest. 

Ill be serious, the reason I play NM  (obviously excluding the Awesome story and Unique Gameplay),

Is hugely because I want more Legendary Mons. Almost all of them look extremely cool and are fun to use in battle.

The thrill and excitement I get from hatching a Legendary is greatly increased because of just how damn frustratingly hard it is to get a legendary,(or at least the one u want).

I’m sure the Devs are aware of the appeal it adds to the game so I HIGHLY doubt it will ever change…Even if u do a Genius Power-move like starting a forum :stuck_out_tongue:

Just hatched zhulong in a single uesterday so I am not complaining(for now)

Thanks man i saw your post and also tryed my luck on 3 singles got azra on 2nd roll could be zulong but its ok