New Mission Policy Idea

If you want to TLDR this part and just read the suggestion, skip to the next bold words. The summary is at the set of bolds after that.

***If you vote with tweaking, make sure you expand on it please. Same with if you answer with no, so that I can hopefully convince you otherwise…Idk, maybe a part wasn’t clear enough and there was a miscommunication.

Online Missions are a huge part of the game. The best arkadions are released via OMs, and they are currently the only “new” things that we can look forward to if we beat the game. While we all appreciate the hard work and consideration that the developers put into this area, there is vast room for improvement. There are many complaints that people have. Even with the new special event that came out this week, there are still issues that the majority tend to rant about. I may not agree with all of them, but I do understand where they are coming from. While I value hard work and believe that good things come to those who put in the effort, I know that it’s frustrating to see the rich get richer, and spend hours for nothing.

The following complaints are the most common:

  1. Timers get it all. This is true. While I disagree when people say that timers will be the only ones that are successful, it remains true that they do have a MASSIVE advantage. Time is a valuable resource, and timers can literally cut it down to nothing with special events. Also, with the normal policy, timers are guaranteed an OM arkadion no matter what. The fact that timers can get 14 Cryowyrms is scary. Even when timing is fixed, the cryowyrms are still there. Therefore, if the policy remains the same, they will still dominate due to their far superior monsters. However, don’t mistake this for disgust or hatred for it. Like I said, there are many different opinions on this, and neither side is better than the other.

  2. The rich get richer…duh.

  3. BORING! …it really is just mindless attacking.

  4. I spent that time for nothing? …yep, this special event had a lot of these complaints. It’s always sad to see people spend hours and get nothing out of it. While I do believe that they should definitely try harder to get the reward…it is frustrating. There is a way to please both sides, though. I’ll get to it later. 

  5. Useless mission egg rewards that I keep?

Now, there are many fixes to the above issues. But we have to keep in mind that there are certain things that HAVE to stay the same.

  1. They have to be somewhat limited.

  2. The Devs need to make money.

  3. Activity should be rewarded.

So, how do we do this?

First of all, it needs to be different from the normal “AoE, AoE, AoE, AoE, AoE, AoE…” dungeons. Really, it’s just mindless tapping. That’s not what it should be about. It should be about skill and activity.

Therefore, I suggest making it a combination of PvP and the Infinite Dungeon, with a few twists. Basically, all users are allowed a total of 20 monsters, with no duplicates allowed. All levels are adjusted to level 1 when they enter the dungeon. In this dungeon, EXP is gained twice as fast in order to keep up. The EXP is also applied to the entire team, regardless if the monster fought or not. Keep in mind that levels will always remain the same if you leave the dungeon and come back. For example, if I leveled my team up to 15 and leave after reaching a checkpoint, they will be at 15 when I come back. As you go further into the dungeon, the monsters gradually get stronger as well. They will grow at a faster pace, so you will need to both strategize AND re-enter the lower levels to train. The opponents will all be 1.15 times the level of your team, and there will be 5 monsters per battle. On average, there will be 5 battles to fight every floor.

As the floors increase, the monsters’ ranking will increase as well. For example, you’ll be fighting Octors on floor 10, while fighting Cryowyrms on floor 60.

There will be a total of 75 floors, with a boss on floor 25, 50, and 75. It will be a single copy of the OM ark, with about as much power as a First One would have. It would be like fighting Dahag at 25, Esapid at 50, and Tiamat at 75. Got it? Anyways, checkpoints will appear after every 15 floors.

Now, you may be wondering how it would be possible to do this. It seems way too difficult! Well, it all lies with what you get in an egg. Yes, we’re keeping mission eggs…but with a twist.

You get one mission egg after every 3 floors. The mission eggs will have Mission Items in it. No monsters whatsoever. Also, keep in mind that timing will be impossible. There will be the following items in each one:

17x Super Team Potions (full health to all)

20x Super Monster Potions (full health to one)

20x Team Potions (half health to all)

30x Monster Potions (half health to one)

3x OM Items.

After every boss battle, you get a Gold Mission Egg.

5x OM items

9x Super Team Potions

5x Respins

15x Team Potions

20x Super Monster Potions

25x Monster Potions

1x OM Gems

Now then…you will have what’s called an OM Bag…this holds all of your items. And get this - they don’t reset after an OM! So if you are doing great in the current OM, and get some nice potions that you don’t need to use, you can save them for future missions!

Now, what’s an OM Item? Well, instead of getting necessary fusion material, you need items to get the Pre-evolution of the OM Monster. Yes, we’re not doing fusion. It’s too…meh. Anyways, you’ll need specific amounts of items for each monster. 9* will require less than 12*…So like…Guardiron will require 10, while Bloodclaw will require 4. Get it?

Now, they won’t be called OM Items…Guardiron’s will be Holy Metal, Hydrablazer’s can be LavaTail, etc.

And what’s an OM Gem? It’s a 1/80 chance and there are only three eggs…what’s that about? Basically, an OM Gem is used to…wait for it…get you the OM Monster. Yep. Think about it…three tries out of a whopping 75 floors…and since my system makes it harder, that will take three hours…so one try per hour at 1.25% to get it…that’s not bad. It won’t harm the game by making it common, because the chance is so low…but the chance is still there for a lucky few to get sooo very excited. Gotta keep some luck in it, right? It’s not interesting without it. I can just picture it…“OMG I got a gem!” “Congrats! I’m happy for you, man!”

…oh, and I did mention that the egg timing will be resolved, so nobody takes advantage of it right? Yeah, I did.  :slight_smile:

Now then…

Keep in mind that everyone has 24 mission eggs per mission with a 1/30 chance to get an item, and 3 gold mission eggs with a 1/16 chance to get an item…so if you’ll normally need 6…wow, those are tough odds, right? WRONG! You can redo the mission over and over again! That’s right, you have unlimited tries to keep on doing it. And, your monsters’ levels never reset during the week, remember? So the more you keep trying, the easier it gets! Hard work should be rewarded, not penalized! So you’ll get it after several tries…you may be worrying about too many people having it…but the reason it was limited in the first place was to keep variety there and to reward active members. Well, it’s obvious that only active members will get the prize this way, so that’s set. After all, the old plan doesn’t even reward active members most of the time. Who knows, they might be busy with real life stuff, or they might be a different time zone! Blah! Then there’s variety…and worry not! I’ll be constantly making new strategies for people, as well as giving advice so they can develop their own! And that’s just for the small percentage of players active on the forums! Trust me, once more monsters come out, people will definitely have more variety when it comes to battling. 

Now, how do the devs make profit? Simple. For US $15, a user can just buy an OM Item…For US $50, the user can buy an OM Gem. That much money in terms of gold will NOT get someone an OM without timing based on the current system. I did several trials to confirm that. And, since this will please more people and keep more players, more people will probably buy these. So yeah. Good for both sides. For players, it beats buying gold…and you guys still make money.


So yeah…this is waaaay more interesting, requires more skill and strategy, requires time and rewards active members, solves the time zone issue, solves the timer-advantage issue, solves the luck issue, solves the “junky mission egg” issue, does not harm variety, maintains profit, makes it more fair, does not completely require money but still gives profit to devs, introduces a new aspect to dungeon-diving, and much more.


I like this idea. It kind of reminds me of the joy tower in Pokemon mystery dungeon, which was really fun. This will also provide more ways to get gold eggs.

I think that 15 and 50 dollars is really heavy though. I would NEVER. EVER. spend 50 bucks on a game. I am sure there are others like me, who would spend a few dollars, but def. not 50.

You missed the guys that’s spent 3 grand playing this game then

Yeah, but keep in mind that these are Gold MISSION eggs, and do not have monsters at all. This is not a way to get more monsters.

Also, 50 dollars for an OM ark is generous. If you spend $50 on gold, and then get eggs (no timing), you probably will not get it.

You don’t have to spend money at all. It’s designed that way.

Like the idea aswell!

Love this idea. I want it.

Great! :slight_smile:

And if there’s anything that you feel to be adjusted, don’t hesitate to post! This isn’t set in stone or anything.

Ohh, so you would get the OM ark guarenteed?

*cough* rich people out there *cough*

Yes. It’s a much better deal than what we have currently.

I like this idea but instead of $15 for OM item and $50 for OM gem make it like $99.99 gets u 9 gems, $50 gets u 5 OM gems, $25 gets u 2 OM gems and $15 gets u 1 gem. also $99.99 gets u 20 OM items, $50 gets u 15 OM items, $25 gets u 10 OM items and $15 gets you 5 OM items and $5 gets u 1 OM item

Well, let’s think about it…$100 that way will get you 9 OM arkadion…while $100 will get you 13k gold iirc…and that much gold will most likely NOT get you an OM ark without timing. I’ve tested this many times.

So we go from charging that much for 0 OM arks…to charging that much for 9 arks? Pretty drastic increase.

well I guess but that is only if u don’t know how to time because I have no idea how to the only way ur gonna get the om ark from that much gold is if u r really lucky or u know how to time also peple will just find a way to time eggs after the new update

How do you know? From the way I see things, they will have come up with a way to remove timing completely…which might be why they took a while with the update, idk.

Therefore, since timing will no longer be an issue, this would make much more sense.

I don’t think there is anyway to get around timeing sooner or later people will figure it how

Then it’ll keep getting fixed, hmm?

Actually, scratch that…

1- Constantly varying speeds. Purely random, so there’s no pattern.

  1. Take the visuals away, making it purely random…so you click “BUY” and then you get a prize.

  2. Change the amount of time that elapses when you hit STOP to make it completely random. Timing is then pointless.

Those are all fixes to stop timing…then there’s the issue of people who already have gold and are getting all the OM arks…wait a minute, there’s no gold involved with this idea…so yeah :wink:

It’s very possible.

good idea tibby u think of it all


So yeah, I think that this would be a great fix…and make it a lot more fun! :slight_smile:

I think this is a good idea.

Thank you.

I don’t understand why you still need to keep using the money card when coming up with new ideas. $50 for a monster? Thats so ridiculous that I can’t even begin to describe.
That is the price for a new game, just released, like lets say gta V.

Am I missing something here? Of course the devs need to make money, but the majority of games on app store do not charge anywhere as much as that.

To be fair I think that OM should have one attempt as normal, in case you fail you could then buy the monster for $0.99.