Season 1 - Week 10: Ice Assassin Starts 2/1/2014 5PM EST, 10 PM GMT.

Season 1 - Week 10: Ice Assassin

Starts 2/1/2014 5PM EST, 10 PM GMT. 

S Rank Samuraice awarded to the Top 10%.
Gold Mission Egg and Grade Booster Awarded to Everyone. 

To get started on it immediately after the event is live, please force quit your app and relaunch it. (Please DO NOT DELETE your app).

Here is how:

Please Visit the Fair Practice Mission Policy for more details about how the prize is distributed.

Summary: normally only 1% of the players will win, but if you have never won in that Season (usually 10 weeks per Season) you just need to finish in the top 10%. This way people who don’t win get better odds of winning as time goes by.
1). We will keep a list of every player that has won a grand prize in a mission
2). The list will be wiped out every 10 weeks (number may change based on feedback). We will refer to this period as a Season. 
3) If you have NOT won a grand prize through finishing in the top during a Season, then you are placed in pool A. 
4) If you have won a grand prize through finishing in the top during a Season, then you are immediately placed in pool B.
5) For players in pool A, the number of grand prizes awarded in each mission will equal to 10% of the people who completed (everyone in both pools who got to the end including the people who lost) the prior week’s mission .
6) For players in pool B, the number of grand prizes awarded in each mission will equal to 1% of the people who completed (everyone in both pools who got to the end including the people who lost) the prior week’s mission.

nice one

does this mean puffoxin will appear again lol

I like the look of this one.

I like using him, I got him in an egg a while back on a different save, but I want him on my main game. Just gotta grind out a bunch of air arks now cos the OM will be full of waters probably, so my best chance would be airs, I’m still in pool b cos I haven’t won a single OM yet, not even finished them after the main prize is gone :confused: hopefully cos it’s the end of the season I’ll have a better chance now, be put in the 1% pool for a week and then new season starts so boom, no problem with pool and having to compete with the really strong teams.

Another egg obtainable ark.

Im officialy done wkth this game.

Goodluck and goodbye all.

Why being so upset with that ? This mission shouldve been called attack on the timers

It isn’t no attack on timers seeing as they will have enough gold for whenever it’s needed

I have been waiting for this ark for ages!!! :slight_smile:
One of my favourite arks!!!

I honestly haven’t even opened the game in at least 2 weeks due to the OM monsters that i have already got from Gold Eggs.

The lack of update and relatively easily obtainable OM monsters are causing many players to give up completely on such a promising and well followed game, which didn’t deliver post-story.

I already have this ark, as well as the last ark too, but you don’t hear me complaining about it. Nothing wrong with more people being given a chance to get one. Besides, the grade boosters we’ve been getting alongside these already available arks, more than make up for not having a new ark to get.

For those of you too lazy to actually read anything besides your own posts, they release the egg arks to combat all your egg timing. You cannot complain simply because you are already at an advantage. Yes, we’d all love to see new arks released but until timing is fixed, it’s not going to happen. The point of gold eggs was to sell gold for MONEY IN REAL LIFE SO THEY COULD MAKE MONEY. However, timing cost them a lot in profit, i think it’s safe to assume. You don’t get to complain because you took advantage of an exploit that doesn’t make the game necessarily fair for everyone. Talk about first world problems.

Can anyone Tell me some stats on this ark, wanna know how good it is for pvp. Thanks


HP: 1452
ATK: 1401
MGC: 1046
DEF: 1771
RES: 1771
SPD: 22

Metal slash
No Guard


Thanks Crystal

When you take it from lvl 99 and the life is only 1450 whats does it have in lvl 75 like 1100?

Hmm, not too sure. Sounds about right, I’d think.


One of the coolest looking Arks and I’ve got something going on at 5pm tomorrow -_-

Just to point out. NOT EVERY PLAYER WITH EGG ARKS IS A TIMER. I paid REAL money to buy my eggs and help fund this game. Sick of people calling all us players who are legit, timers for having these arks.
And btw snowja is weak, i kept him for one pvp and he got chucked out.

What kind of arks are the opponents, when he is a water ark?

I get they want to combat egg timing and all that but last mission of the season you would think would be a pretty good ark… Stats looked not so impressive…?