New Mission Policy Idea

0.99 to buy a monster? Then it becomes a pay to play. The price at 50 is good because not a lot of people will buy it, so its less of a pay to play game.

This is a really good idea, and it would be fantastic to see it implemented, you have a great imagination for sure. Some problems I see with this however is the actual workload involved in first creating this and doing a weekly update for this. If this was implemented there would be a few things to note. This system would COMPLETELY revamp the entire game, not just OM. Item bags, new products for sale, the need of gold being severely lessened. And honestly if they are going to work on this, I would like to see added content, new arks and a different system to obtaining these arks. Yes, I do realize you are suggesting a new way, but your more talking to the advanced and experienced player. The game first needs to attract more of an audience with fixing current known issues for up and comers, then focus on the advanced content. You make a hugely valid point about the prize situation being completely unbalanced, but that can be looked at in a few ways, like offering the prize support at different intervals, not just first come, first serve. That can be an easy fix, so they can focus on the biggest problem, PvP.

You talk about more strategy needed in the OM missions, couldn’t agree more, but what aspect of the game gets more attention from experienced players, PvP or OMs? Ya, its safe to say PvP, I’m not shooting your idea down, I just think it is before its time and won’t really fix much of the player base concerns as much as fixing PvP would. A good PvP community will keep people engaged well after the 2-3 hours they spend on this new improved OM per week. I’m ranting a little here, so to sum it all up, what I’m saying is this could be implemented only after the other problems get fixed, like after the update, whenever it may come.

Pretty much what Lyrux said. Oh, and like I said…50 for the OM is MUCH better than what we currently have, as eggs hardly ever grant the necessary material. Oh, and did you even read the whole thing? There’s no such thing as failing! You can retry it all you want. So I really don’t even get what you’re going on about. Attacking something without fully understanding it…the 50 dollar fee is for those who are too lazy to do the work. Anyone who tries hard WILL get it. What you’re suggesting makes it a PaytoPlay, and people can simply buy their way to victory instead of working for it. This encourages activity.

Yeah, I know. I think I stated that in one of my other suggestions. Of course the big issues will be fixed first. That’s already happening, bud. This, along with things such as clans and events, may come later. 

Way to much money involved. A simple thing to me would just increase 10% to 15/20% and 1 to 4%

…money is hardly involved. Why do people keep saying this? The goal of this is to increase ACTIVITY. NOBODY has to spend ANY money on ANYTHING if they try hard enough. Isn’t that the point?! Getting better through hard work? As of right now, it’s about timing eggs, being filthy rich, being in a good time zone, being free at a specific point in time, etc. What if someone’s poor? What if someone has to work on saturdays? What if someone lives in a time zone where it’s in the middle of the night for them?

The purpose of this is to make it so that anyone can get it WITHOUT money, can get it whenever they want, and as many times as they want…if they only spend the effort necessary.

Your suggestion of increasing the chances is perfectly fine, but know that everyone can get an egg every three floors forever. Just saying. This is almost exactly like farming. NOBODY complains about farming…this is the same concept. Small chance, infinite number of tries, rewards activity. And I HIGHLY doubt that $50 will get you a dragonling. So yeah…

This sounds awesome, though it is such a big change that I would implement it in their next game. Though, I’d be totally on board with it. 

Yeah, that would make more sense. Dragon Island Red FTW!!!

…nah, probably that new game they’re talking about or Cosmic Island. :stuck_out_tongue:

I love this idea. I hate having to spam AoE attacks for 25+ floors to get a few arks for fusion. Although, I do think the price is a bit too high. Maybe 40$ would be reasonable? Just a thought.

Sure. Like I said, price is negotiable. But the main point is to focus on activity instead of luck, timing, or money. The price is there for the rich and/or lazy, and so the devs make some money. I expect most people to focus on the actual thing rather than paying. I tried to address every issue of the current system, but feedback is appreciated. n.n

Speaking of which lol where is dragon island red?

no idea :stuck_out_tongue: