🏆 Neo Monsters tier list (see first post) 🏆

If you want to read the entry or any discussion/movements of a monster then use the forum search function ticking the “search this topic” button and write the monster name. For anything before July 2020 you will need to check out the old tier list thread. Bear in mind the classifications are different so read the first post before any others.

Notes explaining how to read the tier lists and how they are written (READ THIS FIRST)
  • Above all else, the ranking of a monster in any tier list should be seen as how “useful and powerful” it is in relation to other monsters in the game. Monsters are not graded on their ideal scenarios. Instead, the tier they are placed in reflects how well they work in that section of the game in order to give you a win.

  • The following may not be true for all monsters. However, put simply, the tiers for all lists are as follows:

    • S-, S and S+, these monsters are ideal for this setting, often with both high power and reliability. They can potentially take control of battles or be the deciding factor. They can sometimes make other lower tier monsters much better with synergy or combos that are worthy of top tier.
    • C, B and A, these monsters work well in this setting with many performing as well as top tier monsters in the right teams or in ideal scenarios. They typically do not bring down your team.
    • F, E and D, these monsters do not work well in this setting or you’d only play them in an archetype/team that would not be effective in this setting. Using these monsters in strong teams may lower the power level of the team. Some E and D monsters may have niche use for particular effects/combos.
  • Mythics vs Legendaries vs Super Epics

    • All tier lists are done with the monsters relative to others at that quality. However, below is a very rough comparison to go by. Please note this is mainly for the PvP tier lists and may be changed at a later date. Also, this does not factor in the monster cost and monsters fluctuate enormously based on the team they are used in.
    • tier 1 = (S+, S) mythics
    • tier 2 = (S-, A) mythics = (S+) legendaries
    • tier 3 = (B) mythics = (S) legendaries
    • tier 4 = (C) mythics = (S-) legendaries
    • tier 5 = (D) mythics = (A) legendaries = (S+) super epics
    • tier 6 = (E) mythics = (B) legendaries = (S) super epics
    • tier 7 = (F) mythics = (C) legendaries = (S-) super epics
    • tier 8 = (D) legendaries = (A) super epics
    • etc.
  • General section notes

    • The general section is for all parts of the game other than PvP. Enemy monsters are typically a bit buffed so monsters which rely on weaker moves are rated lower and monsters which can survive well are rated higher because they tend to help your team more reliably. The AI can be manipulated in some respects (e.g. turn skipping) which drastically improves some monsters and strategies.
  • PvP section notes

    • Many monsters become more viable in PvP because, without buffed stats, moves deal high damage and can kill easily. Combat can often come down to who has the turns with their monsters and can take control of the situation before the opponent gets any turns. If someone can be left with the wrong monsters for the situation they will often lose the match. Therefore, combos which can help you take control of the situation are very important and with the right setup you can make a huge number of monsters add great value to your team. What this means for the tier list thread is that more of the monsters in lower tiers (especially legendaries and mythics) are actually very good when used well. Also, if a monster is in a lower PvP tier than General tier that does not necessarily mean it is worse for PvP. It is all relative to the other monsters in each particular setting.
  • The order of the monsters within each tier is alphabetical.

  • There are a number of factors involved in the positioning of a monster. Its “general strength” is an obvious one but the less obvious ones are as follows:

    1. If they have strict requirements to work (e.g. LINK or RAW)
    2. If they are part of a group/pairing (e.g. Komaguard and Inuguard)
    3. A valuation of any combos they are a key part of
    4. Which list they are in
  1. Strict requirements make team building harder to do and unless you have exactly the right monsters your team may be weaker. To reflect this, monsters that rely heavily on something like LINK are below where they should actually be (typically 1 tier in PvP and 1-2 tiers in General). If you can meet the condition without compromising anything in your team then they will perform better than shown in the tier list.

  2. These monsters could be ranked as a group, but the tier list goes one step further and shows how strong each part of the group is. The average tier of the group is the overall ranking of how strong it is and usually the best monster(s) are lower tier than they would be while the worst monster(s) are higher tier than they would be as they are “brought down/up” by the rest of the group.

  3. Combos are a big part of the game but they rely on having particular monsters. Being a key part of a strong combo will potentially increase a monster’s tier rating. The PvP tier lists value combos more because they can typically be a larger factor in deciding the battle.

  4. Each list is geared towards a particular audience and values things slightly differently. This might sound weird, but in practice it makes things much better for the readers. To clarify:

    • General mythic/legendary lists = It’s assumed players have a reasonable collection of legendaries but cannot utilise all combos/synergies (they are factored in less - for the reason explained in the above paragraph too)

    • General super epic / epic lists = These are for a combination of both new players and those with a good collection of legendaries. A few monsters are high because they’re great to begin with even though they will fall out of your favour later as you replace them with legendaries and use only a small number of super epics for specific circumstances. Some niche use SEs are in low tiers but they are still used by top people in certain content (PvE content is very varied, this list does an overall view and mostly highlights what’s generally good) rather than the SEs which veterans utilise).

    • General super epics veterans utilise = This is to highlight the SEs that are still useful in PvE even when you’ve got a large collection of mythics/legendaries.

    • PvP mythic/legendary lists = These list how well the monsters do in top level PvP. Some monsters in low tiers will do well in the lower brackets of PvP but most people are interested in what the top are doing and what’s viable up there.

    • PvP super epic list = Contrary to the other PvP lists, this is also taking into account the lower brackets of PvP. Reason being, in top bracket PvP not many super epics are used and these players will know which specific ones they want for specific teams. Top bracket people will typically only consider using the SEs in tiers S+, S and S- but the exact positions of these SEs are influenced more by how good they are for newer players in the lower brackets.

Monsters which need adding:
Heavenshorn (s), Risu, Obsybdia, Ursadonis, Snorkoid, Luminalus, Gummy dragon licorice

Monsters which need reviewing:
Version 2.49, F.D. Maeve, Zephyramus


General tier list



bastet valkyrie vampireg Octopusgirl04 Giraffeg cowgirl goldendra swordfox

S+ tier names

Bastia, Brynhildr, Carmilla, Charybdia, Kirina, Momo, Rhinedragon, Vixenblade


dragong rabbitb swordd Xwingd demond Darkcat04 darkfairy robotanubis Tengugirl04 mechanistd

S tier names

Azida, Coretta, Excaliburdragon, Exocross, Gorgodrake, Luna, Nyx, Scyberithe, Tenguko, XYZ-999L


spiderg Oni orcag Elfn mafiag Fenrirbeast04 Batgirl Blackflameunicorn warship robotangellion scorpiond wsnakeg sakurad snowg

S- tier names

Arachnadiva, Botan-Douji, Christine, Cynthia, Don Rilla, Giehretus, Gremoris, Hadeshoof, Kanna, Mechangelion, Onyxia, Orochi, Sakuralisk, Yukihime


spiderd aird dragonbride Leopardg angelgirl birdgirl rabbitsamu Whitewolfgirl04 Maid reindeerd snakeg sheepnur foxearg 2headedkingbird radioactived horentgal horseg

A tier names

Arachnodrake, Auraleus, Bridalith, Fiona, Gabrielle, Haneri, Hazuki, Isoldelle, Medbie, Mistletorment, Nagandia, Nightingale, Satomi, Soral god bird, Uraniumedhus, Vespia, Wilhelmina


redfairy superstrm stagbeetle Tricksterbeing eaglew Goldfishgirl04 huskyw ninjacat Blackbw wildtribed serpentw Gothgirl raccoong mousecen Jiangshigirl04 blackmoon

B tier names

Berry, Chronozillion, Goliatherion, Harleking, Hawknight, Honghua, Huskegon, Kunomi, Kuromasa, Na’turgoul, Ophidiator, Persephia, Prixis, Rodeknight, Shi Na, Voidress


lifek Swordcat Mechagirl04 Demongirltwo04 dragonempired tigerg stainedgd fairyg robothy ninetailg Peacockd Samuraidragon knightg Angelsheep04

C tier names

Aethereon, Ankara, Ayna, Candy, Dragulus, Hu Shin, Iridescezarc, Lemon, Mechydra, Novemdomina, Plumesilisk, Suikenshi, Tyrfina, Zephyramus


deergirl robota succubus butterflyg snowflaked bikini mouseg adorndark oniteacher rainbowu wolfg Spikedragon04 redarmoredd

D tier names

Apollonis, Deus X, Deviladus, Flutterdrake Maeve, Kuraokami, Lilithia, Nikki, Noircyon, Onika, Prismegasus, Sivanna, Stellaurum, Y Ddraig Goch


dragonsummer demong blackwidow koid psychice mermaid Luci unigirl

E tier names

Akane, Asmodia, Atlanachia, Cypridrus, Focalforce, Leira, Lucifelle, Unicera


catsummer Lightfairy04 Deerelf04 greenelf catidol catwitch harpyg fennec

F tier names

Aoi, Eirlys, Fyrielle, Lime, Mai, Majorie, Sepheris, Vixian



angell golddr final slimedd gfwhite pumpkinbat manticore nebula magemush fourarms reapreapreap shadowh redwingsn ghostp

S+ tier names

Angelion, Aurodragon, Delugazar, Doomgoo, Garden fairy jasmine, Jackolene, Mantiferno, Novadrake, Sageroom, Shivadragon, Soulstealer, Tenebris, Vigziarid, Wraithcaptain


asianwhitet deathfirst Bloodarmor buffrd robotbunn 3333333 angeldo rosed clockwd armoredgry ninjaw yinyangdragon ghostli 123 treecth headg pandaw mafiab darkp rockdino centipd sakuradeer Ghostdo newwaterur airph turtleg Mythicalbeast04 cute

S tier names

Albakhan, Atrahasis, Beetlebrute, Blitzdyr, Bundam, Chronotitan, Dolphariel, Dracorosa, Geartyrant, Gryphking, Hanzowolf, Ldiefaeth, Leogeist, Maggatsuoh, Oakthulhu, Onigeist, Pandamonium, Polaboss, Revenarchion, Rocolossus, Scolopendragon, Shikabloom, Spectrophin, Stormloch (s), Stratustrike, Tortogeist, Trimaegus, Utopion


ammit Piratedragon04 sakuraw GoldWD chipmunk robottm adorned elemfox04 ffclover iceuni holycd 22222 rainbowsnake samuraica lionw blueo windbug03 buffm humanoid demonp BladeF robotrex albino ghostscor ghostc ghostcur crocodileg newwater robottar santap waterchime tigerd cuteur wolfwarrior deathcd

S- tier names

Ammityrant, Bartholosar, Bloomeluga, Caesardragon, Chimunka, Doomengine, Dusicyon, Elemphox (shadow), Garden fairy clover, Glaciaron, Heavenswyrm, Jaguardian, Jurlungur, Kattmmander, Lionheart, Malwing, Mantisamurai, Moku, Nulltron, Pumpking, Razorstorm, Rexterminator, Sanctistag, Scorpiogeist, Shadowhunter, Shadowhunter (s), Sobeking, Stormloch, Tardigrenade, The Saintfeather, Triviathan, Tygoron, Utopion (s), Wolhammer, Zhulong


fishsking03 ghostd supermino goatman Gaiadragon04 darkarmored Earthchimera04 Geometric lifep ninefox lavabir lavabur lavacobra cyborgl Cowd robotnaut bones mothl mothfire airfirst Roseghost04 runed bonet 888888 crios fishwarrior octopusw skullwb 3headed 3eadedur robotwh Waterwolf07 shadowm Airunicorn04 lightnk

A tier names

Abyssoldier poseidon, Ankoudragon, Ashterios, Baphogouge, Eonarx, Galliodragon, Geisthorn, Geocosma, Gloreonix, Goldtail, Lavaronix, Lavaronix (s), Magmamund, Mechaviathan, Milgon, Nauticruiser, Oniblade, Pupupa/Mistmoth, Pupupa/Poisomoth, Raizen, Rosegeist, Runedragon, Sacrumega, Sanctallion, Sarcrosphinx, Sturgeonidas, Tagosenshi, Tricranium, Tridrakhan, Tridrakhan (s), Warca, Wolfenrir, Wraithhost, Xanacorn, Zephyrin


shieldd wooddr fallenangel rockskind crystalbb firefirst cannon cannonbur samuraido 6565684 octopusd levianD asianph Cyclopgirl04 icedol rockd giantrd earthph darkarmoredur Flowerfairysky04 flowerfb samuraifi HCDur crystaldur mothg moonm nightr Treecthur octopusmaid MafiaO rainbowb santarhino Ratknight04 greekk mafiape robotmafiap Earthraptor06 voodoo stormdr

B tier names

Aegisdragon, Arboribratus, Azrazel, Bazilogon, Blacktitan, Bovolcus, Bunkerbeast, Bunkerbeast (s), Canishogun, Celestrion, Cephalogandr, Cetaskagon, Crimseias, Cyclophina, Dolphreeze, Dragaia, Drakozord Z, Emeraldeus, Galliodragon (s), Garden fairy mizu, Garden fairy violet, Gyomurai, Heavenswyrm (s), Kamiwyrm (s), Lunactia, Lunartic, Nightrider, Oakthulhu (s), Otomaid, Padrinorca, Prismpaw, Rhinoel, Sir. Lancerat, St. Togala, The Godfeather, The Penguinator, Viridrexus, Voodoom, Zeuswyrm


asteroid gargantuan evilx silverd stormcen aliendr icedar mechadr firedol firedc Thunderrabbit07 Flowerfairylemon04 ffred FFY firefox fireuni PumpkinSc samuraif samuraigo robotm icev darkpega dragonfd03 rainbowd mothp mothgreen mothyellow 111114 cyborgni bonew Bonewhaleur04 robotics newultimate crystalbw

C tier names

Astrogolem, Atlantyrant, Baublebasher, Celeshine, Centaureon, Cosmodragon, Cryokaizer, Cybereon, Dolphoenix, Flarevern, Galvbishamon, Garden fairy citrus, Garden fairy hibi, Garden fairy sunflower, Hellfox, Infernicorn, Jack-o’-scorp, Kaerukenshi, Kamishogun, Mojinator, Nebelronix, Nightlord, Pitayagon, Prismaryx, Pupupa/Doomoth, Pupupa/Marksmoth, Pupupa/Stormoth, Rexotyrant, Shurikaizer, Skeleviathan, Skeleviathan (s), Tinkerclaus, Ultimadragon, Whitetitan


crystaldd Crystalddur ffmorning Flowerfairyrose04 Earthunicorn04 stoneg mossd Sunflowerghost04 santad earthsl goldsd duskd mothw robotmant angeld divined darkdd sunm fuzzb Strawberrybear04 candyph earthfirst aztec bossa fenrir rocklava

D tier names

Banedragon, Banedragon (s), Garden fairy gloria, Garden fairy rosa, Geoceron, Geomagnus, Grovodeus, Helioseer, Jingledragon, Megaiasloth, Midasdragon, Noxdragon, Pupupa/Dreamoth, Razoray, Regalion, Serapheon, Shadowyrm, Solblaze, Staticsphere, Strawbaba, Sweetfeather, Terragar, Tezcacoatl, Tiamazus, Valzareign, Vulcaroth


Forestwhale04 golddur asianblued earthad firek capyba sleek Sleekur 65465453 thunderdol demonho flowerfb flowerfb ffsakura queensg Forestdo lavasha lifefirst ultimated Firekong05 arcanekur deathd bossaur earthkn Samuraitiger

E tier names

Arbustodon, Aurodragon (s), Azuraidos, Bahamuzar, Burnsalot, Capybaragon, Cyclozar, Cyclozar (s), Deathgazer, Dolphoone, Doomhoof, Garden fairy lily, Garden fairy pieris, Garden fairy sakura, Grizzleguard, Jungleflipper, Magmarinus, Metatherion, Omegasdragon, Raidkong, Taloknight (s), Terrordragon, Tiamazus (s), Timberlord, Torazou


Holyelephant04sundra armoredsnowleopard robotchime goddra elemfox03 asiantur fluffydino 1612321 motorcycle crystaldra clockdra fireho iceph bigml fireang arcanek rockoidg waterfirst

F tier names

Airavalon, Apollorexus, Arcticlaws, Chromera, Deodragon, Elemphox (holy), Emeraldont, Flocculasaurus, Icefang, Jawshank, Kamiwyrm, Motordragon, Mulasem, Polareon, Sephileon, Solariel, Taloknight, The Rockoid, Ziberius


General tier list

Super Epics


fishsoldierpurp fishsoldierb oarfi fireride fallenrose piratecat cwpurple crystalwr Demonmothgreen03 butterflyg butterflyy 12komawater Funnyd komaf evilgry bigeyed pgy PGF PGP pgp dragonkn shieldmon aquad Pumpkinb pinkfox

S+ tier names

Abyssoldier fokus, Abyssoldier myst, Atlanteon, Blazerider, Blossomight, Captainwhiskers, Crystal worm purpureus, Crystal worm roseus, Dreadmoth, Flutterdrake clover, Flutterdrake daffodil, Inuguard, Jocodragon, Komaguard, Nefariodon, Purpie, Pyramid golem banamid, Pyramid golem lavamid, Pyramid golem neromid, Pyramid golem vivimid, Scarleguard, Shieldragon, Torrentide, Vinegazer, Vulpink


deepseam fishsoldierwh fishsoldierg oarfur jetengine chocolate firesk armoredb firet scarab Roosterdragon03 cwblue buffgenie geckod 2headd butterflydb icecob thunderra swordknight skeletoncd 12sharkd pegasus assassinb roseq simur ghostf ghostfur Wingedseahorse03 afrot winddra earthra lavati earthcd waterwo

S tier names

Abyssclaw, Abyssoldier antistan, Abyssoldier breaker, Atlanteon (s), Aviaeronix, Bitterbeast, Blazebones, Buffbuffalo, Bundleblazer, Carapasca, Chimerauk, Crystal worm caeruleus, Djinzar, Drageckon, Dualdragoon, Flutterdrake iris, Freezecobra, Galvbane, Lordsreign, Marrowdrake, Megalodragon, Pegassiah, Phantomaiden, Rosempress, Simuronix, Spectrefox, Spectrefox (s), Torpedorus, Twighoul, Ventokaizer, Viridizardon, Volcaiga, Willowyrm, Wolfrozor


fishsoldierbr fireahu akhekh thunderwolf armadillow armadillo fanpeafire blackdra skelephur 07piratewo icegol deathwo evilfrog demod dollg thunderchee fdred bosswat Butterflydragongray03 butterflydp iceride earthd 04woodw pharohd Funnydragonur03 Lordstag bushg gargour 03pyramidgg firedra ladybugturtle armoredr hedgehogf seaslugp seaslugw seaslugblack armoredmamm icemon robotwalrus Glitchur leafur lavapot fanpea

S- tier names

Abyssoldier bulwark, Ahuizard, Akhekhion, Alphastorm, Armadiator, Armavolt, Blazetail, Blightwyrm, Bonetalon (s), Captain canine, Cryogolem, Deathwarg, Demontoad, Diredemon, Don dollguini, Electricheetah, Elfin dragon rod, Esapizeron, Flutterdrake ash, Flutterdrake salvia, Frostrider, Gaiakaizer, Gaiawolf, Jackalhotep, Jocodragon (s), Lordstag, Mossgoliath, Nightfender, Pyramid golem gaiamid, Pyrokaizer, Redybug, Rhinotitan, Spikiestblaze, Thlug beckie, Thlug billy, Thlug bruno, Titanomoth, Titanwolf, Turbotusk, Virabbit (s), Viridwyvern (s), Volcamus, Wavetail


fishsoldierpink 01fishsoldierbla robotw robotwur 03bossearth 05lightnings 03plantb 05armoredbu 04chameleon cwb cwyellow crystalwg 08robode robotdra fdyellow fdwhite waterhor furrymon 06buffpb 07robocr gentleo happydb happydr Happydragonpink03 10holytrice thudnerhy 08firego 09rabbitd 10wingedlaval featherml mapledra catfly 13bigbutt 12holybear kelpie pgw assassinrabb redrb sabertdur 14holybull 15holyrose 16firecen firecentaurur 17femalea femaleangelur 15ninjad ushioni leafd bossthunder

A tier names

Abyssoldier feryvast, Abyssoldier hill, Alphagear, Alphagear (s), Arborgias, Balancion, Botanic, Bullbrazen, Chamilizard, Crystal worm ater, Crystal worm flavus, Crystal worm viridis, Devilborg, Draconought, Elfin dragon gul, Elfin dragon hvit, Equimaris, Fluffurious, Frozmaw, Gearcroc, Gentleowl, Gummy dragon blueberry, Gummy dragon cranberry, Gummy dragon peach, Heavenshorn, Hydrastorm, Igniscapra, Lagodragon, Lavamane, Leoronix, Mapledragon, Muscattus, Nectareon, Pontibear, Poseideon, Pyramid golem soramid, Rabbeat, Robinator, Saberdragon (s), Sanctaurus, Sanguinymph, Searguard, Searguard (s), Serazael, Serazael (s), Shinobidragon, Ushi-oni, Viridwyvern, Zephyrox


airride 02egyptianl 03woolyr strongang Plantbeast03 fastd 04skeletonph 06firechime Crabdude03 mechar aperider 07elephantg 08firegh Butterflydragonsky03 09butterflydpink Butterflydragonteal03 10butterflydr robocrocur crocour happydy happydg 11deathchi winglavaur lightkn firerapt earthfd 13waterspi 09gargoy onisamu 10pumpkinrea 14sabertd 14clockwt darkkn icesamu 15sung 16seaslugctab thundercd windwd vdpink

B tier names

Aeraider, Apedemek, Archaeoceros, Archseraph, Atramenthus, Blitzdragon, Bonetalon, Chimeraxus, Crabriel, Demolitron, Dinoraider, Elephantom, Elmowraith, Flutterdrake azure, Flutterdrake lotus, Flutterdrake mint, Flutterdrake rose, Gearcroc (s), Gnashjaw (s), Gummy dragon banana, Gummy dragon lime, Horrorclaw, Lavamane (s), Luxking, Magmaraptor, Magmatyrant, Nereida, Nighthunter, Ogremaster, Reapolantern, Saberdragon, Saberzor, Shadowbaron, Snowgun, Sunlord, Thlug betty, Thordragon, Typhondragon, Virus dragon delta


01fishsoldierlaven 02fishsoldiertea 03fishsoldierr 01robotpir 04mutantchi dragonbird blacklion 06blacklionur bosslife 09crocodilem moond firecd dinot 11mammut icetriur magmaur aironi icebeast darkangel 13firekon robotshar Dinoshark snowma hedgehoga 16hedgehogwa bonespin 17goldja 3Headedseamonster03 vdblack vdred vdyellow 17firefly wolper

C tier names

Abyssoldier boison, Abyssoldier guardian, Abyssoldier poward, Abyssraider, Amalgamon, Archeopteron, Blizzheart, Blizzheart (s), Deucalizon, Gnashjaw, Lunaverios, Magmalathian, Mecharex, Megamummat, Megazeratops (s), Moltenpede (s), Onikage, Ragnawolf, Revenatus, Rexkong, Sharknight, Sharkrex, Snowhulk, Spikiestornado, Spikiestorrant, Spinoarex, Tezcatlipoca, Tricertalon, Virus dragon alpha, Virus dragon epsilon, Virus dragon zeta, Volcavenus, Woperdoom


02chocolateur 01mummyw 02furrydra Butterflydragonlavender03 05earthtot 06icerhin 07lanternd ArmoredL 08magmacen 11clockb 12seaslugg 13seaslugb 14thundergnu aquadur.png vdblue vdgreen

D tier names

Bitterbeast (s), Cryptblade, Fluffydra, Flutterdrake lilac, Guardtotem, Hiberzor, Keeperdragon, Leomidas, Moltenpede, Steamhawk, Thlug bob, Thlug bruce, Thorhoof, Torrentide (s), Virus dragon beta, Virus dragon gamma


01fishsoldiery arcanedra 04wolfdr icecarno fdgreen Elfin Dragon Lilla Butterflydragonbrown03 05frostf heavyrour waterdra seadra holydra icetri fourfs firesna 06cobrad roboscor electric earthrex winddino glitch bossfire

E tier names

Abyssoldier shock, Arkodragon, Caniswyrm, Carnofrost, Elfin dragon gronn, Elfin dragon lilla, Flutterdrake oak, Frostmoroz, Halodrei (s), Hydrokaizer, Leviazar, Luxyrion, Megazeratops, Oroblazer, Ouroburn, Rattlewyrm, Scorpionite, Statikat, Terrorex, Velocirex, Virabbit, Vulcarexor


fishsoldiergra metalw fdblue winglessfd Butterflydragonwhite03 icewha crystalgo heavyr moong hedgehogearth newaird

F tier names

Abyssoldier des, Barricazor, Elfin dragon bla, Emberzard, Flutterdrake pure, Glacierback, Golgerock, Halodrei, Lunalord, Spikiestone, Tezladragon



bonefi pirateoct

S+ tier names

Dreadfish, Octoboss


holytort evilrein dilopho whalesha 3hornb grassji greenpy greenpyur wingedsn heavyd firecam

S tier names

Celestoise, Darkstag, Frillzerrex, Gargantua, Gigasect, Giraverdant, Jadeboa, Jadeboa (s), Skyther, Stegotitan, Vulcaback


dinot clione firekang wizfrog icecat firebo leafypur kingmum hundredh airblued firebug3 snowmon electrig

S- tier names

Brakioquake, Clioseraph, Crimgaroo, Gandalfrog, Glaciermane, Novatusk, Pandochamp (s), Pharoguard, Shivogod, Stratosfear, Supershell, Yetikong, Zeugigant


anubis holywol steelfi snowflake goldsli metalsl lavasli cloud windninja sandsl mastif securityr spidergodd

A tier names

Anubirom, Archwolf, Armadafish, Frostbrave, Goldirel, Metallodimus, Moltagant, Nimboss, Ninjastorm, Sandalot, Seahowl, Sentiguard, Spiderix


mummyd robotb ancientf evileaster holyl lavacyc arcanaur robospid leafyp seaserp wolfrap firered

B tier names

Apophisking, Beeblitz, Dunkleosus, Eggsecutioner, Galacteon, Lavaclops, Niloxov (s), Nukespider, Pandochamp, Seaviper, Velowolf, Volcagarmr


tricob firelion cerber Electricpt seaserpur firespi robolion earthti snowti

C tier names

Cobraking, Fireheart, Hadeberus, Pterastorm, Seaviper (s), Spinoflame, Titanheart, Vegikhan, Zerotiger


deathp holycr bossdea giantsphinx arca octop santay wildwha slimetank

D tier names

Bloodblade, Clocknight, Dahargaz, Gryphinx, Niloxov, Octojungle, Santabeast, Siegewhale, Slimetank


birdmon seadd ballf slimeg

E tier names

Blurstrike, Desioking, Elmowrath, Gigantoid


firebear icebrach thudnerre darko bonemamm tornado ifrit chubbya snailt liquidd 2hornb evilted eviltur eviltoto lavabu

F tier names

Bossbear, Brontozard, Gigarex, Grimowl, Mastogant, Megavortex, Minoferno, Nilodeus, Panzershell, Plasmorexis, Staghulk, Tedbeast, Thugturkey, Vilegrin, Volcataurus

Super Epics Veterans Utilise


fishsoldierb armadillow evilfrog 02furrydra snowma pinkfox fanpea

Combo names and explanation

Abyssoldier myst - with A.S. Poseidon
Armadiator - with Botanic+Gryphking (good for auto-play)
Demontoad - with Novadrake
Fluffydra & Snowhulk - sacrifice to kill enemy and bring in next monster
Vulpink - with OoO (one-on-one)
Wavetail - with Boxjaw disruption


01fishsoldiery jetengine mechar sabertdur 11clockb robotwalrus afrot lavati

Countering names and explanation

Abyssoldier shock, Aviaeronix, Demolitron, Saberdragon (s) & Steamhawk - anti-DR (death revenge)
Turbotusk, Twighoul & Volcaiga (also Abyssoldier myst) - anti-protectors


firet 2headd Funnyd

Disruption names

Bundleblazer, Dualdragoon, Jocodragon

Sleep/Stun control

strongang fallenrose butterflyg mapledra 15holyrose 17goldja thundercd

Sleep/Stun control names

Archseraph, Blossomight, Flutterdrake clover, Mapledragon, Sanguinymph, Tezcatlipoca, Thordragon

General support

fishsoldierwh armoredb shieldmon ghostfur

General support names

Abyssoldier antistan, Buffbuffalo, Shieldragon, Spectrefox (s)

Versus super buffed enemies

firesk deathwo 04woodw 11deathchi evilgry 09gargoy simur

Versus super buffed enemies names

Blazebones, Deathwarg, Gaiawolf, Horrorclaw, Nefariodon, Nighthunter, Simuronix

Win conditions

bigeyed aquad Pumpkinb

Win conditions names

Purpie, Torrentide, Vinegazer

Other Notable Monsters (3 stars or lower)

Special rocks

aluminoi bronzeoi diamond goldoi basketboid meat samuroid Santaroid02 detective ghostoid Zombieroid02

Special rocks names

Aluminoid, Bronzoid, Diamonoid, Goldoid, LeBroid, Meatoid, Musashoid, Santa cloid, Sherloid, Spookoid, Zomboid

Cheap throw / end-game options

treasurem firebug moji mojiur mojipricess naturale rocke blackswan

Cheap throw / end-game options names

Boxjaw, Bronzeshell, Moji, Moji (s), Mojincess, Musharoo, Rockoid, Shadeswan

Stun burst

pallas dodo thunderbeas iceseah thunderfox

Stun burst names

Flufferno, Islandoe, Raijin, Seasteed, Stormfox


wallmonster lightbulb fishdra darkdra darkdur blackfox deathwizard holyclay pygmy thunderchee holywizard blackhorse platypus lionf earthcoyo rhynom basilisk afrot scarecro yingyl yingyd

Others names

Blockadus, Bulbieboom, Dracomander, Dreadgar, Dreadgar (s), Dullakhan, Felimancer, Haniwel, Jerbor, Leobolt, Meowzard, Nightmare, Platybeak, Puffoxin, Remus, Rhynobrawl, Saphireon, Twigster, Wickerchap, Yang, Yin


PvP tier list



bastet vampireg Octopusgirl04 Elfn cowgirl goldendra swordfox

S+ tier names

Bastia, Carmilla, Charybdia, Cynthia, Momo, Rhinedragon, Vixenblade


spiderg dragonbride demond Blackflameunicorn rabbitsamu bikini darkfairy raccoong sakurad Tengugirl04 horentgal

S tier names

Arachnadiva, Bridalith, Gorgodrake, Hadeshoof, Hazuki, Lilithia, Nyx, Prixis, Sakuralisk, Tenguko, Vespia


demong orcag mafiag swordd angelgirl birdgirl huskyw Whitewolfgirl04 fairyg Darkcat04 wsnakeg 2headedkingbird blackmoon horseg

S- tier names

Asmodia, Christine, Don Rilla, Excaliburdragon, Gabrielle, Haneri, Huskegon, Isoldelle, Lemon, Luna, Orochi, Soral god bird, Voidress, Wilhelmina


redfairy rabbitb Xwingd Leopardg butterflyg Fenrirbeast04 Batgirl ninjacat robothy snakeg wildtribed Gothgirl Peacockd foxearg mechanistd snowg

A tier names

Berry, Coretta, Exocross, Fiona, Flutterdrake Maeve, Giehretus, Gremoris, Kunomi, Mechydra, Nagandia, Na’turgoul, Persephia, Plumesilisk, Satomi, XYZ-999L, Yukihime


spiderd dragong Oni valkyrie Tricksterbeing eaglew tigerg warship Giraffeg Blackbw robotangellion Maid sheepnur scorpiond mousecen knightg radioactived

B tier names

Arachnodrake, Azida, Botan-Douji, Brynhildr, Harleking, Hawknight, Hu Shin, Kanna, Kirina, Kuromasa, Mechangelion, Medbie, Nightingale, Onyxia, Rodeknight, Tyrfina, Uraniumedhus


Swordcat deergirl aird superstrm koid Lightfairy04 mouseg ninetailg rainbowu wolfg Samuraidragon redarmoredd Angelsheep04

C tier names

Ankara, Apollonis, Auraleus, Chronozillion, Cypridrus, Eirlys, Nikki, Novemdomina, Prismegasus, Sivanna, Suikenshi, Y Ddraig Goch, Zephyramus


dragonsummer Mechagirl04 dragonempired stagbeetle stainedgd Luci reindeerd adorndark serpentw robotanubis Jiangshigirl04 Spikedragon04 unigirl

D tier names

Akane, Ayna, Dragulus, Goliatherion, Iridescezarc, Lucifelle, Mistletorment, Noircyon, Ophidiator, Scyberithe, Shi Na, Stellaurum, Unicera


lifek catsummer Demongirltwo04 robota psychice snowflaked mermaid greenelf oniteacher harpyg

E tier names

Aethereon, Aoi, Candy, Deus X, Focalforce, Kuraokami, Leira, Lime, Onika, Sepheris


blackwidow succubus Deerelf04 Goldfishgirl04 catidol catwitch fennec

F tier names

Atlanachia, Deviladus, Fyrielle, Honghua, Mai, Majorie, Vixian



angell stormcen slimedd adorned elemfox04 Gaiadragon04 manticore nebula MafiaO Roseghost04 sakuradeer fishwarrior Mythicalbeast04 redwingsn

S+ tier names

Angelion, Centaureon, Doomgoo, Dusicyon, Elemphox (shadow), Eonarx, Mantiferno, Novadrake, Padrinorca, Rosegeist, Shikabloom, Sturgeonidas, Trimaegus, Vigziarid


fishsking03 asianwhitet evilx Bloodarmor sakuraw samuraido Cyclopgirl04 65465453 gfwhite FFY flowerfb Earthunicorn04 Geometric iceuni armoredgry fireuni yinyangdragon ghostli lavacobra blueo windbug03 buffm mafiab airfirst santarhino rockdino ghostscor Ratknight04 crocodileg

S tier names

Abyssoldier poseidon, Albakhan, Baublebasher, Beetlebrute, Bloomeluga, Canishogun, Cyclophina, Deathgazer, Garden fairy jasmine, Garden fairy sunflower, Garden fairy violet, Geoceron, Geocosma, Glaciaron, Gryphking, Infernicorn, Ldiefaeth, Leogeist, Magmagund, Malwing, Mantisamurai, Moku, Polaboss, Raizen, Rhinoel, Rocolossus, Scorpiogeist, Sir. Lancerat, Sobeking


Forestwhale04 armoredsnowleopard supermino goatman capyba silverd levianD sleek final icedol rosed firedc ffclover samuraifi 22222 rainbowsnake samuraif samuraica mothg 123 humanoid BladeF angeld robotrex runed centipd Ghostdo newwaterur robottar skullwb tigerd Waterwolf07 ghostp shadowm

S- tier names

Arbustodon, Arcticlaws, Ashterios, Baphogouge, Capybaragon, Celeshine, Cetaskagon, Cyclozar, Delugazar, Dolphreeze, Dracorosa, Flarevern, Garden fairy clover, Gyomurai, Jaguardian, Jurlungur, Kaerukenshi, Kattmmander, Lunactia, Maggatsuoh, Nulltron, Razorstorm, Regalion, Rexterminator, Runedragon, Scolopendragon, Spectrophin, Stormloch (s), Tardigrenade, Tricranium, Tygoron, Wolfenrir, Wraithcaptain, Wraithhost


golddr Piratedragon04 crystalbb robotbunn Sleekur angeldo Thunderrabbit07 Flowerfairylemon04 flowerfb Flowerfairyrose04 ffsakura ninjaw firefox pumpkinbat PumpkinSc lionw earthsl clockdra robotnaut treecth bones headg pandaw dragonfd03 demonp albino crios bigml darkdd Bonewhaleur04 airph robotmafiap rockoidg turtleg 3headed 3eadedur waterchime cuteur

A tier names

Aurodragon, Bartholosar, Blacktitan, Bundam, Cyclozar (s), Dolphariel, Galvbishamon, Garden fairy citrus, Garden fairy pieris, Garden fairy rosa, Garden fairy sakura, Hanzowolf, Hellfox, Jackolene, Jack-o’-scorp, Lionheart, Megaiasloth, Motordragon, Nauticruiser, Oakthulhu, Oniblade, Onigeist, Pandamonium, Pitayagon, Pumpking, Sanctistag, Sarcrosphinx, Sephileon, Shadowyrm, Skeleviathan (s), Stratustrike, The Penguinator, The Rockoid, Tortogeist, Tridrakhan, Tridrakhan (s), Triviathan, Utopion (s)


wooddr asteroid firefirst cannon cannonbur 6565684 octopusd firedol thunderdol earthph fluffydino Flowerfairysky04 Earthchimera04 lifep holycd Forestdo lavasha Cowd fireho darkpega octopusmaid iceph rainbowd rainbowb Firekong05 robotmant bonet fourarms bonew fuzzb greekk octopusw earthfirst santap bossa robotics Samuraitiger cute fenrir crystalbw wolfwarrior Airunicorn04 lightnk deathcd

B tier names

Arboribratus, Astrogolem, Bovolcus, Bunkerbeast, Bunkerbeast (s), Celestrion, Cephalogandr, Dolphoenix, Dolphoone, Emeraldeus, Flocculasaurus, Garden fairy mizu, Geisthorn, Gloreonix, Heavenswyrm, Jungleflipper, Magmarinus, Milgon, Mulasem, Nightlord, Otomaid, Polareon, Prismaryx, Prismpaw, Raidkong, Razoray, Sacrumega, Shivadragon, Skeleviathan, Staticsphere, St. Togala, Tagosenshi, Terragar, The Saintfeather, Tiamazus, Tinkerclaus, Torazou, Utopion, Valzareign, Whitetitan, Wolhammer, Xanacorn, Zephyrin, Zhulong


shieldd ammit ghostd gargantuan deathfirst golddur fallenangel earthad Crystalddur buffrd GoldWD aliendr mechadr demonho giantrd darkarmoredur ffmorning ffred queensg HCDur santad samuraigo crystaldur lifefirst icev ultimated mothl mothfire cyborgni deathd aztec earthkn Earthraptor06 voodoo rocklava

C tier names

Aegisdragon, Ammityrant, Ankoudragon, Atlantyrant, Atrahasis, Aurodragon (s), Azrazel, Bahamuzar, Banedragon (s), Blitzdyr, Caesardragon, Cosmodragon, Cybereon, Doomhoof, Drakozord Z, Galliodragon (s), Garden fairy gloria, Garden fairy hibi, Grizzleguard, Heavenswyrm (s), Jingledragon, Kamishogun, Kamiwyrm (s), Metatherion, Nebelronix, Omegasdragon, Pupupa/Mistmoth, Pupupa/Poisomoth, Shurikaizer, Terrordragon, Tezcacoatl, Timberlord, Viridrexus, Voodoom, Vulcaroth


Holyelephant04 asianblued crystaldd chipmunk robotchime 3333333 asianph flowerfb stoneg 1612321 motorcycle lavabir lavabur moonm cyborgl robotm nightr mothgreen darkp 111114 sunm reapreapreap Strawberrybear04 candyph arcanekur shadowh bossaur robotwh stormdr

D tier names

Airavalon, Azuraidos, Banedragon, Chimunka, Chromera, Chronotitan, Crimseias, Garden fairy lily, Geomagnus, Icefang, Jawshank, Lavaronix, Lavaronix (s), Lunartic, Mechaviathan, Mojinator, Nightrider, Pupupa/Marksmoth, Revenarchion, Rexotyrant, Solblaze, Soulstealer, Strawbaba, Sweetfeather, Taloknight (s), Tenebris, Tiamazus (s), Warca, Zeuswyrm


firek icedar goddra elemfox03 asiantur darkarmored clockwd ninefox mossd Sunflowerghost04 goldsd duskd Treecthur mothyellow 888888 divined ghostc ghostcur newwater newultimate

E tier names

Burnsalot, Cryokaizer, Deodragon, Elemphox (holy), Emeraldont, Galliodragon, Geartyrant, Goldtail, Grovodeus, Helioseer, Midasdragon, Noxdragon, Oakthulhu (s), Pupupa/Stormoth, Sanctallion, Serapheon, Shadowhunter, Shadowhunter (s), Stormloch, Ultimadragon


sundra rockskind robottm rockd crystaldra mothp mothw magemush fireang arcanek mafiape waterfirst

F tier names

Apollorexus, Bazilogon, Doomengine, Dragaia, Kamiwyrm, Pupupa/Doomoth, Pupupa/Dreamoth, Sageroom, Solariel, Taloknight, The Godfeather, Ziberius


PvP tier list

Super Epics


fishsoldierwh fishsoldierg fishsoldierb fireahu thunderwolf jetengine armoredb cwpurple crystalwr Demonmothgreen03 2headd Funnyd 12sharkd onisamu pgy PGP shieldmon ghostfur robotwalrus pinkfox earthcd

S+ tier names

Abyssoldier antistan, Abyssoldier breaker, Abyssoldier myst, Ahuizard, Alphastorm, Aviaeronix, Buffbuffalo, Crystal worm purpureus, Crystal worm roseus, Dreadmoth, Dualdragoon, Jocodragon, Megalodragon, Ogremaster, Pyramid golem banamid, Pyramid golem neromid, Shieldragon, Spectrefox (s), Turbotusk, Vulpink, Willowyrm


deepseam fishsoldierpurp akhekh oarfur 05lightnings fireride fanpeafire fallenrose firet 04chameleon cwblue fdred butterflyg butterflydb butterflydp icecob gentleo 10holytrice 12komawater 07lanternd komaf evilgry pgp 14clockwt dragonkn 16firecen femaleangelur Dinoshark seaslugw seaslugblack armoredmamm Wingedseahorse03 leafur vdpink lavati

S tier names

Abyssclaw, Abyssoldier fokus, Akhekhion, Atlanteon (s), Balancion, Blazerider, Blazetail, Blossomight, Bundleblazer, Chamilizard, Crystal worm caeruleus, Elfin dragon rod, Flutterdrake clover, Flutterdrake iris, Flutterdrake salvia, Freezecobra, Gentleowl, Heavenshorn, Inuguard, Keeperdragon, Komaguard, Nefariodon, Pyramid golem vivimid, Saberzor, Scarleguard, Searguard, Serazael (s), Sharkrex, Thlug billy, Thlug bruno, Titanomoth, Torpedorus, Viridwyvern (s), Virus dragon delta, Volcaiga


armadillow Plantbeast03 firesk skelephur 07piratewo cwb cwyellow evilfrog buffgenie geckod fdwhite 09butterflydpink Butterflydragonteal03 10butterflydr 04woodw thunderra 07robocr pharohd 09rabbitd swordknight mapledra skeletoncd 13bigbutt assassinb 12holybear PGF ladybugturtle armoredr firecentaurur snowma ghostf hedgehoga seaslugp 13seaslugb afrot leafd vdblue 17firefly fanpea

S- tier names

Armadiator, Atramenthus, Blazebones, Bonetalon (s), Captain canine, Crystal worm ater, Crystal worm flavus, Demontoad, Djinzar, Drageckon, Elfin dragon hvit, Flutterdrake lotus, Flutterdrake mint, Flutterdrake rose, Gaiawolf, Galvbane, Gearcroc, Jackalhotep, Lagodragon, Lordsreign, Mapledragon, Marrowdrake, Nectareon, Phantomaiden, Pontibear, Pyramid golem lavamid, Redybug, Rhinotitan, Searguard (s), Snowhulk, Spectrefox, Spikiestornado, Thlug beckie, Thlug bruce, Twighoul, Viridwyvern, Virus dragon beta, Volcavenus, Wavetail


01fishsoldierlaven fishsoldierbr robotw robotwur 02egyptianl 03woolyr dragonbird 03plantb piratecat Roosterdragon03 crystalwg 08robode dollg 07elephantg fdyellow Butterflydragongray03 Butterflydragonsky03 Butterflydragonbrown03 06buffpb robocrocur 08firego featherml ArmoredWD catfly 13waterspi gargour 03pyramidgg 10pumpkinrea 13firekon redrb roseq 14sabertd sabertdur 17femalea 15ninjad hedgehogf 16hedgehogwa 11clockb 3Headedseamonster03 ushioni Pumpkinb Glitchur earthra vdblack vdred vdyellow waterwo bossthunder

A tier names

Abyssoldier boison, Abyssoldier bulwark, Alphagear, Alphagear (s), Apedemek, Archaeoceros, Archeopteron, Botanic, Captainwhiskers, Chimerauk, Crystal worm viridis, Devilborg, Don dollguini, Elephantom, Elfin dragon gul, Flutterdrake ash, Flutterdrake azure, Flutterdrake oak, Frozmaw, Gearcroc (s), Igniscapra, Leoronix, Lordstag, Muscattus, Nereida, Nightfender, Pyramid golem gaiamid, Reapolantern, Rexkong, Robinator, Rosempress, Saberdragon, Saberdragon (s), Serazael, Shinobidragon, Spikiestblaze, Spikiestorrant, Steamhawk, Tricertalon, Ushi-oni, Vinegazer, Virabbit (s), Viridizardon, Virus dragon alpha, Virus dragon epsilon, Virus dragon zeta, Wolfrozor, Zephyrox


02fishsoldiertea 01fishsoldierbla 01fishsoldiery 03bossearth armadillo oarfi chocolate 04skeletonph 05armoredbu scarab 06firechime Crabdude03 aperider thunderchee bosswat waterhor furrymon 02furrydra butterflyy iceride 09crocodilem happydb happydr bushg 09gargoy pgw 15sung 16seaslugctab 12seaslugg aquad aquadur.png winddra vdgreen lavapot

B tier names

Abyssoldier guardian, Abyssoldier hill, Abyssoldier shock, Arborgias, Armavolt, Atlanteon, Bitterbeast, Bonetalon, Bullbrazen, Carapasca, Chimeraxus, Crabriel, Dinoraider, Electricheetah, Esapizeron, Equimaris, Fluffurious, Fluffydra, Flutterdrake daffodil, Frostrider, Gnashjaw, Gummy dragon blueberry, Gummy dragon cranberry, Mossgoliath, Nighthunter, Pyramid golem soramid, Sunlord, Thlug betty, Thlug bob, Torrentide, Torrentide (s), Ventokaizer, Virus dragon gamma, Volcamus


fishsoldierpink 03fishsoldierr 01robotpir airride strongang blackdra fastd 06blacklionur deathwo mechar 08firegh Butterflydragonwhite03 05frostf earthd crocour happydg Happydragonpink03 06icerhin Funnydragonur03 winglavaur ArmoredL lightkn firerapt icetriur magmaur assassinrabb 15holyrose darkkn icesamu 17goldja thundercd 14thundergnu

C tier names

Abyssoldier feryvast, Abyssoldier poward, Abyssraider, Aeraider, Archseraph, Blightwyrm, Blitzdragon, Blizzheart (s), Deathwarg, Demolitron, Elmowraith, Flutterdrake pure, Frostmoroz, Gaiakaizer, Gnashjaw (s), Gummy dragon lime, Gummy dragon peach, Hiberzor, Jocodragon (s), Lavamane (s), Leomidas, Luxking, Magmaraptor, Megazeratops (s), Moltenpede (s), Rabbeat, Sanguinymph, Shadowbaron, Snowgun, Tezcatlipoca, Thordragon, Thorhoof


04mutantchi icecarno icegol 01mummyw demod Butterflydragonlavender03 05earthtot happydy 11deathchi holydra earthfd dinot 11mammut aironi fourfs pegasus 14holybull robotshar simur hedgehogearth icemon wolper

D tier names

Amalgamon, Carnofrost, Cryogolem, Cryptblade, Diredemon, Flutterdrake lilac, Guardtotem, Gummy dragon banana, Horrorclaw, Luxyrion, Magmatyrant, Mecharex, Megamummat, Onikage, Oroblazer, Pegassiah, Sanctaurus, Sharknight, Simuronix, Spikiestone, Titanwolf, Woperdoom


fishsoldiergra arcanedra metalw 02chocolateur 04wolfdr fdgreen winglessfd icewha crystalgo heavyr heavyrour waterdra seadra icetri 08magmacen firesna firedra 06cobrad roboscor bonespin electric earthrex newaird windwd winddino bossfire

E tier names

Abyssoldier des, Arkodragon, Barricazor, Bitterbeast (s), Caniswyrm, Elfin dragon gronn, Emberzard, Glacierback, Golgerock, Halodrei, Halodrei (s), Hydrokaizer, Leviazar, Megazeratops, Moltenpede, Ouroburn, Pyrokaizer, Rattlewyrm, Scorpionite, Spinoarex, Statikat, Terrorex, Tezladragon, Typhondragon, Velocirex, Vulcarexor


blacklion bosslife robotdra fdblue Elfin Dragon Lilla thudnerhy 10wingedlaval moong moond firecd kelpie bigeyed icebeast darkangel glitch

F tier names

Blizzheart, Deucalizon, Draconought, Elfin dragon bla, Elfin dragon lilla, Hydrastorm, Lavamane, Lunalord, Lunaverios, Magmalathian, Poseideon, Purpie, Ragnawolf, Revenatus, Virabbit

Other Notable Monsters (4 stars or lower)

The best epics

anubis mummyd holywol robotb bonefi wizfrog pirateoct mastif seaserp firebug3 firered

The best epics names

Anubirom, Apophisking, Archwolf, Beeblitz, Dreadfish, Gandalfrog, Octoboss, Seahowl, Seaviper, Supershell, Volcagarmr

Special rocks

aluminoi bomb bronzeoi diamond goldoi magic basketboid meat samuroid romano Santaroid02 detective ghostoid Zombieroid02

Special rocks names

Aluminoid, Bomboid, Bronzoid, Diamonoid, Goldoid, Houdinoid, LeBroid, Meatoid, Musashoid, Romanoid, Santa cloid, Sherloid, Spookoid, Zomboid

Cheap throw / end-game options

treasurem firebug moji mojiur mojipricess naturale rocke

Cheap throw / end-game options names

Boxjaw, Bronzeshell, Moji, Moji (s), Mojincess, Musharoo, Rockoid


wallmonster lightbulb darkdra darkdur holyclay nightdac platypus lionf rhynom scarecro yingyl yingyd

Others names

Blockadus, Bulbieboom, Dreadgar, Dreadgar (s), Haniwel, Helldactyl, Platybeak, Puffoxin, Rhynobrawl, Wickerchap, Yang, Yin


Mythic monster second forms

This section roughly summarises how much the second form of mythics (evolved but not awakened) compare to their final form. Please refer to the tier lists above for their proper ratings. Almost all mythics are better when awakened so the three sections below are as follows:

  • Tier 1
    • These mythics are perfectly good in 2nd form, roughly similar tier to their awakened form.
  • Tier 2
    • These mythics are viable/reasonable but not like their awakened form (e.g. missing some versatility or power). They are a little lower than the tier of their awakened form.
  • Tier 3
    • These mythics are no good in their second form or are lacking so much compared to the final form that the tier shown is not a proper representation. Some can still work when built around carefully or are good but simply lacking a very powerful component.
Tier 1

blackwidow aird Oni dragonbride vampireg Octopusgirl04 orcag Elfn mafiag dragonempired Deerelf04 demond Batgirl birdgirl warship Giraffeg mermaid fairyg cowgirl snakeg serpentw Peacockd rainbowu foxearg horentgal swordfox

Tier 1 names

Atlanachia, Auraleus, Botan-Douji, Bridalith, Carmilla, Charybdia, Christine, Cynthia, Don Rilla, Dragulus, Fyrielle, Gorgodrake, Gremoris, Haneri, Kanna, Kirina, Leira, Lemon, Momo, Nagandia, Ophidiator, Plumesilisk, Prismegasus, Satomi, Vespia, Vixenblade

Special notes:

Tier 2

dragonsummer catsummer spiderg spiderd demong Mechagirl04 dragong bastet rabbitb succubus Xwingd Leopardg butterflyg psychice Fenrirbeast04 Tricksterbeing stainedgd ninjacat snowflaked Blackbw bikini greenelf Luci catidol catwitch robotangellion sheepnur mouseg adorndark ninetailg wsnakeg raccoong Goldend sakurad robotanubis 2headedkingbird Spikedragon04 Samuraidragon Tengugirl04 knightg unigirl radioactived fennec blackmoon horseg mechanistd

Tier 2 names

Akane, Aoi, Arachnadiva, Arachnodrake, Asmodia, Ayna, Azida, Bastia, Coretta, Deviladus, Exocross, Fiona, Flutterdrake maeve, Focalforce, Giehretus, Harleking, Iridescezarc, Kunomi, Kuraokami, Kuromasa, Lilithia, Lime, Lucifelle, Mai, Majorie, Mechangelion, Nightingale, Nikki, Noircyon, Novemdomina, Orochi, Prixis, Rhinedragon, Sakuralisk, Scyberithe, Soral god bird, Stellaurum, Suikenshi, Tenguko, Tyrfina, Unicera, Uraniumedhus, Vixian, Voidress, Wilhelmina, XYZ-999L

Special notes:
Bastia - tier 1 for PvE
Voidress - tier 1 for PvE

Tier 3

lifek Swordcat deergirl redfairy valkyrie Demongirltwo04 superstrm koid robota Lightfairy04 swordd angelgirl stagbeetle Blackflameunicorn eaglew rabbitsamu Goldfishgirl04 tigerg huskyw Whitewolfgirl04 Darkcat04 robothy Maid reindeerd wildtribed darkfairy oniteacher scorpiond Gothgirl mousecen harpyg Jiangshigirl04 wolfg redarmoredd snowg Angelsheep04

Tier 3 names

Aethereon, Ankara, Apollonis, Berry, Brynhildr, Candy, Chronozillion, Cypridrus, Deus X, Eirlys, Excaliburdragon, Gabrielle, Goliatherion, Hadeshoof, Hawknight, Hazuki, Honghua, Hu Shin, Huskegon, Isoldelle, Luna, Mechydra, Medbie, Mistletorment, Na’turgoul, Nyx, Onika, Onyxia, Persephia, Rodeknight, Sepheris, Shi Na, Sivanna, Y Ddraig Goch, Yukihime, Zephyramus

Special notes:
Aethereon - tier 2 for PvE
Excaliburdragon - fine but hold ground and higher attack help
Mistletorment - fine but over-costed
Na’turgoul - needs building around
Sepheris - good sleep protection


HP Boost tier list

This section attempts to rank monsters by how worthy they are to HP boost. For the criteria and reasoning, please see KD’s HP Boost guide. Please bear in mind the video was before the version 2.42 changes which made mythics get +500HP, legendaries +1000HP and everything else +2000HP, rather than all +1000HP.

  • S tier - meets most of the criteria
  • A tier - strong or gains a lot from HP boost
  • B tier - average benefit from HP boost
  • D tier - pointless or a weak mythic


dragong bastet Oni vampireg Octopusgirl04 Lightfairy04 Leopardg Fenrirbeast04 rabbitsamu tigerg warship bikini robothy cowgirl darkfairy scorpiond Peacockd sakurad 2headedkingbird swordfox

S tier names

Azida, Bastia, Botan-Douji, Carmilla, Charybdia, Eirlys, Fiona, Giehretus, Hazuki, Hu shin, Kanna, Lilithia, Mechydra, Momo, Nyx, Onyxia, Plumesilisk, Sakuralisk, Soral god bird, Vixenblade


deergirl spiderg redfairy valkyrie orcag Elfn koid mafiag swordd Xwingd butterflyg stagbeetle Batgirl stainedgd Whitewolfgirl04 snowflaked greenelf Maid reindeerd serpentw wsnakeg foxearg raccoong wolfg horentgal blackmoon horseg redarmoredd snowg

A tier names

Apollonis, Arachnadiva, Berry, Brynhildr, Christine, Cynthia, Cypridrus, Don rilla, Excaliburdragon, Exocross, Flutterdrake maeve, Goliatherion, Gremoris, Iridescezarc, Isoldelle, Kuraokami, Lime, Medbie, Mistletorment, Ophidiator, Orochi, Satomi, Prixis, Sivanna, Vespia, Voidress, Wilhelmina, Y ddraig goch, Yukihime


lifek spiderd aird dragonbride superstrm psychice angelgirl Blackflameunicorn birdgirl Tricksterbeing eaglew huskyw ninjacat Blackbw fairyg Darkcat04 catidol robotangellion snakeg wildtribed sheepnur mouseg adorndark ninetailg Gothgirl rainbowu goldendra Samuraidragon knightg mechanistd Angelsheep04

B tier names

Aethereon, Arachnodrake, Auraleus, Bridalith, Chronozillion, Focalforce, Gabrielle, Hadeshoof, Haneri, Harleking, Hawknight, Huskegon, Kunomi, Kuromasa, Lemon, Luna, Mai, Mechangelion, Nagandia, Na’turgoul, Nightingale, Nikki, Noircyon, Novemdomina, Persephia, Prismegasus, Rhinedragon, Suikenshi, Tyrfina, XYZ-999L, Zephyramus


dragonsummer Swordcat catsummer demong blackwidow Mechagirl04 Demongirltwo04 rabbitb robota succubus dragonempired Deerelf04 demond Goldfishgirl04 Giraffeg mermaid Luci catwitch oniteacher mousecen robotanubis harpyg Jiangshigirl04 Spikedragon04 Tengugirl04 unigirl radioactived fennec

D tier names

Akane, Ankara, Aoi, Asmodia, Atlanachia, Ayna, Candy, Coretta, Deus X, Deviladus, Dragulus, Fyrielle, Gorgodrake, Honghua, Kirina, Leira, Lucifelle, Majorie, Onika, Rodeknight, Scyberithe, Sepheris, Shi Na, Stellaurum, Tenguko, Unicera, Uraniumedhus, Vixian


Generally, you want to HP boost mythics rather than legendaries even though the HP is less because they’re stronger monsters overall. Therefore, most legendaries are in D tier (aka “not worth it”) but S tier is probably somewhere between A and S tier mythics. I have left D tier blank because it simply includes everything that’s not in the other three tiers.


Bloodarmor Cyclopgirl04 elemfox04 Gaiadragon04 ffclover Geometric pandaw rockdino centipd sakuradeer fishwarrior

S tier names

Beetlebrute, Cyclophina, Elemphox, Eonarx, Garden fairy clover, Geocosma, Pandamonium, Rocolossus, Scolopendragon, Shikabloom, Sturgeonidas


fishsking03 Arboribratus Forestwhale04 supermino golddr goatman angeldo adorned gfwhite Flowerfairysky04 FFY rainbowsnake yinyangdragon mothg manticore earthsl buffm albino redwingsn

A tier names

Abyssoldier poseidon, Arboribratus, Arbustodon, Ashterios, Aurodragon, Baphogouge, Dolphariel, Dusicyon, Garden fairy jasmine, Garden fairy mizu, Garden fairy sunflower, Jurlungur, Ldiefaeth, Lunactia, Mantiferno, Megaiasloth, Moku, Sanctistag, Vigziarid


Caesardragon Capybaragon Drakozord Z Flowerfairyrose04 Gryphking Jack-o'-scorp Leogeist Magmagund Cowd headg Otomaid Rexterminator Skeleviathan Tardigrenade robotmafiap wolfwarrior Wraithhost Airunicorn04

B tier names

Caesardragon, Capybaragon, Drakozord Z, Garden fairy rosa, Gryphking, Jack-o’-scorp, Leogeist, Magmagund, Milgon, Onigeist, Otomaid, Rexterminator, Skeleviathan, Tardigrenade, The penguinator, Wolhammer, Wraithhost, Xanacorn


Everything else!

Super epics

These get a huge +2000HP, making them as tanky as unboosted mythics and boosted legendaries. If they have a good moveset then they can become very good with this boost. Also, high defence or being a protector gets the biggest benefit.


Abyssoldier Fokus Abyssoldier Myst Crystal Worm Ater Crystal Worm Caeruleus Crystal Worm Flavus Crystal Worm Purpureus Crystal Worm Roseus Demonmothgreen03 Jocodragon Megalodragon Pyramid golem neromid Saberzor Shieldragon Vulpink

S tier names

Abyssoldier fokus, Abyssoldier myst, Crystal worm ater, Crystal worm caeruleus, Crystal worm flavus, Crystal worm purpureus, Crystal worm roseus, Dreadmoth, Jocodragon, Megalodragon, Pyramid golem neromid, Saberzor, Shieldragon, Vulpink


Abyssoldier Antistan Abyssoldier Breaker akhekh Plantbeast03 Roosterdragon03 Elfin Dragon Hvit Elfin Dragon Rod Flutterdrake Clover Flutterdrake Salvia Gentleowl Inuguard Pyramid golem banamid Scarleguard Sharkrex vdpink

A tier names

Abyssoldier antistan, Abyssoldier breaker, Akhekhion, Atramethus, Chimerauk, Elfin dragon hvit, Elfin dragon rod, Flutterdrake clover, Flutterdrake salvia, Gentleowl, Inuguard, Pyramid golem banamid, Scarleguard, Sharkrex, Virus dragon delta


Buffbuffalo Fluffydra Butterflydragongray03 Butterflydragonbrown03 Gearcroc Gummy Dragon Banana Gummy Dragon Blueberry Gummy Dragon Cranberry Gummy Dragon Lime Happydragonpink03 Keeperdragon Komaguard Lordstag Purpie Pyramid golem lavamid Rhinotitan Turbotusk fanpea Willowyrm

B tier names

Buffbuffalo, Fluffydra, Flutterdrake ash, Flutterdrake oak, Gearcroc, Gummy dragon banana, Gummy dragon blueberry, Gummy dragon cranberry, Gummy dragon lime, Gummy dragon peach, Keeperdragon, Komaguard, Lordstag, Purpie, Pyramid golem lavamid, Rhinotitan, Turbotusk, Wavetail, Willowyrm


Everything else!

Epics and below

These get a huge +2000HP, making them very tanky for their cost. This is particularly useful for monsters with high defence and if they are a protector.

Worthy of consideration

wallmonster Diamonoid Gandalfrog Helldactyl basketboid Meatoid Musashoid Platybeak Rockoid Sherloid Zombieroid02


Blockadus, Diamonoid, Gandalfrog, Helldactyl, LeBroid, Meatoid, Musashoid, Platybeak, Rockoid, Sherloid, Zomboid


The new tier list thread is now open! I hope you like the new layout which now includes monster images. Things are a little more spread out vertically, but this design works well the more monsters are in the tiers so in the long run I think it’s good. I think that functionally it works best with the names of the monsters listed by each tier too.


Solblaze in tier D pains me a bit but OK .

He could be at least somewhere near to lunartic tier

I feel that satomi and don rilla should be lower to around S- tier for general. Idk if it’s just me but it seems like every legendary in the S+ tier outclasses those two mythics for almost all pve modes/events.

It’s slow at everything is does until it’s had a lot of time (to accelerate and get a kill). Sleep revenge is epic but in terms of PvP viability it’s just out of the range of what can be viably played without bringing down your team.

Satomi is going down a tier next update I do. Don Rilla I’ll decide once I know how much damage the moves do.

That’s wrong . It’s a crowd control monster with sweeping potential … it can knock off the balance of a S+ team a very good number of times . He definitely deserves a better rank .

Crowd control if you have the means to kill it, you mean? If so, you could use Balancion for that. Also, what if your means to kill it is gone?

How would you choose to use it effectively and where has it performed well in teams you’ve made?

It is a deterrent , so it’s slow speed balances out . People don’t want to kill it immediately without preparation .

Balancion is single sleep I believe ? And the ability to clone is annoying for enemy .

Why should I kill it when I can melt enemy team down if they don’t want to touch solblaze .

Effective way to use it is with lunartic ,. But Luna has standalone potential too , so solblaze should be lower than Luna but not as far as S- and D

Also emaraldeus is listed A. I would like this to be reconsidered or discussed .

My next query is why terragar is listed a tier higher than that throw all guy . Latter is useful even in high level pve and in PvP he is an immediate threat

If an opponent is using it without a way to kill it then I usually leave it awake. It has no immunities, low defence (so I can kill it whenever) and takes 150-200s before it can start actually killing at good speed and even then it may need to do another faststrike. In fact, it’s quite easy to put Solblaze down onto low health so it’s forced to suicide with bloodcrave or keep sweeping at the slow 160TU. I really don’t think that matches up to what other monsters do.

The combo with Lunartic is fun and it’s definitely powerful if you can clone Solblaze once or twice. However, with both monsters being slow it’s really hard to pull that off properly in top level PvP. I’d say Staticsphere alone is probably more effective than trying to do this (and much safer).

Balancion is sleep revenge. Guardtotem is the SE with single sleep revenge.

Emeraldeus: Where would you choose to put this. Higher or lower?

Timberlord’s payback revenge is easily countered by HG/shields these days. It’s not very flexible at all with throw all being the only damage move you want to use and the damage is quite low (even worse against mythics). Terragar comes with the ability to one-shot from its first turn, albeit not doing it to anything tanky. I think Terragar is a little bit high in the tier list though. I may need to adjust that along with some other monsters. I think it’s definitely better than Timberlord but not as good as others in B tier.

This is why he should be used with Luna to force enemy to get themselves into trouble . He is a strategical monster , cannot perform solo . That’s why I’m not asking him to be anywhere near S or A . But a D is doing injustice to him too.

Neo is strategical game and in a good player’s hands , solblaze is an asset even in pve

In my eyes , he isn’t a threat except in link earth . So A is a bit of generosity .

His throw all removes shields .