IC tier list

I was thinking about…Why don’t we make a tier list also for the Island Challenge? I mean, this event is a lot luck based but I always managed to reach level 300 ( 4/4) so it’s also a matter of strategy. Especially for newer players, it would be good to have a list of the best monsters to draft in the categories: 0,1,2,3* mons ; epic, super epics ; super epics; legendary. Doing this, it would be easier to build a team that works well in this event. About the buffs: This list could also be level- based, so we shall divide it into 1-150 level and then 150/300 level. This is because there are some monsters like Zerotiger or Hadeberus that are one of the best choices in the beginning because they can carry you easily to level 120, but then when buffs increase they would start to be useless ( from 200 and above). Feel free to add some suggestions or adjustments to my idea :smiley:

Stun bombers = s+

I always take sleep all and dreamhunt monsters. And get a stun absorber protect monster. And give turners. Coz dreamhunt mostly one shot all monster regardless of stars. Till u reach 200 u gotta be a little more careful with elements. My frontline are mostly one all sleep monster 2 give turn mon and 1 stun absorb protect mon. Till now i reach level 300 with this strategy.

survivor/DD are really good too. They’ll carry you to around 250 pretty easily.

death chicken is also a good choice can get you to 250 and as legy leo is op

Best strat: start early, do(win) as much match before each new draft.
Sleep/dreamhunt strategy is the best.

For 0*,1*,2*,3* sleep all/dreamhunt, stUn burst, rhynobrawl and puffoxin

4*- UPPER TIER: turn givers/ dreamhunt, stun bombers, sleep bomb,
Lower tier:megabomb, survivor/risky heal, twin killers, last stand/stun revenge

5*- UPPER tier: death sentence/blood thirst, timestrike/blood crave, blood furry

Yeah you’d have to split it up into under and above 100 to account for the buffs. I did attempt one before but the biggest problem I came across was that certain monsters rise or lower in value depending on what you’ve already picked. For example if you’ve picked a stun team then stormLoch would be one to avoid, whereas if you had a sleep team it would be an instant pick without question.

Yeah you’re right. The power of certain monsters depends on the team you’ve already built