Help in team creation

Guys I’m too bad at building a deck for pvp, pve/events. So wanted some help from u guys to build a team. Thanks in advance !

With your monsters, you probably don’t stand a chance in PvP. Before @NMEGaryOak say that: Get yourself a Galvbane.
You can make a combo with poison revenge and Omegasdragon, like Cyberwyrm and that magma monster (I think it has poison revenge).

I suggest you evolve your monsters, if your focus is in PvE, evolve Polareon, Bovolcus and Revenarchion (they’re great against buffed monsters).

Okay, I would try this:

Front Line: Titanomoth, Omegasdragon, Emeraldeus and a One-on-One monster. For PvE I suggest evolving a sleep bomb Epic. This way the Deathmark from Emeraldeus can trigger.

5th position: Cyberwyrm
6th: Revenarchion
7th: Electriccheetah

I guess you can figure the rest by yourself. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks man but got a struck in story mode at battle 12 the first strike, any suggestions about it

U can try a Desparate fl

Lifeflip friend in nightrider, and desperate all spam haha

I used to go like this when I tried my first Desparate fl😅
Galliodragon+Haniwel+NIGHTRIDER+Bitterbeast and Blacktitan in #5

Haha, I found a guy with the same, but his FL was destroyed by my poison combo

Play some PvP for sure though. The rewards will help.

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Whom should I ultra evolve first azida or psykid



If you have strong dragon monsters in you team, choose Azida. If you either have a Throw team or you’re more focused on PvE, choose Psykid.
