Neo Golden / Dark Days.

A great day was when they increased the ticket timer for ranked. It’s easy to play a lot more tickets now.

Galliodragon was awesome up until last month now its not so good

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Yeah the moveset was:
Megablaze (160TU), Bloodthirst (130TU), Deathmatch mode (160TU, 100s from first turn restriction), Purify (50TU) with the passive of Poison Revenge.

Since it was my first legendary I remember building around it lots. I tried to charge its bloodthirst by putting enemies onto low HP then using megablaze. I also had give turns to use after deathmatch mode and/or used teammates which sacrificed themselves like the stun bombs (all the 3* stun bursters were stun bombs back then and could accelerate Bovolcus first).

It’s funny to think now but I loved my Bovolcus. It was a decent enough sweeper for my purposes, I liked the purify and I knew it would always help out against any massively buffed enemies. Looking back on the moveset though… it would be so terrible if it was released like that today.


Remember Count Lector’s shadow arena.
Any idea why it isn’t there anymore?
Lol maybe biweekly replaced it in some way I guess

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Yea I suppose biweekly sorta rendered it redundant. But lector got replaced by his daughter or something too right? Forgot her name lol

Rina’s Puzzle Arena I think it’s now called but I might be wrong. I’d love to see it return as permanent content like an extension of the training dojo. Some of the battles are great for teaching the finer mechanics of the game. If they did that I’d love to make a walkthrough guide for it, pointing out the lessons to learn and having hints first with the answer being behind a spoiler warning.