Monsters that need buffs (input needed)

Any idea to buff the dark whale trash? I would like to trade it for the dark butterfly-dragon.


Well, the stun revenge for a free clone exploit is kind of already a thing, I don’t really see how giving it blood clone makes the problem any worse, other than token monsters can’t kill it.

I like the idea of Link moves, even more so than Healing Wish, but you mean as SS or instead of Risky Heal? Because I’m not sure if the Devs would be fine in making Cryo and Stallion different outside of their SS and element.

For the Skeleviathan (which I’m the only one that wants him, but also the only one that didn’t get him), he could get Hold Ground, Link Heal instead of Quick Devour and a SS cost reduction from 16 to 15.

He could also get Camuflage or Stun Absorber, but the former might make him a little too strong.

Change for risky heal, skele can have link heal all and add hg, gravity field is already good especially to those who would pair it with ankou

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Agree about skele being trash.

Kattmander Light and Dark Bane should be morphed to one skill, could be called Ying Yang strike or sth. Then for his remaining slot he could get 100 tu sneak attack because of his high speed and stealthy entrance. I’ve tried to use him at low levels from friend list and when he’s not ultra evolved he is absolute trash. A new player would be unlucky to get him as legendary. Therefore I suggest he has passive stealthy entrance, neko punch and sneak attack 100 tu as his 1st form Skills.

Bummer they got rid of HG in the final version

tridrakhan needs a buff. venom sleep killer and protector killer tu reduction to about 70 would be nice. maybe replace poison eater with venom chrono killer or dual poison eater (poison chomp?) or increase the damage of poison eater.

No thanks, tri is good as it is, no buffs

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Yeah i think Tri is strong enough as he is, always a nuisance to deal with.

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The dmg of tri’s needs a buff. So to other twin-killers.

agree with @kocowind thats what i really want. just saw the venom chrono kiler at 70 tu and thought tri should also get justice. Damage needs a buff. Annoying it is, since i also have it now but still, tri also getting venom chrono killer instead of poison eater ( or even dual sleep killer) wouldbe nice. i myself dont use poison eater. the SS is nice to have. maybe they could give it venom chrono killer and as a SS swift dual poison eater/chomp. also if it does get venom sleep, protector and chrono killer as 70 ( or 100) tu moves that would be AWESOME (@Dev_VKC i hope you read this and make it happen like with terror SS Fingers Crossed)

Tri should get poison assassinate as SS double poison Sleep killer cant one shot nothing unless they are 2 sleepers

:joy: Nah tri should get poison bomb, a move that obliterated the whole enemy team because he is a pathetically weak legend who is a disgrace to the game, obviously…

Nope those titles are reserved for the most legendarily weak monsters: Cryokaizer, Sanctallion, Nebelronix and Cosmodragon.

That being said Tri is in no way weak. He just suffers from TK syndrome i.e. lack of targets. While others have bloodthirsty or exit plan to save themselves, Tri has nothing. Sure poison eater is a choice but the damage is pitiful and it has no reliable way of poisoning. It’s venom killer moves cost 100 tu and can easily be shut down by purify. The SS can be countered by Stealth so that’s why I want a buff

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Change Dual venom sleep killer to Dual venom chrono killer

I agree that Tridrakhan is one of the weaker legendaries. However, he is one of the non-limited legendaries and so shouldn’t be on the same level as Chromera, Cyclozar and stuff. The main reasons to use him are for the stunning entrance and the SS which is a fast way to kill 1-2 monsters and/or set up a poison eater. Other than that he’s not got a lot to offer in comparison to others because the venom killer moves are offset by the longer TU and he doesn’t have stun immunity or bloodthirst.

I reckon a nice little buff idea would be to add poison gambit as a passive (poisons a random enemy monster on entry). That means poison eater should be set up for him on the first turn for if there are no sleep/protector targets and he can save the SS for when more monsters need to be poisoned quickly.

Seriosly??? Thats your go to reason for some random ■■■■ NOT getting a buff?? That its a NON-LIMITED monster. I dunno but it might have not been always non-limited. Like, it was featured last anniversary, if it sucks you just tell them " Oh, well its non-limited and that justifies it being trash". well i would like to remind you 9 out of 10 times you roll a legendary, you will always get the non-limited. So, thay need to be good.

That being said, Venom Chrono Killer doesnt change much. Just a new tool. Maybe a SS change to Bloodrage would do the trick. Chance Auto-Poison could also work.

Deodragon needs a buff. Killing 4 monsters instantly isnt powerful enough. I think he should have “instant charging death wish all” as a secret skill that ignores hold ground. And also charges his blast move.

I mean having a monster that can instantly kill 4 without setup is too weak. I demand we make him great again by letting him kill half the enemy team at once.

You know, that’s not enough. DD should be able to wipe out the whole team in 1 move. The rest of us should count ourselves lucky that we were able to be defeated by them.