Legendary tier list [Input needed]

Actually with a max cost of 173 you can fit 13 legendaries, but anyway.

It would probably be dragaia, aegisdragon, ultimadragon, Shadowyrm, rexotyrant, nightlord and serapheon.
With that 7 you have a pretty nice mix of monsters that can all work solo but that can also support each other in a team without requiring additional epics / super epics

There is not yet but I’m working on it

[quote name=“Buckingham” post=“64355” timestamp=“1462438105”]Actually with a max cost of 173 you can fit 13 legendaries, but anyway.
Yes, but then you lose 3 slots, unless you fill them with very low cost monsters. If you should fill all 16 slots with usefull epics, superepics and legendairies, the max of legendairies is around 7.
Anyhow, these 7 should be the more usefull ones and therefor deserve a pretty high tier.

Anyone notice that there are only 2 earth legendaries? Earth is underrepresented.

Yeah and water has a million haha

There are a lot of holy legends too :o

More than people notice actually

On the topic of holy legends if anyone can give info on aurodragon it would be appreciated

List has been updated.

Aurodragon has gone in at S tier, so far it seems one of the best S tier monsters so far though, at least on par with rexo / aegis.

If anyone disagrees or has any input, feel free to discuss.

Thanks for the list that I won’t ever use cause I still didn’t get a legendary ç_ç

I don’t think he belongs in S with the way we structured this list. He completely relies on other monsters to be useful and doesn’t really have a way to get kills himself. I do think he’s good but he more enables your other mons to get kills so I think he should be about where serephon is as it fills a similar roll.

The way I see it he does rely on other monsters but those monsters don’t necessarily have to be specific ones.

Besides, he does have throw which is insane when you consider it has a lot of fuel.

But the point is valid though, for reliance on others I think it should go down to A. Maybe the very top of A but A nonetheless.

List updated

Can we get this stickied?

I second the motion.

Also is it worth starting on a tier list for super epics also? Will that be useful you think?

I think that if you sort them by type that would help. There are a lot of them that have the same moveset.

Do a seperate list for event super epics. They aren’t cookie cutter.

How come that night rider is rated better than night lord? Ain’t he his ultra evolution?

No night lord is the shocking entrance timestriker nightrider is the desperate all guy

Lets not forget to mention that if he is on 1 hp and kills a poison revenge monster he gets ko’ed, its happened to me plenty of times.

As for Aegisdragon I really don’t know what to think of him, I’ve been able to deal with Rexo, Atrahasis and Ultima reasonably well but aegisdragon has always been a problem. Almost all of your attacks are focused on him and if he gets to low health he can desperate bite get some health back. That just means you have to exhaust more turns in killing him whilst the opponents team is basically having “free hits on your monsters”. In my books/opinions he’d be an S+ class monster, but I guess it’s just cause I hate coming up against him.

I’d also rank motordragon as a B+ monster, it’s quite difficult to set up his bloodthirst, especially if there are stunning entrance, stun bomber and timestrikers. I’ve only tested him in the Ultimate challenge, and most teams i encountered were stunning/time striking teams. I’ve tested his bloodthirst move after the 2 kills on the bronzeshell in the trial of thunder (the hardest rank) and it couldn’t take out a statikat (the poison massacre super epic), Thyphondragon and nimboss. I’ll do some further tests with him and I’ll get back. 

but so far he doesn’t deserve to be on the A-list with other monsters mentioned there.

Aegis is indeed very good but he suffers from the same fate as serapheon in that he needs other good monsters around him. He’s good enough anyway that he can be S rank but it’s his dependence on others stopping him from moving up. That and the fact that last biters are just stupidly op in comparison. 

As for motor he entered on A rank due to general utility, so any feedback is welcome.