help with my legendaries

recently i got very lucky (about time) and doubled my legend collection. 

problem is, they cost so much. im rank 85, with cost limit of 155.

i would really appriciate if you guys can help me decide which one i gonna use, and how.

i got those: (and soon gonna evolve chronozar to his final form)


im sure gonna use godfeather and flarevern, and the final form of chronozar. but the others i cant decide.

  • cant realy find a fitting place for cryowyrm (even after the buff) and kamiwyrm. they are not realy helpfull.

  • atrahasis just got a huge nerf (cant canibalize puffoxin for death revenge and trigger his bloodcrave).

  • rexobone is awesome when he get his bloodfury going, but sudden death is to risky. and im afraid to evolve him for timestrike, because already got to many high cost monsters.

  • tridrakhan is great, but cant decide if i should put him front line for the protectors and sleepers, or somewhere else and use his stunning entrance too.

-solariel is great support, hard to give up on.

-nightlord is also a great support with the shoking entrance. hard to give up too.

im pretty much forced to go with stunning - poisoning team (i think… well, no sleepers right?). so ANY tips would be much appriciate  :smiley:  thanks!

Considering also your super epics a stun/poison is probably the best choice. Put tridrakhan in 5th spot and the night horse in 6th for the stun entrances
Evolve esapizeron because stun absorbers are the best superepics and are incredibly usefull. You should also get a Galvbane from the starters daily missions because he would fit really well. I’m not the best player tho, so these are just some tips but there may be better strategies. Hope this will help :smiley:

Thanks! :slight_smile:
And already gos galvbane (awesome) and other stunabsoder :slight_smile: