Should Ultimadragon be buffed?

This is what I thought when I saw Galliodragon… not Ultimadragon.

I’ve always hated its design. It fails to achieve what it looks like it set out to do. I’ve heard so many times from people “But it gets to live until survivor far more than you expect because people don’t want to face the death revenge”. I don’t think I’ve had any problems facing it at all except when I was completely new to the game and also died to the novablast monsters. I literally breathe a sigh of relief when I see people use it because I know I have a chance to turn the battle around.

It would be great to see it buffed. Here’s the origins of the tier list where Ultimadragon was rated S for the fact it didn’t need any support and was a good sweeper: Legendary tier list [Input needed]. It was one of the first limited legendaries.