It's about those useless super epics who need some buff?

I’ll suggest some names,

Orgemaster ,
Reaperlantern (pumpkin se)

Rest who else you guys think should have some decent buff ?

2 threads have been made for Chamilizard, one by me and one by you. Apparently he is fine (I disagree). His design is also really bad as if a new player gets him, it has sneak attack on low Evolution but gains stealthy entrance only in ultra evolved form. Assisted stone is all that he can use if you don’t have a stealther.

Balancion, Captain canine there’s 2 more to your list.

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What about camo for hiberzor and sweet dreams all at 200tu, heals all allies and wakes them up as well

I know this isn’t a buff thread but I’ve been thinking about hiberzor buff a lot. Diredemon is superior to it in almost any way


@Exu yup, chamilizard needs something ,

@Unown same feeling, what you suggested will be great thing too

Cap. Canine
Love they need love Devs

Carnofrost and all his elemental counterparts - TU time for all of his moves make it just unuseable. Dead weight in any team.
Virabbit - Moveset doesn’t have much to offer. Awfully slow speed.
Guardtotem - Way too slow to make an impact with any of his moves.
Cryptblade - HG would make him much more useable.
Dinoraider - Compared to the other “raiders”, he hasn’t much to offer be it the moveset or a passive.
Elephantom - Works only in throw teams and not very well either. Very akward moveset.
Snowhulk - His passive needs to have a higher chance (75% perhaps like with Spectrefox) to make him somewhat useable. Very high TU moves as well.
Bonetale - One trick pony. Moveset doesn’t offer much other than a lucky poison eater.



Cryptblade is good

Just give Camilizard camouflage. :wink: Makes sense right?

So good that you never see him in any pvp. :rofl: :wink:

Not every monster needs to be high level this goes more in truth when it’s a se in question

PVP and PVE are seperated. Not every single monster needs to be converted to pvp

That might be but it would still be nice to see some more which could be utilized in pvp.

Well it could be used in Pvp just cause no one has done it don’t mean it’s not possible. when looking at any monster you first need to see
What it does. what is the idea behind the monster then ask does it do its job could it do it better is there a reason for it to do it better if you where a player with few monsters would it be able to go into a team. I read the list of suggestions I like them :slightly_smiling_face:

But crypt is one of the only non legendary that can revive buffed monsters in uc. That splits crypt from the other ones. Let’s compare crypt to one of the top tier se; searguard. Crypt is far more superior in uc, or high buffed pve than sear, as sear is far more superior in pvp. They play different roles and they both have good moves.

This made me think of a quote by GRRM: “You can’t hammer tin into iron, no matter how hard you beat it, but that doesn’t mean it’s useless.”


I’m not saying he’s useless. As you might have read, I think he’s ok - Just not that great for pvp. My thoughts were geared towards pvp, not pve. With the new pvp seasons in place, pvp is much more prominent then before and a lot of mons just lack some balance/changes so that they could properly be used in pvp team. They shouldn’t be buffed dramatically but some slight changes would be nice to see for some.

Even when looking at the possibilities of their usage, some just are for the Dex and nothing more which I find rather sad.

Crypt is slow. He will get 1 shotted by AoE very easily. I don’t think hold ground would be too big of a buff. In fact it would help him do his job better. I’ve tried to use him but he gets often killed before he even gets a turn.

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It’s uc. everything is 1 shotted by aoe, but that doesn’t give a reason to give everyone HG. I do use crypt and it’s glorious

I have used moltenpede and canis in my pvp team, if anything give them a speed buff :smiling_imp:

Any idea how to enhance se pumpking?