Horror claw discussion (new event mon)

Horrorclaw has been delivered and looks pretty nice!

It’s new passive skill “Mirror Revenge” continues the trend of allowing players to duplicate Buffed monsters to help players without tons of legendaries compete more in events…I like it.


Yes. its similar to sacrifice revival to revive a monster from team or enemy.This will be a big help to any event specially UC. BUT be careful to deathchicken coz it has protect teammates… :stuck_out_tongue:

So for anyone wondering, here are its moves and stats :smile:

Yeah I don’t think anyone knew it was a protector as it wasn’t listed in his skills they revealed

Picture of description of stats

Okay so everyone saying “he must have hold ground, if not he would be useless” well let me tell you… Hold ground ruined him, the thing about this guy is for your enemy to say “i don’t whant to kill him with this monster” that way he might get his survivor and deseperate strike a couple of times, but with hold ground death chiken can poison him and bam you have no mirror revenge, nor survivor, no nothing.

Sadly this is true The hold ground does sort of weaken it

What does mirror revenge does?

How does mirror revenge work

Hmm, really not a huge fan of the fact that this guy has hold ground. Poison could easily ruin his day.

Yes, so true. I groaned the moment I saw that he had hold ground. Looks like those whiners didn’t exactly think the whole thing through, huh?

Lol you aren’t the only one to do it though, I know you’re just trying to be cool for your friends :wink:

Alright guys I have fused some thread together, much like horrorclaw is a fusion itself, to make discussion significantly easier. Please keep in mind if your comment is in direct discussion in the same topic as the existing thread, it’s really best to post there and not create new threads :slight_smile:

Personally I’d replace hold ground and the AoE with purify. That way I guess he adds more support to the team?

Edit: the ultrablight not AoE damn I’m stupid

Hold ground is incompatible with mirror revenge as already said… he will be useful in UC at least


He seems to be specifically a UC/highly buffed events mon. PVP he is only going to be a problem on occasion. I wish desperate strike was changed out for survivor forcing people’s hand in killing it sooner. And I wish it lost hold ground, with maybe life flip self in there. Still a cool monster, I’m sure some strats will arise with him. But as I see it he is a niche PVP mon and good to great for events

He does have survivor no?

Yes he does>.< I’m an idiot lol don’t mind me

Does someone know with how much hp he revives other monsters??

equivalent to how much health your opponent’s monster had when it killed horrorclaw. Full health enemy = full health revival, 1hp enemy = 1 hp revival