New Upcoming UC

Another bomber monster is yet to be givin, i think this monster is good with sacrifice lineups along with devilborg + elmowrath + throw. Support + bomber is quite good do you agree?
And to add he has cannibalize too, cunning monster

He is rather. . . Interesting.

They misspelled cannibalize.

If he has summon entrance or twin summon entrance he will be worth using.

It’s interesting that the new monster has 5 stars plus 1 black star.

man you are wrong see at elmowarht it will had 4star and 2 blank star

Where ? What new upcoming monster at UC ? Any stats? Move list?

Read the news :grin:
Read the news :grin:

Yay free gems

yay free gems indeed

ignore this. sorry bad connection 

Well, that’s all what we need… :slight_smile:

hmmmmm just wondering brotha. . .

5 rare gems hopefully. I’m due a legend hatch after 2 SE in a row.

When the neo monster anniv ?
Damn i got sh*t last festival and im newly touch this game by now😂

October 22 is the anniversary

I’d also suspect that they will change the name sooner or later? Firemane is already taken!

So this shield thing, will it protect the whole team and after one attack its gone? That wouldnt be worth sacrficing anything if he doesnt have twin summon entrance imo

thats my birthday ^^ haha now hoping to get some legendaries

hmmnn…that new monster can protect the whole team so assasinate is useless if it is activated?

Something I’ve noticed is that the event 5 stars and their corresponding epics coordinate very well with each other. Like, Steamhawk got Zerotiger since he can pick off the bronzeshell easily, Cryptblade got Octoboss, so that he can revive him and get 4 bombs in all, Gearcroc had Volcataurus to help him get survivor going, Shinobidragon had Tedbeast to help him dreamhunt, and now this new guy has Elmowrath with his sacrifice summon.

I never realized that…

Can we chalk this up to developer brilliance, or do they want to help the players find an efficient way to use the monsters?