New pvp monster

this is a pretty nasty monster to go up against

Stunstrike! Haven’t seen that in ages.

Venom fangs really doesn’t do enough.

Gallio’s skill is back

interesting design though getting chimera vibes

I had a hunch Stunstrike would come back, and it appears to be an improvement over the original version.

Nice to see this. The venom fangs is a slower but definite way to kill too I see!

As underwhelming as Venom Fangs is, it makes sense given that it’s an SE monster, and not a legend/mythic.

EDIT: Having re-read it’s moveset, I realized that Venom Fangs can’t get “cured” so to speak, giving it a slight edge over the move that the shadow mythic has.

venom fang is solid for a problematic mon, it’ll guarantee it dies

400 sec is too much

Venom fangs might be nicer to kill in 300s but overall I like the diversity in the moveset. Stun strike looks great and power slash looks like a very useful move for finishing off monsters or, depending on the damage, killing storm monsters.

I see simuronix body , aviaronix head and gairamyd’s color…much lazy devs ?? Or Is it a meme 3+1=4 ?

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I thinks its rather clever; a chimera-esque fusion of the first three PvP rewards.

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In that case, Would have been more cooler if it got gaira’s passive , 2 moves each from Avia and simu :sweat_smile::smile::smile:… a tribute season !
I’m shoore noone will use this monster unless they have no other viable options…

Remember when Gallilo had stunstrike lolololololololol

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I found the se from season 30. Looking good devs!

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