Hey guys, how you all doing?

Hope you guys remember me :slight_smile:

Quited the game a year and half ago, played about 3 years. Kinda miss this community, had alot of fun in this game with all of you.

How everybody doing? Hows the game? Ive quited about the time the 7 stars started to show up (mystic?), couldnt handle the powercreep. Is this got any better or same old same old? :sweat_smile:


Much worse :rofl:


Oh helo welcome back to neo forum. I’d like to inform u that the game’s balance is much worse, whales are stronger than ever, and most of the monsters you own are probably much worse now due to power creep.


Good to see you again. Read the BASTIA thread to get an idea. You can now buy wins easier than ever before.


Hey saitama, whats up :slight_smile:
Ifni remember correctly, the game always been p2w

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It’s been like that from the start but now some people spend up to a thousand dollars (usually a few hundred though) each time they release a new mythic.

Sounds excatly like before, peoplr spent 1000$ for a legendery back then haha

Where is everybody? Forum that dead? Lochi? Killerdog? Zard? Hassan? Monkey? Unown? Anybody still playing?

Yep thats from 3 years ago even before 7 star introduced :rofl:.

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Lochi, zard, hassan, and monkey are inactive I think. Unown also doesn’t play but sometimes he goes on the forum and killerdog is active.

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you and kocowind are different person right?
haha i remember koco, you, woodward complaining about new monster

Yea we are a different persons lol

Well everyone complained on this forum, i can guess its the same as now :rofl:

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Hi isegal

Nice to see you doing well, Im Cry is free AkA Mr.X now

Lochi left
Killerdog is still playing but not that active.
Zard left
Hassan left at the time of mythics.
Monkey raged and deleted his account.
Unown is still playing

I left the game also during feb couldnt stand how the game is being runned anymore.

The video showing monkey deleting everything


Crazy guy :joy::dizzy_face:

Just a question:
Especially after reading the carol bastia thread and how active you where there, I have to say I wonder that you also left the game.

So I just wonder why are sticking around if you left the game?

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I like to troll this fourms,

Not to mention i was only spitting truth.


As I said I was just wondering why someone spends time on a forum of a game who he is not playing anymore, but I guess it is your free time.

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Were on lock down bro what do you expect me to have my hands busy all day at home.


That’s true. At least here we are able to go outside and do stuff.

Ahmed right? If i remember correctly. Nice to hear from you! I remember you took a long break before, didnt think you would still be playing! Original LRs :wink:

Man seeing monkey raging like this is hard :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Monkey told me he sold his account. I’m confused.