Hey guys, how you all doing?

Monkey said that he tried selling it but ended up giving it to tnc gatsu who then sold it to someone else and bragged about it. Afterwards he raged and deleted all the monsters because he couldn’t get the devs to reset his restore code.

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and then he was mad after TNC clan and banned TNC people from line chat

He also kicked me from the line chat

We can say that he acted like a real “monkey” :joy: :joy: :joy:


Oh I see. Not what he told me, but meh.

Lesson learned here is don’t lend or give your account to others unless you are certain you never want to look at it ever again.

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Yeah, when I said I was leaving i made it clear with Fish that the acc is his from now on but I may comeback and we can share if he wants.It’s important to make everything clear so ppl don’t get completely mad because of some dumm things and also since the restore code can’t be changed.

That still doesn’t guarantee the other person will honour the arrangement. Once you give that restore code to somebody you are taking a risk.

No GF @Mr.X ?

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Do you remember the LR tournament @TNB_iSegal


My gosh.

Sup gary, still got trash on me and everybody orginised somewhere on your phone? :sweat_smile::roll_eyes:

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Someone has to keep the dream alive @TNB_iSegal

Can you believe n00bs without galvbanes are still asking for teambuilding help?!

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Rule 1# of Neomonsters - go get yourself a Galvbane.

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She has uni finals.

I’m honestly confused why you said this. What made you say I’m not that active?

I’ll admit the last couple of weeks I probably haven’t posted as much. I did a ~40 hour grind in my other game for rewards there. That sucked up a lot of my free time but I’ve still been reading every post and doing all the Neo game content.

He gave his account for free to someone from line . That guy sold the account for some handsome $ .

Monkey then got angry , deleted the account ! I wonder how that third person felt

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That was one fine fun to watch :joy::joy:

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Lol such dramas :sweat_smile:
Good to see you @Professor_Oak & @Killerdog!


Welcome back buddy

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