help with ultimate challenge

At one event we should compete for who has the lowest rank that could be fun lol

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well im at level 100 trying to get to 110 no luck i would like that omegamid at 120 :frowning:

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Show you team I can maybe help you. Do you use pufftoxin and rinobrawl they have payback revenge which does gigantic dmg to the ennemie who killed it and they also get death roulette which does gigantic dmg to a random person on the field (yes including your monsters but with luck you kill ennemy monsters) and they can pull a few kills.They are very easy to obtain throught the islands and require no gems to get. This is mine

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Never mind, I managed to beat it with keet’s help. Still kinda gross how hard that was.

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This whole UC is hard as hell. I’m only level 241 and I’m already rank 240ish, which I think says a lot about the difficulty. I’m facing these Scorpiogeist poison teams that are impossible to counter.

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Yeah, although I never really compete in UC I find it tough too. The PvP teams are hard

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Guys you killed us this UC using top PvP teams. .
Next time you decide to use PvP teams in UC please use my PvP team for all the Gatekeepers to make it easy. Or perhaps top 1500 rank PvP teams. Not this top 10 business…

I reached level 820 and out of tickets for now. GK 700 was the hardest. Followed by lemons team. I used around 14 tickets on level 700 probably 3 on Lemons team

Mine was earlier than that. Easy mate because its not AI friendly. 700 was yakuza’s I think. I wouldn’t have the mons to make it

have trouble to take screenshot on my ipad and get it on computer and somehow cant go on the forum from my ipad,
but here is my team written

heres my team chronotitan raizen (with stun blitz) icefang galvbane chromera (with 50s accelerate) thordragon deucalizon rosempress mecharex trickster virabbit electricheetah leoronix mechanubis gaiawolf blightwyrm

other decent mons i got are dinoraider, caniswyrm, sunlord, tezladragon, hydrastorm, viridizardon, snowgun, bitterbeast, alphagear, nefariodon, blizzheart, glacierback, devilborg

ill try and sort that with the screenshot sometime

I said your team was the second hardest. I know Yakuzas team is 700.

I gotta say that I like the idea of Top 9 PvP teams as Gatekeepers. It’s a real challenge and requires you to change your team and adapt to the enemy team. That’s the spirit of the very early UCs and I really appreciate it that the GKs are quite a challenge this time.

Only GK I Really struggled with was the 600 Unown GK. I’m currently at Level 1241 and looking forward to the 1500 GK. GK 700 can be a challenge too. I did it with a different method but KDs hint to run payback revenge in 5 to get rid of the Flarevern works very well aswell.

For the 1000 GK you should get rid of any stun in your team or you will be punished very badlx

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No it’s a terrible idea that just locks rewards for everyone that doesn’t have the specific mons that are the strongest in UC and those pvp mons are top tier in pvp and if you make them boosted they just become ridiculous to play against exemple the tyranausaurus legend use slash all and boom your whole 4 mons are gone.There is no setup to play it has to be quick atrahasis dies in secound and deathsentence also dies in secounds because of these boosted top tier mons that are immune to stun,sleep and let’s not even talk about poison who is completely useless except for maggot or atlantyrant users.


Above level 500 or 600 almost every monsters AoE attack is GG for your team. That’s how UC works. Best strategy for UC is not to rely on one strategy. My UC team combines three strategies for example. Of course you need certain key monsters to get far in IC. It has always been like that. But for example atra and Gdtail have been in the monster shop for months. They are both key players for Ultimate Challenge. I liked the GKs but I can understand if others found them too hard to beat. But the fact that an AoE attack of a super buffed monster wipes out your complete team does not prove the point of too difficult teams. That’s the core mechanic of the event. Monsters getting super buffed so even an Epic AoE is enough to kill four of your monsters

YES! Finally beet level 120!

UC has always required people to have specific monsters to beat it. Lots more people these days can compete in it properly, but some GKs require more awkward setups. Long ago UC was loved for its challenge as you have to build a team that counters each GK. I think it’s a shame people are being so down about the difficulty now.

Where I’ve seen people complaining about UC difficulty is when there is an early GK that is tough. People get stuck there and feel like they were robbed of the gems they should’ve got from the later gatekeepers. Lemon’s GK this time is the hard early one so I can see why it’s happening.

I don’t think there is any issue with UC difficulty. Sometimes there are particular gatekeepers which are trickier, sometimes not. The Devs should try to make the harder GKs come later in the event if they can… that’s all.

Yes I agree that making the hardest GK later is better like last UC where the GK were going from easy to harder

Yeah last UC was great for that, finishing with one of the most challenging UC battles I’ve ever seen. This time they gambled big time by making them be top PvP teams. I was actually considering putting in a bit more poison into my team to make it counter Dusicyon better… glad I didn’t otherwise my gatekeeper would be insane!

My mistake was waiting a little bit. These dumb Scorpo teams lost me a tickets lol. Not sure if I’ll get back to floor 600 like last time