Can someone help me out

Hey everyone, right now I’m trying to do the Island Challenge, Im at level 111 and I’m stuck trying to beat 116. I just want to get Coldhorn and be done with it because I’m getting aggravated with it. The people who have the same mons as me would attack the same ones I have and somehow do more dmg than mine 100% of the time and I literally cant put anyone to sleep its impossible. Am I doing something wrong?

Enemy monsters are buffed in the IC.  As you get higher, the buffs get stronger.  You need to come up with a strategy to beat the buffs (e.g. stun bomb followed by timestrikers, or sleep all / sleep bomb followed by dreamhunt, or bloodcraving - these still hit buffed enemies for critical damage).

On 140 + 0 stars dreamhunters dont kill 4 star tanks if they are not weak to the element, and it is quite pity 

Going further cuz of 4 star last stander

Use sleep bombers. That is all. If you have the right strategy when running a sleep team, you should definitely be able to get to 300. So keep going, 120 will come for sure to you within the day.

hmmmm thanks for the advice guys I’m going to try it right now :slight_smile: