Carole Bastia

If we nerfed the moveset and changed the stat distribution, we still would run into the problem of the passive shutting down a ton of strategies. Maybe we could limit the number of times it would activate like with lemon’s suggestion?

He started it :triumph::joy:


Wait what ! :lemon:


It’s too funny I know :joy: :rofl:


But bastia’s 2nd form can be adjusted to negate entrance passive with 50% chance to happen .

But Dusciyon is running around like a boss so that might not happen too

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I beg to differ here . If they nerf bastia just cos us free2play can’t afford it , it’s basically misleading those who can afford it .

Maybe they will exercise much more precaution with future mythics !

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From what I gathered pretty much everyone including those who have awakened it think it needs to be nerfed so I don’t think it’s too misleading. I’d be a bit disappointed if the people who awakened it didn’t think it was gonna be nerfed at some point.

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Actually KD is totally right. The trick in the book is that you dont own the account, neither do you own the monster. Its property of the company and they can do with it whatever they want. Also @Professor_Oak stop that lawsuit nonsnse. The banner thing was false advertising, completely different case, got nothing to do with nerfing or buffing a monster. Same goes for Paw Patrol. That was a copyright thing. You know that. You just want to see the world/this forum burn. Its funny sometimes but with this persistence it gets annoying.

Lol, definitely a big No. NTT is a Forbes Top 100 Company. If you think about sueing them, you better think twice. Their legal department is waiting for you. Anyway, as I said, Stop this whole lawsuit nonsense. Its extremely disrespectful. Devs are humans. We all make mistakes, but when it comes to the devs, they dont even get the benefit of the doubt. I think they should get a fair chance to re-balance bastia and if they do, everything is fine.

Whats also funny is that the phrase “All they care about is our money” appears every time something goes wrong in the game.

1.) Its a business company not the salvation army. With only f2p players you cant run a game like that.

2.) Saying that you clearly have never played a pure p2w game. I mean games where you basically hit the paywall hard and you cant gain any progress after a certain point without money

3.) Neo is actually very f2p friendly. You can get into the top10 of the game as an f2p player and if you grind hard you can make 200-250 gems every month. As an f2p player. Thats incredible

4.) Its Part of their job to encourage people to spend money. Its what - among other things - they get paid for. There have to be Spenders. These spenders are actually funding the possibility to play this game without spending a single dollar.

5.) Nobody forces you to play the game. If you are so unhappy with the game, youre free to walk away. Honestly if you dont like pizza and just continue to eat pizza every day, the pizza isnt the one to blame for you not having a good meal.

5.) All in all we can consider ourselves lucky to have devs like the ones we have. They listen to the community way more than other devs too and they keep a game up and running thats competing at the market since 2015.

Last but not least: I’m not saying there werent any mistakes. Surely they are. I’m unhappy with quite a few of the recent decissions. But this constant fairytale of the big money grab really annoys me.

Sherlock rant over.


Don’t you dare call my opinion nonsense . I will not entertain such tone ever !

Only nonsensical post here is you mods always taking the sides of the company .

It’s unethical to nerf something after they sell it . End of topic .

Unless they compensate those who spent for it . I’m cool with the nerf

Read the rest of if Prof. Don’t be that guy :wink:


I did read it all . It was way more triggering for every sentence especially this

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If any of u don’t like bastia , leave the game , walk away . Why undervalue a “human’s” money ?

I don’t mean to be an axx here but the way things are working here is too depressing and it’s like forcing always to appreciate the devs n the company. Anyways I’ll leave this thread lol .

Do whatever u people want


It’s normal…but I understand the Professor when it says:

You sold me a Lambo and now I get a BMW. You either give me back the difference or you give me back the Lambo or just my money because I didn’t pay for the BMW.


Nope, its not about “always” appreciating the company and the devs. Its about showing some respect for hard work. You can critisize as much as you want but you have to deal with someone having a different opinion. Has anybody stopped you from critizising? Its called freedom of speach not having a right to voice your opinion without any opposition.

I dont want to get into detail but technically it works like this: You want to rent a lambo. By doing so the company informs you that the car will always remain property of the company and that in some rare cases they have the right to give to you another car than the one you actually wanted. By using the services of the rental company you agree to their terms of service which is why you dont have any right for a refund. You know that this could happen, still you decide to pay for the lambo. Thats why the whole lawsuit talk is nonsense.


The game would be a very boring place if all the F2P players left. Can we all just agree that in general Bastia has is been a horrible addition to the game. I’ve listed most of the things it counters in the original post. The numbers don’t lie.

Please know that I totally understand why people who paid money for it would be upset, if it did get nerfed. With all this in mind I’ve already stated what I think should happen:

I really don’t think Bastia should be left alone, something should change. But players who awakened her should be compensated for sure.

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Guys I will tell you what I think as, maybe the bigger, whale in the game.

This game started very balanced for F2P and P2W, I know that because I can see old videos of how the game was, and any OP strategy got nerfed so far, so people were relying on their skills because regardless from the monsters owned you would always find a counter for it. But until here is totally fine.

Let’s come back to Bastia: she is a cheat code, way the best support in the whole game. And many F2P cannot stand a chance against her. Potentially this is fair, who spends real money need more benefits on having OP monsters like Bastia, but here it comes the painfull truth: all of this is wrong, F2P are been fed for years with a balanced game where they could reach top 10 with a good pool of monsters + skills, is absolutely normal that now those players who see all those years as “lost” will complain about game becoming P2W. The game should have been P2W from the beginning, F2P would fight hard for top 50 because being top 10 was going to be out of reach for them. That is my idea.
Changing suddenly to P2W will hit them too hard and make them leave. So for me was a mistake from the genesis of the game.
I can make you an example guys, @Killerdog for sure remembers that:
I proposed in line chat Gangrilla to have insomnia instead of Sleep immune like Don Rilla, KD answered me that this is P2W, but the matter of fact is that this is fair, F2P just can’t accept it because they have been fed differently by devs and marketing team.
In conclusion: I know is hard to accept for any F2P guys. But you should start playing for top 50 and then later if more whales will be in for top 100. If you don’t accept that you will leave.


I don’t, if it’s nerfed I should be compasiated full stop.

I spent 160 gems that’s a lot.

Bro on her second form is going to be nerfed surely, you will not get anything trust me.

That’s soo not fair why nerf the Second form only?