Carole Bastia

They’ll save the idea of a third passive for when they decide to release 8-star monsters.

I don’t care who the player is, unless you’re regularly playing the game and you’re regularly facing it, your opinion is invalid. Give up the game = give up your opinion.


Damn, now that was brutal. An agreeable opinion though.


Hey bro, take it easy. There’s no need to be aggressive.

This lemon just got sour from being sweet . :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Lmao what are you on about?! There was 0 aggression in that. Just matter of fact


I will talk about second form in PvP:

  • She die like a dusicyon 2 hit needed if 1 from a sweeper, 1 if poisoned. Nothing special here.

  • Survivor is not doubled at all, I couldn’t one shot fully evolved legendaries in Horde, so against monsters without buff. Against fire monsters it’s worse survivor couldn’t one shot a super epic like Komaguard.

  • Serene field is a weapon that block entrance for both the players, so when you use it you can’t put entrace passive monsters too, the only difference is that you know it.

I can’t speak of her third form coz I will never get as f2p, but I really hope she will be not nerfed of her intelligent original purpose healer + repulse.

And last, saying PvP is dead because people spent money on her is just ridiculous, people with 4 or 5 awokens mythics will always have an easier PvP.

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I will address your second and third point.

It’s not made to be a sweeper. It’s heavy support. With the stats being defence based, it’s not designed to kill loads of monsters. Especially in PvE where monsters are buffed.

“The only advantage is that you know it” that’s a pretty huge advantage don’t you think?! Apply that logic to OoO and then you’ll see it’s not a minor thing.

Sure the second form isn’t as good. As per my original post, just look at how much it shuts down all by itself. Is that not an insane amount to you?

Be real dude, mythics were suppose to be a cheat code in the game for those that pay large amounts f2p should not stand a chance this has nothing to do with me playing or not in fact f2p shouldnt even be in the top 10 anymore.

In reality all she did was lower the skill cap for those players and be real you would had lost 99% of the times when you face a mythic team that knows what he was doing also they cant introduce mythics that are not strong enough because the top dogs wouldnt pay that price the monster has to be on this power level to attract them.

You should get the fact to your head that the golden era of f2p and fair play does not exists in the game anymore.

In fact players with the top mythics should be able to get 100% winrate if they are not doing soo im sure they are doing something wrong and could improve there team.


Still standing by this tbh.

Stick to what ever you want but you cant hide from the truth.

This is the same of using AP Spam strategies and you find Twighouls in the front line or OoO and you find sleep killer monsters in the FL, you can’t always have a team that can defend against everything.
If you think you can find her in front line, don’t use entrace passive monster, the user of Bastia will do the same.

Yes but she blocks that for everyone, and this as per personal experience is not good because she is limiting the amount of monsters you can use. For exemple I have 3 stuns entrance legendaries, and I can’t use them anymore in predetermined positions.

Actually they did a pretty good job with balancing mythics so far. Thats why bastia stands out as this blatant p2w cheat code that she is


Agree @ItsSherlock I’ve always found the balance to be good from the Devs.

@taigart I’m not sure how long you have played the game for, but you’re right when you say one thing, don’t run anything which it can counter and that, my friend, is the problem.

It pretty much nullifies anything that can come in and make an impact.

As I’ve spelled out everything it counters in my original post, I find it hard to see how someone can disagree with the facts. We’ve never had a monster like this.


It’s only begun folks ! You thought they were gonna keep releasing mythics like xyz , yukihime , dark light girls ??

Hate to admit it , but Mr.x does have a point . Whales (except dont89 who pays for every monster) will spend only if they release mythics that decrease the skill level required for the user .

All we can do is push for a nerf to bastia in 2nd form ! Cos nerfing bastia now is actually inviting lawsuit for misleading business strategy if not fully compensated !


Also while we are at it , decreasing mythic cost was the most money-grab move ever !

Increase the cost back to its original

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Yo! we can sue them for nerfs?

You have revenge passive and everything else that works on her, that is not entrance, stun flash, poison, sleep everthing!

Your are complaining only for startegies that involve passive entrance.

So then I want to complain to canis startegy…what’s the diference between mine and yours?

Is ther a counter to canis? Ofc, is there to her? yes ofc too because everything works on else except ion for passive entrance.

It seems like when you have her you 100% win and that’s absolutely false, I can assure u with my 30% PvP win rate.

Edit: still talking about second form, Ofc third one has stats and moves that makes her more difficult to take down

Shots fired @Josuinho since you are a whale who selectively spends.

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If we were talking in the USA or Australia yes you can sue them for fake advertisements and you shall be granted a remedy.

It can be a minor or major and this law is nearly applicable in the majority of the world. I think its called consumer rights protection.

Many video game companies that are located in the USA that have similar system to Neo actually give you the option to return the product after change within a specific time period and grant an ingame item that can be used in the future to purchase something else that has the same valu or lower product and keep the change.

Im not sure about consumer rights in japan but since japan is a advance country im pretty sure they would have something similar to USA or Australia in terms of consumers rights.

I show a small screen of Australia laws