Buff Idea

Bovo ( 99 speed )


DMM tu 50  ( 100 tu time restriction before use, he is weak to toxic killer an wont kill anything while setting his own teammates in danger so I think 50 tu is perfect. )

Double retribution tu 160 ( SO he can avenge if his teammates die to poison as slayerbane wont allow that ) 

Stealth all 100tu ( so he does stealth all and immediately after he gets his turn again he can do DMM )

bloothirst 130 tu ( so he is viable in PVE or UC )


poison revenge

HG? so he cant get one shot or DR, this is an option not a must


swift or instant  Dual slayerbane or ultrablaze ( IDK, so he can charge his bloodthirst )

Prisma ( Speed should be 80 or 70… )



Dual Slayerbane 160tu (damage increase pls. )

Stund Double ( so his clones can also do work, if he ever gets that far )

Life Flip friend ( idk about this, but could heal clones )


HG ( helps lifeflip friend bit )


Swift or instant Blood clone next ( common this is perfect, can’t argue with it, would fit his dual slayerbane so nicely and his speed wouldn’t be to high as its halved) 



Blood fury

Protector killer

stun grenade 





Dual summon minions ( summons two stun bursts monsters the same as 4 star monsters do, so he can choose to use them as rockoids for ammo, or as a last resort stun bomb, as a late game ) 


Should get HG or DR, as they lack a bit defense

Rexo Kami, sudden death can’t hit them, and both should get a decrease in tu for Bloodfury as in 70 tu cost… (glass cannon )

You know I’m all for giving things death revenge. I got you wolfi.

Z19 GarciaRobles

Am aganist dolp buff.

Bovo remove salyerbane for another offensive skill.

I woudnt touch tk or prisma now

Why not tk or prisma, prisma is still ■■■■ I’ve tried him several times

The legend tks need an increase to their protector killer and sleep killer. Why use a tk if it can’t even one shot what they’re supposed to be the hard counter towards?

What do u guys think of the bovo and prisma buff, i feel like blood clone next is amazing for prisma

Bloodclone actually really fit his style, can make him very interesting

Thanks, I thought so too, because he relies on the enemy making a kill so what better way then having him duplicate himself… so his duplicate comes in after he was killed… and stunt double can be used so the attack is blocked while the clone then uses dual slayerbane

@VKC tell me what u think?

Your stealth all idea will go out the window as soon as he gets a + by accident, just like doom engine.

Just stick with 130 and it’s good.

I think one of the best things for Bolv is a secret skill that’s basically an instant aoe. It has two uses- 1, to clean out enemies after DMM goes off, and 2, to clear out stealth so DMM won’t fail. Bolv should definitely go back to Bloodthirst though so that his kills can count.

And clone definitely sounds like a vivid possibility for Prisma. Could just drop insane amounts of rockoids on the field and create a nuisance. Instant seems steep though, should probably go with 30 TU. However, doesn’t mean a thing of Prisma’s damage and vulnerability problems aren’t both taken care of.

From what I’ve seen the devs have a very bad habit of ignoring the real problems and end up not actually doing much, or even making it worse. They seriously need to figure out the exact REASON why the monster is bad, instead of just bumping a little thing up or dropping a random and somewhat unhelpful secret skill.

Vlc you here? I wanna know your opinion on this…

Not gonna lie, you can’t just give everything hg to make it better. It’ll just end up with everything having it in the end.
Tbh if it were up to me if give bov cannibalise, a way to both heal his teammates and also trigger a poison revenge etc to take advantage of DMM

rip zib entrances bovo will be so much faster

Well if we’re going that direction, cannib needs a delay on it. Otherwise Zib would be a toddler in comparison.

That I can agree with, 100s delay should make it work.
Although having said that would be interesting to see the effect since if you use it for an entrance you lose the DMM combo, whereas zib is still ready to sweep.
I mean it would probably still be broken but i think it would be interesting to find out

the issue I see, is the meta would just shift to retribution and entry rather than mainly entry only, 81 speed double retribution is scary

Nah meta will still be

Stag+mecha+ fastest cannblise into
Either motor or bane
Then geo

So afterone hindred seconds he chooses dmm or canibalize… yeah NO, that is to much tu to work, would make him pretty bad again

Bovo ( 99 speed )


DMM tu 50  ( 100 tu time restriction before use, he is weak to toxic killer an wont kill anything while setting his own teammates in danger so I think 50 tu is perfect. )

Double retribution tu 160 ( SO he can avenge if his teammates die to poison as slayerbane wont allow that ) 

Stealth all 100tu ( so he does stealth all and immediately after he gets his turn again he can do DMM )

bloothirst 130 tu ( so he is viable in PVE or UC )


poison revenge

HG? so he cant get one shot or DR, this is an option not a must


swift or instant  Dual slayerbane or ultrablaze ( IDK, so he can charge his bloodthirst )

Prisma ( Speed should be 80 or 70… )



Dual Slayerbane 160tu (damage increase pls. )

Stund Double ( so his clones can also do work, if he ever gets that far )

Life Flip friend ( idk about this, but could heal clones )


HG ( helps lifeflip friend bit )


Swift or instant Blood clone next ( common this is perfect, can’t argue with it, would fit his dual slayerbane so nicely and his speed wouldn’t be to high as its halved) 



Blood fury

Protector killer

stun grenade 





Dual summon minions ( summons two stun bursts monsters the same as 4 star monsters do, so he can choose to use them as rockoids for ammo, or as a last resort stun bomb, as a late game ) 


Should get HG or DR, as they lack a bit defense

Rexo Kami, sudden death can’t hit them, and both should get a decrease in tu for Bloodfury as in 70 tu cost… (glass cannon )

Thank you for sharing the ideas Wolfhunt3r.

I agree that most of the monsters you pointed out here are kind of underwhelming, and we will consider tweaking them again.

We will definitely try some suggested moves you presented here, see how we feel.

I personal like DMM to 50TU but not sure about Double Retribution. It is just too powerful and we already have Zib and Hellfox. Instead we will try to make Slayerbane deal more damage, hopefully it could make Prisma better too.

I am not sure about twin killers, they are probably fine with the secret skills we added in this update.

Dolph seems good. We will test it for sure.

Ok thank you for replying, honestly yeah your right Bovo might become too powerful if one has hellfox and zib as well… But what do think of the bloodclone for prisma, as right now he still is pretty bad. His ally substitute really only helps set up motor (which we don’t want), but not so much himself, as he simply ist really threatening with no passive…as unlike retribution, slayerbane is set up by the enemy, yet retribution with so many cannibalize and backstab monsters is easily set up and can be planned for. 

I guess dolph is fine I dont know, I was just asking people and the TK’s well I’ve only tried shadow… where his ss is not working, so we’ll have to see next update.