BUFF ALL MY MONSTERS PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! (Massive buff thread only for people with time to spare reading A LOT)

Well we all know deep inside we just want our monsters buffed intead of nerfed so i thought what a hell I’m going to ask for buff for all my monsters and see what happens let’s throw Hypocrisy and second intentions down the drain. Jokes aside this are some monsters i own that i really would like to see buffed and as i wrote in the following paragraphs i explain the reasons why. I hope you all like it and any feedback is welcome either good or bad.

  • Sarcrophinx
    I know it got buffed recently with the Dual Hellfire Mortar Buff it was really nice but it stills one of the worst mortar monsters despite being a limited one i think the kind of buff it needs is:
    1- Remove the load mortar needed limitation form it’s skill Load Mortar All i know it would be very powerful but we already have an SE with dual load Mortar and i don’t understand why a legendary have such a ridiculous limitation
    2- Give it a second passive all Limited Mortar legendaries have 2 why this one don’t my suggestion is Posion Immunity that joined with HG and it’s auto shielding power will make it a lot harder to kill helping it survive longer amd this is a monster that need 130 TU to do something so i think it needs a bigger survival power

  • Lionheart
    Well i will repeat myself with this one because is just one of the worst legendaries in this game and a limited one too i have a lot of suggestions for it
    1- Change Confident Strike for Overconfident Strike this will allow it to do more damage even when poisoned due to the piercing
    2- Change it’s cost to 14 (the 16 cost in this monster for such a poor SS is not justify by any means is just ridiculous) or make its SS Purifying Shield 15 cost
    3- Make Natural Selection 130 TU (i think most of us agree 160 it’s too much and this will act as a buff to Sepheris too)
    4- Make From the Brink 50 TU (that will greatly improve it’s power to keep itself in high health)
    I really don’t think this changes will make it nowhere near OP but it will improve it a lot

  • Jingledragon
    This is another legendary asked for buffs a lot and stills doesn’t get it (instant moves buff was a little buff to it but not enough) this monster is very slow and it’s a very potential death weight in your team after it uses second wind which doesn’t even guarantees 2 kills with it’s double Confident Strike my suggestions are
    1- Make it’s Stats Standard Attack (this will help it’s double counter strike to do more damage)
    2- Change it’s AoE for something useful for gods sake (i really don’t know why are still legendaries with such an useless move) he needs it to not become a death weight after it uses 2nd wind for ex: 1 Throw (this monster already summons 2 rockoids upon entrance)
    2 Bloodcrave (it will become a reliable sweeper after getting 1 kill out of it’s Double Confident Strike) is this is the change made i think it will need no other one 3 Purify this way it will support himself and the rest of the team
    3- make Fast Devour a 30 TU move!!! Makes no sense in such a slow monster a healing move with that high TU (i mean high TU for it’s function) this monster needs to keep himself in high health a 70 TU healing move doesn’t help much

  • Capybaradragon
    Well this is a great monster on paper even is graded S tier for PvP but unlike it’s friends in the same category he barely seems use in PvP with a lot of S- and A tier mons being much more used. Imo thiz is due to several reasons 1st it’s dual Slayerbane does really bad damage due to it’s Rounded Stats 2nd the move Swallow has a tooooooo High TU amd even more compared to Tardie Cannon which does Almost the same with 150 TU less… So my suggestions are
    1- Make it Standard Attack for the reasons I’ve explained
    2- Make Swallow an 100 TU move (it kills the target whatever buff it has amd completely heals the user that’s why is better than tardie cannon amd that’s why having the double TU would be fair but 4 times is just nuts

  • Torazou
    I have talk about this fellow a lot so i will not explain again the reasons of the changes and i will just name them
    1- Make In Zone usable as any other blood move with really REALLY low damage until it gets 3 kills when it will deal 1500 damage and with 4 2500 and the full potential unlocked at 5
    2- change AoE to something else another move that make for it possible to have more target’s aviable maybe something like 1 Kinslayer (100 TU) 2 Counter Strike (100 TU) 3 True Hit (this will limit the number of strategies it can be used with limiting it’s sweep potential if is used along with Protectors so we prevent it to become another AP Spam Sweeper therefore this is my favourite move for him)
    3- Make Slayerbreak 100 TU
    4- Change Defensive Mode for HG

  • Timberlord
    This monster struggles to find it’s place because despite it’s huge rock generation power often find itself forced to use it’s 250 TU Attack something that in PvP is just unforgivable for a monster so my suggestions are
    1- change attack for Stealthbane (i choosed this skill because makes a lot of sense with the monster design when it runs out of rocks and need a parter to die in order to generate more or the enemy team is on stealth this will give it a chance to do something and we already have a lot of monsters with multiple target skills and Stealthbane or Stealthbreak to support it like Suikenshi Jaguardian Prismegasus Delugazar of course i don’t think this change will put Timber in the same level of the ones i mentioned but i will make it a much better monster)
    2- Change Fast Devour for Sacrifice Healing (what’s the point of fast devour in a monster without HG really?)

  • Jawshank
    Well this i maybe the worst of the roaring entrance family it is just used to remove deadweight with it’s canibalize or to trigger Some retribution FLs pretty expensive use for a 13 cost monster my suggestions are
    1 Change Attack for something else like Kinslayer or True Hit (roaring entrance + true hit would be a VERY powerful combination but it’s nothin crazy imo)
    2 Change Bloodthirst for Bloodcrave this monster struggles so hard to get the needed 2 kills to start sweeping and most of the time is unable to charge it with bloodcrave will be much easier

  • Solariel
    I only want to suggest 2 things for this one
    1 Make Last Sacrifice piercing for gods sake!!!
    2 increase it’s speed to 40 something it’s tooooo slow to be a viable option

  • Polareon
    Give it FINISHING SNAP this monster struggles too much to get a kill and most of the time becomes death weight because of it with finishing snap will be able to kill the monsters it takes to 1 HP more reliably

PS: I don’t mean that the changes i suggest should all apply to the monster I’m giving several changes ideas and the reasons why most of them with 1 or 2 of those changes will be enough to make em a lot more playable


Dude you must be crazy. I only have Solariel and Capybaragon! Why would you buff monsters I don’t have?

Jokes aside:

• I agree with the Poison Immunity to Sarcrosphinx, but please no Load All restriction removed. This dude has Cannon Acceleration, I don’t want this to happen.

• Agreed with the SS and From The Brink point, every other change you suggested should (if it gets hypothetically implemented) only affect its 7★ form.

• Jingledragon has Second Wind + Double Confident Strike. That’s basically all he needs.

• Capybaragon is amazing both as a PvP and PvE monster. 82% speed Knockback Random is insane. His stats are perfect for him to survive until Swallow but I agree that Swallow should be 100 or 130 TU.

• Torazou needs Defensive Mode reworked, which is gonna happen in the next update. 100 TU is too fast for a guaranteed killing move, regular Slayerbane is 70 TU but struggles to get kills. 130 TU looks fine.

• I agree Timberlord definitely doesn’t need Quick Devour. Stealthbane instead of Quick Devour would be good I think.

• Agree with the Bloodcrave on Jawshank. There is also Atrahasis is a Cannibalize monster with Bloodcrave.

• I also think Ultimate Sacrifice should deal piercing damage. Targeting one enemy, sacrificing yourself just to be stopped by HG/shields must be wack.

• Polareon should have Step Back (like Nefariodon) instead of Bloodcrave. That would increase its mobility and Sleep-locking capabilities.


Stealthbreak throw instead of quick devour. Can also not be directed

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@gatn uses Capy very well, I wouldn’t buff him :joy:


I agree with that.

Yes, please

While I see what you mean with Sacrosphinx, it’s meant as a support and combo monster. That being said, it’s best used in combo with Botanic. Sarco is faster than most Mortar mons so it used the low TU Cannon Acceleration SS followed by Botanic Double Load Mortar and right there you are all set for ridiculous combos.

If they took the Mortar needed restriction from Load All I feel they would place a TU restriction on it and I think that would kill him completely. Yeah he could use a buff, but even now he has his niche, just requires specific pieces

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Give Rattlewyrm Stealthy entrance instead of poison revenge @Dev_VKC that would make him usable


That’s a pretty cool idea!!!

You pretty much agree with everything :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Ok i take it if they give it poison immunity it doesn’t need the load all mortar restriction removed

That’s a fair change imo

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The only monsters I’d leave untouched are Jingledragon and Capybaragon. The other changes you suggested are pretty fair, even if some need to be limited

Capy’s Swallow TU needs to be reduced man and as an owner i can tell Jingle is very bad to make it work it would need a massive lot of support and it simply doesn’t pay off

Speaking about Jingledragon you’re probably right, as I don’t own him and you know better than me.

But with Capybaragon (which I run every single match) I can say he’s a beast.

82% speed Knockback Random is enough to knockback the vast majority of Stun Absorbers/Counters, he can stop fast killer monsters in their tracks (Dual Slayerbane) and act as a decoy without any killer weakness.

Swallow is indeed slow, but I don’t think that’s a very big issue: if Swallow was faster, he’d probably have a even more considerable control over the field and that’d be OP.

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160 TU RKB and an hypothetical 100 or 130 TU swallow won’t be too much control over the field and you have to take in count is weak to sleep and stun such a High TU for swallow would be only justified if it were Stun immune

I would say, in an ideal scenario, each monster in your team can take out 2 of your opponents monsters before it dies. Obviously quite a few can do more than that, but I kind of use that as a rating system for monsters. If it can kill two before it dies, it’s pretty good.

So for Jingledragon having Second Wind and Dual Confident Strike and having owned it myself previously, I would say he is a pretty good monster as is, but only because of Second Wind and not abysmal speed.

Well if I can could let it kill two of my monsters and then ignore it for the rest of the game that seems like a win.

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Finally someone who gets top PvP dynamics!!!

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I agree with at least two of the buffs on each monster besides capybaragon which should have a lower tu on swallow at the most. Jingledragon is one of those monsters where I’d do my best to keep it at medium hp but it’s fine if it kills a few of my monsters as long as it gets stunned to 250+ tu towards the end.

Only Jawshank and Solariel what I have got :joy:
P.S I want The Rockdoid’s NET to get buff

I think switching HG for another passive for Jawshank would be a good idea. I quite like jawshank moveset but always felt that HG wasn’t very synergistic with everything else.

Something like insomnia might be cool with all the lemon nonsense happening, idk how anything could sleep while sitting on a running motorcycle

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