Why we need less nerf threads

Uhm? Duck let me ask you something.

If me, and other 15 spenders which they know how to play will grind every ticket possible, how many F2P will be in top 10?

This is your balance.

Pityagon is a prime example of a weaker legend this year. As

Yeah is not that great, btw the prime problem of the community is that they often don’t want to face the reality

I don’t think that you quite understand what you are talking about here. Creating a game where the only way to be even slightly competitive is to be P2W will lead to them losing a large majority of their player base growth. Less people will stick around long enough to spend money, small spenders will likely leave, and they will gain a temporary income boost at the cost of dooming Neo.

While it is easy to think that more P2W=more money, that only applies up to a certain threshold. After that, a game can no longer reasonably grow as the player base realizes how pointless being f2p is. Look at Battlefront 2, for instance.


The ‘reality’ that the game will become borderline unplayable for literally 95% of players within the next 2-3 years? Yeah, I’d say it’s pretty reasonable to fight against that


Or more likely they will gain new spenders willing to compete for higher positions.

The fact is this, when I say that legendaries will not make a difference I am not saying they will become rockoids, a classic example is Jaguardian an S/S+ legend which atm is perfectly balanced.

An example of legendary that is OP is Tricranium for example, you build rocks FOR him so he is still a “center project” monster.

@DonT89 Legendaries are the life blood of this game and the Devs care most about balance and strategy rather than shifting focus to what makes the most money. While the 10% spenders may pay for the game to exist, it also needs the 90% to have a good time so the game stays popular and able to run.

With regards to the original point of this thread…
I completely get how people need reminding that if they’re asking for the best legendaries to be nerfed they’re creating a bigger divide between legendaries and mythics. However, I don’t really support the attitude of “bringing down mythics, buffing legendaries”. Ultimately, if the Devs want a certain amount of division then they’re going to keep that and us asking for nerfs/buffs tactically to change this probably won’t make any difference.

I think it’s best if people are left to express whatever opinions they wish. If lots of people are wanting a specific legendary nerfed then so be it. If legendaries are not doing enough to face mythics then the Devs will probably just make more powerful legendaries or buff underused ones to give us more tools.

Ultimately it falls on the Devs to orchestrate the balance in this game and they will (as they have always been) overrule community opinion to do what they believe is best. The best we can do is give them our feedback and offer suggestions for how to fix problems we identify.


You really believe this is the right direction?
If Legendaries cannot keep up with mythics, that means you need to get mythics to fight mythics.

I am really concerned about those kind of ideas, give people false hope.

Everyone is entitled to have their own opinions and this is fair, but guys I wanna give you an advice: start accepting the evolution.
Until you will think that legendaries are “life and blood of this game” you are simply rejecting the fact that they are not anymore the main source of power.

Accept the evolution. Who thinks in the past, stays in the past.

Yes we can see that in the design of monsters definitely. (Sorry that was a low blow :grin:)

Can you still don’t understand.Mytjs basically means we need money for them which means it just straight up not for f2p.So when what you said happens this game will be no different than a desserted place

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What I’m saying is based on looking at all the new monsters entering the game. It’s true that we are getting more mythics added than legendaries. However, I believe this is just for revenue and because we’ve already got 200 legendaries in the game (plenty for people to collect as they go around in rotation).

I don’t want to go into great depth here but it’s noticeable looking at all the recent legendaries that there is an effort to make them deal enough damage to mythics in most cases. While some older legendaries are getting outdated by the way mythics tank, I don’t think this will be a significant issue going into the future. Being able to tank more is one of the main benefits mythics have over legendaries.

So that’s one reason I highly doubt legendaries will become like SEs. Another big one is that mythics are simply not affordable for the majority of the playerbase. They’re roughly 16x harder to get than legendaries, which makes it unrealistic for there to be such a drastic change to make mythics be the new standard thing we all play with. We’d need some significant changes to the game before they can become attainable and the new norm for the game.

I’m glad that you like mythics so much @DonT89 . However, I don’t believe you’re “investing in the future of the game”. I think you’re just investing in a premium product that gives you a small but significant advantage over the rest of the players.

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That’s absolutely a good point, and there is already many premium players that can ideally outplay regular players, so keeping legendaries as main source make little if no sense.
Making mythics more available is a better answer.

I like the spirit of this thread . But it’s clear they are not listening to any of us with respect to mythics . There is no stopping them …very sad unfortunately


I agree. This would give the game more longevity and keep the low/non-spenders interested.

Still it doesn’t mean legendaries shouldn’t stay relevant and able to give Mythics “a run for their money”.

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I’d like to point out that no one said bring down mythics. Just not to nerf legends so much. Maybe even the odd buff. Don’t see how leaving the legends as they are would be such an issue :sweat_smile:

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Some legends become too rilevant in certain metas like was Scorpiogeist in poison teams, like is Padrinorca or the early mentioned Tricranium.

So nerfing legendaries is required for the sake of the game balance.

When I said that legendaries should not be the central project of the game, I didn’t mean like making them SE.

PS: Certain mythics need nerf too because they are too dominating.

Forgive me for being confused with what your point is :sweat_smile:

I disagree with this. Mythics are released with a significant advantage of legendaries, through stats and move sets/ passives. They don’t need to nerf Legends as well and we as a community shouldn’t encourage it, as per the original thread’s point.

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Let’s not be hypocrites here.

You know what could have been a good Legendary counter for some fire mythics? Original Canishogun with Double Counter Strike. But guess who started a nerf thread that blew up and led to a big nerf? :wink:

It’s silly to say that there shouldn’t be any nerf threads. Some monsters are just blatantly overpowered on release or are enabled by something that’s released later. Good examples are Canishogun and Scorpiogeist.

I second this. If you are unhappy about any monster, be it a mythic, legendary or super epic bring it up on the forum and let’s discuss, analyze and collect all different opinions. It’s always helpful to see other people’s views.

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That’s not fair. That was 2 years ago and this is now. Most of this stuff didn’t exist back then and I would advocate some nerf threads back then. You can’t compare statements from 2 years ago.

Also there are exceptions to this. Padrinorca needed a nerf and I’ll stand by that. I don’t think all nerfs should stop, I’m just saying that we should air on the side of caution and do far less when it comes to legend nerfs.

But people are listing like 10 legends they want nerfed. Too much.