Why ALL "H.ACKERS" are Beta Testers...

Well let me just start off by saying that not ALL beta testers are h.ackers, but ALL h.ackers are beta testers… Let me explain. I have done my fair share of game “h.acking” on my jailbroken iphone back in the day and was a major user of iAPP where you get FREE in game purchases… Now when i upgraded to iOS7 my jailbreak disappeared and with it the h.acking app. So i came across Hunter Island and began playing it, and knew that this game could probably be h.acked with iAPP but since i upgrading iOS, i couldnt do that so i played it honestly and fairly and found out about egg timing and thats how i achieved my GOLD FORTUNE!!! 

Now back to business, everywhere on this forum we have forum mods crying that everyone with UNRELEASED ARKS are “Beta testers,” or “H.ACKERS!!!” and they will be “dealt with” Now again i know all the hacking tips and trick and know for CERTAIN that it is IMPOSSIBLE to hack this game to give you UNRELEASED MONSTERS… IAPP only gives you free “IN APP PURCHASES” so that golden eggs and gold and stuff like that, it CANNOT give you unreleased monsters. Now there are other h.acking techniques about, but they ALL revolve around getting GOLD!!! And you cannot get unreleased monsters WITH GOLD… ITS IMPOSSIBLE!!! 

Now this brings me to the oh so innocent beta testers… I get that many beta testers are good people doing there job and such, but they are the ONLY people that are able to get unreleased arks! They use them in game, then disconnect before, so the other player gets the win… But that almost NEVER happens, they are always going for the K.O and then get all defensive when you bring it up, placing the blame on the “h.ackers” But again, “H.ACKERS” can only get free gold, NOT unreleased monsters so this begs the question, If the ONLY people that have access to unreleased monsters are beta testers and unreleased monsters are out and about in PVP, destroying 20 win streaks by going for the kill, then the REAL h.ackers are some beta testers abusing power… 

I dont get why Beta Testers cannot test the new monsters in private matches and such, and why they MUST go in public matches. I feel that its to show off and abuse there power… Just some food for thought…  :ph34r:

They actually aren’t allowed to use the unreleased arks in public. Be it a beta tester or not, anyone using an unreleased ark in public pvp is breaking the rules.

But thats what hes pointing out, since there are unreleased arks in public pvp, then they have to beta testers 

This is nothing that hasn’t already been obvious.

We never said people with unreleased monsters are hackers, we said they are beta testers. Beta testers are not allowed to use them in public PvP. It’s not like the developers are supporting this. And almost every single one of us abides by that rule.

You get some people who don’t follow the rules. That’s not our faults, that’s not the developers’ faults. One beta tester is breaking the rules - that’s no reason to attack the rest of us who do follow the rules. Please quit generalizing.

Also, this confuses me:

“Well let me just start off by saying that not ALL beta testers are h.ackers, but ALL h.ackers are beta testers…”

How are all people who h a c k beta testers? That doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. 

I understand that, but this is a known issue and it is not allowed. The ones you see in public are breaking the rules. They aren’t testing, they are cheating by not following the rules set by the game and abusing their beta monsters. They will be dealt with. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to stand up for these people breaking the rules. If I understand correctly they have identified at least one such person already and I am sure actions will be taken against him. Rightly so too. 

I fail to get how beta testers are h.ackers.  We didn’t exploit the game to get the monsters we have.  We aren’t suppose to use those monsters in public matches and we can only use them in private matches if our opponent gives us permission too.  The beta testers that are breaking this rule will be banned on the next update

As for “I get that many beta testers are good people doing there job and such, but they are the ONLY people that are able to get unreleased arks!” That isn’t true.  As any hacker could get access to all the monsters in Hunter Island.

All h.ackers are beta testers because they are the only ones with unreleased monsters, using them in public pvp, and beating ppl. Any random player that sees an Unreleased Ark, automatically thinks that they are playing a “h.acker” because they are using said unreleased ark… Now a random player cannot tell a “h.acker” from an egg timer because as i pointed out, you can only get more gold using jailbreaks and such so they will only have egg exclusive arks, NOT unreleased arks… So by the definition of “H.acker” in this forum which is “using unreleased arks” in public pvp… beta testers that are abusing power  are H.ackers 

Actually you misquoted me and are wrong… I didnt say beta testers are h.ackers, i said h.ackers are beta testers TWO different things… and its IMPOSSIBLe to get acess to unreleased monsters in Hunter Island using software off a jailbreak 

He said h.ackers are beta testers, not beta testers are h.ackers. Its like saying that monkeys are mammals, but not all mammals are monkeys, you have horses and tigers and etc

All h.ackers are beta testers because they are the only ones with unreleased monsters, using them in public pvp, and beating ppl. Any random player that sees an Unreleased Ark, automatically thinks that they are playing a “h.acker” because they are using said unreleased ark… Now a random player cannot tell a “h.acker” from an egg timer because as i pointed out, you can only get more gold using jailbreaks and such so they will only have egg exclusive arks, NOT unreleased arks… So by the definition of “H.acker” in this forum which is “using unreleased arks” in public pvp… beta testers that are abusing power  are H.ackers

Having unreleased monsters does NOT imply hacker under any definition. Just because someone thinks we (all hackers will be banned from PvP in the next update. Sincerely, Admin) doesn’t mean we do.

Not sure where you got the idea that “using unreleased arks” = hacker. 

Actually you misquoted me and are wrong… I didnt say beta testers are h.ackers, i said h.ackers are beta testers TWO different things… and its IMPOSSIBLe to get acess to unreleased monsters in Hunter Island using software off a jailbreak

No… beta testers are people who work with the developers to test the game before it gets released. Hackers did not do that. So I don’t understand your logic at all…

No it is possible as the monster are actually in the game you downloaded but locked off to you until you earn them.  You don’t download the monster each time a new mission comes out…

Actually having unreleased monsters, using them in pvp, and beating ppl with your unrelased team is considered “h.acking”  

Though I don’t think any hackers will figure out how to get the unreleased monsters, given how encrypted the game is. Sure it is POSSIBLE, though. 

Still don’t understand the hackers are beta testers line, as that is simply untrue in general. Most, if not all, of the people hacking the game definitely did not beta test.

"** Actually having unreleased monsters, using them in pvp, and beating ppl with your unrelased team is considered “hacking” **

Nope. We were given the monsters by the developers. Is being given something by the developers considered hacking?

Well, we bought them for diamonds (just 1 diamond though) in PvP. But the amount doesn’t matter. That means anything you get from PvP you get from hacking, right? That coldheart people got at the beginning… they must be hackers as well. In fact, any monsters in the game must have been obtained via hacking…

“We didn’t exploit the game to get the monsters we have.”  Don’t know how that is considered hacking.  While there are beta testers that are using those monsters against the rules that have been laid out for us, they did not go into the game files and alter them.

Then explain how on facebook, we have pictures of arks that need “naming” and have not been created yet?

And i know lol, i checked… the files are UBER encrypted so it is EXTREMELY unlikely that someone would be able to decipher such files…

Your version of h.ackers is a bit different than my version… I define a h.acker as someone using an unreleased ark in pvp and winning… and due to the encryption, beta testers are the only ones with that access… but not  ALL beta testers are bad, thats not what i said

I will provide the definition of hacking, because I think it isn’t clear.

“use a computer to gain unauthorized access to data in a system”

“gain unauthorized access to (data in a computer)” 

Our means by which we have those unreleased monsters was not through gaining unauthorized access. Furthermore, you defeated your own logic. You said not all beta testers are hackers, but all hackers are beta testers. Well, all beta testers received the unreleased monsters and therefore that would make all beta testers hackers, according to your logic. Saying all hackers are beta testers still makes no sense.

The end point is, though, that neither point is correct - not even remotely close.

“Then explain how on facebook, we have pictures of arks that need “naming” and have not been created yet?”

Those pictures are not in group we have received. Some will come from future updates, but many are in the game right now to be used with future missions. Different set.

again… the game files are VERY encrypted, so h.ackers would have an almost impossible time getting unreleased arks which beta testers have easy access to

Beta tester’s don’t have access to those monsters.

Also any encryption could be bypassed.  There is not such thing as the perfect encryption.

I know the definition of h.acker lol, But when someone calls someone a hacker IN THIS FORUM they are refering to someone with an unreleased ark team in public pvp, not a textbook definition

I highly doubt someone would spend that much time trying to decipher such a complex encryption

“Your version of h.ackers is a bit different than my version… I define a h.acker as someone using an unreleased ark in pvp and winning… and due to the encryption, beta testers are the only ones with that access… but ALL beta testers are bad, thats not what i said”

See, in the English language, we have standard definitions for words. This is because if each human being creates his or her own definition for a word, then no one understands each other. And then we won’t be able to communicate. The standard definition of hacking is gaining unauthorized access to data, not using unreleased monsters and winning.

So we’re going to use the standard definition for hacking, to keep our language in tact and so that we all can communicate effectively. Okay? 

I suggest you come up with a new term for using unreleased monsters in battles and winning… one I’d recommend is: breaking the rules. But breaking the rules does not imply hacking at all. 

Look at my previous post Ashley… Ive read COUNTLESS forum posts that call using an unreleased arkadion in pvp as “h.acking” so i will go by that definition which is used by ALMOST everyone in this forum, not by beta testers trying to save face